
  • How could I marry such a monster?
    Thank you for the opportunity to confess online using this wonderful site. You can’t tell this to your relatives, but it’s hard on your soul...Myhusband is a bad person. A hypocrite, an egoist, and a liar to the core!He does not know what conscience is, for him there is no such thing as “family”, “h...
  • My ruined life
    I hate minelife , your environment, your parents. Nobody has ever loved me, since I was born.I am 29 years old, I live in a small village (10 thousand inhabitants). Mother gave birth to me becausemy father wanted it, but since I didn’t see my mother’s love, I was closed and unsociable, my father was...
  • My little sad relationship story
    Since childhood, I have been modest and unconfident: I was afraid to dial a stranger on the phone, and in appearance I was like everyone else + -, I was a little plump. There were few friends at school, there was no talk about girls, I was afraid to even say something to them. And if they showed any...
  • Второй брак еще хуже первого
    Моя жизнь — это комок из неправильных и скоропостижных решений, в результате которых я теряю себя и не понимаю, как жить дальше, и что делать.Мне 30 лет, живу в Москве, родом из другого города, четыре года уже живу в Москве, прижилась так сказать. Я в браке, это мой второй брак, в этом году в январе...
  • The guy lives with me, but communicates with other girls
    I haveproblems communicating with a guy with whom we lived for 5 years. It all started with the fact that he didn't like my behavior. Once upon a time there wasbetrayal on his part, I forgave, because I love him very much, everything worked out. But the injury remained.After some time, I began to no...
  • Love for a friend's wife ended in complete failure for me
    Мне 25 лет. Я не имею своего жилья и по уши погряз в долгах и кредитах. Работаю на складе. Работу ненавижу. Малый доход это не то, о чем мечтал (впрочем, как у многих людей на этой планете).Каждый раз, когда просыпаюсь утром, с отвращением встречаю новый день. Как так получилось? Я за свои 25 лет мн...
  • Is there friendship between a man and a woman?
    There are two directly opposing opinions regarding friendship between a man and a woman. Some are sure that the gender of people does not affect friendship, others believe that sooner or later nature will take its toll and “soul mates” will eventually end up in the same bed. Personally, I belong to ...
  • Why are people so cruel to each other?
    Ithe guy is open, a little extraordinary, I behave like a fool, because that’s how I am, I can’t be serious.But then I went to college and I pretend to be serious, becauseThe team is serious. That is, they don’t watch anime and consider anime fans to be frivolous, plus my behavior, especially during...
  • My girlfriend loves both of us
    I am 18 years old, last year I entered theUniversity , moved into a dormitory. I met my neighbors and found myself among thema guy I'm interested in spending time with, we quickly became friends. This guy met a girl, she studies at the same university as me, but she is not local, from central Russia...
  • A 16-year-old girl has doubts about her appearance
    My name is Alina, I'm 16 years old. I know that my problem is trivial, and even stupid to some extent, but I have no one to express it to, no one understands me or does not want to understand.I have no luck with guys at all. I’m 16, and I’ve never dated anyone, I’ve never kissed... I’m increasingly ...
  • My girlfriend decided to ruin her own holiday
    I love my girlfriend very much, but recently we had a...the quarrel , one might say, out of the blue.The fact is that I gave her a ticket to the water park, but she only has an open swimsuit. A year ago, Yana had an operation to remove appendicitis and was left with an ugly scar on her stomach.She i...
  • I can’t come to my senses after the betrayal of the man I love
    At the age of 24 I met myLove . He was married. I knew about this. He was my first and only man.Since I knew the whole truth about him, when I felt that he wanted to disappear from my life, I let him go, did not call him and did not show up at all, although I thought about himevery day . After 9 mon...
  • I don't understand girls at all and I don't believe in love
    I have this problem: I don’t want to have a girlfriend. For me, modern society is a rotten system in which nothing is sacred. Some humiliate others, others lie, others are hypocrites. I try to be honest with people and not respond to insults, so I don’t have many friends with whom I could communicat...
  • Listen to your inner voice
    Not all people have an inner voice. I even conducted a kind of research, many people have it, but not everyone. It is different from voices in schizophrenia, for example. Everyone who admitted to having it agrees that it is a voice like your own, only a couple of tones lower. It is always innate. Ei...
  • How I revealed my girlfriend's secrets
    I am twenty two years old. My exThe girl is a couple of years older than me. We dated for a year and a half. We lived together almost throughout this period. There was an idyll between us in every sense of the word.But at some point ourThe relationship was rocky, we decided to separate for a month. ...
  • An unexpected turn in my family life
    I already wrote my story here, thatMy husband lives with me because of comfort. I didn’t have any facts of betrayal, but I just seemed to feel that something was wrong. He and I were planning children, but his behavior towards me at that time seemed strange to me, as if he had distanced himself emot...
  • Ex-husband's revenge
    My ex introduced me to himclassmate . After some time, we started dating, and I moved to live with him.Everything was fine with us, but then, one “beautiful” day, I saw him on another. He was supposed to pick me up from work, but his phone was unreachable. As it turned out, he went for a ride with s...
  • Cleaning the apartment: testing family relationships for strength
    After my beloved and I got married, my parents immediately bought us an apartment. They believed (and we completely agree with them on this) that a separate young family should have everything of its own and should live away from their parents.We were lucky, my wife and I have relativesmoney for sep...
  • Mother-in-law is the husband's mother
    I read stories on the site about relationships with my mother-in-law. And somehow everyone shouts out loud, we need to keep the good onesrelationship with momhusband . ButYour husband's mother is his mother, not yours. And no matter what happens, so that He does not create themson , his mother will ...
  • How they wanted to break up our family
    This summer, my common-law husband and I went to his relatives on the South Coast - he has an apartment there: small but cozy, in an old house with high ceilings. The house was two-story with two front doors, each floor had 4 apartments.My husband had not been in that village for about 10 years, nat...