
  • I am outraged by the behavior of my brother's fiancee
    I decided to write here because I’m worried about my brother, and to interfere in hisI can’t live . I’m 33, my brother is 30. He’s getting married soon, but my mother and I are not happy about it. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to living modestly, with only the essentials, without glamor...
  • Where does childhood go?
    The daughter has grown up. When did she manage to do this? It seems like just yesterday he was a lively and playful teenager, awkward and angular, like all children in adolescence.Toys - children's,favorite TV channel too, girlfriends and friends are the same tomboys, a little less. The eternal prob...
  • Confused in a relationship with two men
    I'm like everyone elsegirls , working,my husband also works. We've been together for 2 years, a year of which we've been officially married. Before the wedding, I changed my job to one that was closer to my liking (related to cars), plus on my days off I do eyelash extensions.The decision to get mar...
  • I have a happy family, but I love someone else
    I am 32 years old, my husband is 39 years old. I'll start my story from my youth.I was 14 years old, my beloved was 16 years old. We had a strongpure light love . We then made plans forfuture , but that didn't happen. Something that shouldn't have happened happened, he died, and all mylife has stopp...
  • Love or habit?
    I have been dating a guy for a year and 7 months. For the first six months or a year, everything was almost perfect: they loved deeply, they flew in the clouds, they couldn’t spend a minute without each other. Then everything started to deteriorate: he started hanging out, he didn’t cheat, of course...
  • I'm stressing myself out over a guy
    I haveThe relationship has been going on for 6 months, although it’s difficult to call it a relationship. In the first month of our communication everything was fine (he left me forthe girl with whom he lived for a long time) he did not communicate with her, although she tried in every possible way ...
  • This is how my husband and my mother made me
    I want to share my life story with everyone who has experienced something similar to what happened to me five years ago. After that incident, I became different, completely different.My husband was 40 years old at the time, and I was 30. When I got together with him, he had two children left in his ...
  • I sleep with married women
    I have never had any problems with the opposite sex. Girls always paid special attention to me. I take care of myself, nature has blessed me with a pleasant appearance, I am not stupid and witty, I earn good money. For many women, I am an excellent candidate for a husband, which they constantly tell...
  • My life is falling apart before my eyes
    My name is Konstantin, I am 20 years old. I grew up in a very ordinary family, I had everything the same as my friends. My parents surrounded me with care, but they also did not forget to punish me for my deeds. I studied well at school, I had no problems with grades, I was not an excellent student,...
  • A boring life with an unloved husband
    I read a story about an unloved onehusband . I’m probably as ungrateful as the author of that confession. And wandering in the dark.Of course, now they will say that it is her own fault. I don't argue thatthere is my fault , but what can I do with the stamps forever hammered in by my parents, a stra...
  • Don't listen to talk about the happiness of motherhood
    I am 23 years old. I was not happy when I found out I was pregnant. And I have mineMy husband also had mixed feelings about the unexpected news, because this was not part of our plans. But then I was happy.When I was 7-8 weeks pregnant, I had an accident. I was admitted to the hospital for conservat...
  • I was hurt by the girl's deception
    Three years ago, one woman got a job at the company where I worked.a girl who fell into my soul on the very first day. We communicated well, there was mutual sympathy. I fell into the so-called friend zone. She constantly complained to me about her boyfriend, with whom she lived at that time.This we...
  • Запретная любовь с цыганом
    27 числа у меня случилась беда, за решеткой оказался мой любимый человек.Все началось в 2015 году. На работе мне в след кричал молодой человек, с целью познакомится, лица я не увидела, но видела, что сидели два парня, а я вся такая гордая прошла мимо. Дальше он по всему автосалону (это место, где я ...
  • I am very angry with my parents
    I have a similar situation as in this story. Since childhood, I grew up in a complete family in a provincial village, where I had no peers with whom I could communicate, except perhaps at school in a neighboring village.MyFather is essentially a good person, but when he drank, he went on binges for ...
  • Practical household appliances or romantic bouquets?
    I read Marina's story about howher husband bought her a fur coat as a gift, which she did not need - and she saw herself directly in this confession. My husband also likes to give unnecessary, but beautiful and romantic gifts.While we were dating, I was simply happy with his tenderness and romance. ...
  • The daughter I lost
    Since childhood, my parents and theirlove for alllife , and based on the example of their relationship, I also wanted to build my family, so that with one for life, I never strived to have many girls. In my first year at the institute, I met Marina, a modest girl from a small village. It was with he...
  • The guy doesn't offer a serious relationship
    I want to understand my feelings for a man and understand what feelings he experiences. Now we rarely communicate, and only as acquaintances. There is one peculiarity of a man - he does not know how to communicate with women, so the beginning of our communication was on my initiative. How it happene...
  • How I lost myself
    My story is banal, there are many similar stories here, but I wanted to share mine.Now I’m 30 years old, 2 children, I have my own home, a job, I look great, my figure is almost perfect, I have true friends,friends , but there is one BUT: I spent 5 years of my life onrelationships that broke me, tur...
  • After cheating on my boyfriend, I became indifferent to him
    I really want to listenadvice and stories from those who have faced such a terrible event ascheating on your loved one. How did you feel about him and yourself after that? Do the feelings remain or have they passed? Were you able to continue being with your boyfriend?I have always been a very decent...
  • I regret that I could not immediately defend myself
    Mymy mother was already a complete drug addict when she gave birth to me andfather too. They were not just drug addicts, but hucksters known throughout the area.Naturally, they didn’t care about me; my grandmother and aunt raised me. I absorbed heroin with my mother’s milk and at the age of 2 I went...