
  • My hysterical character
    I'm 15 years old and quite attractive.young woman . I have been depressed for several months now. Nothing bad happened, but I can’t get out of it. I am depressed by the thought that I could not achieve what I wanted and did not reach my goal in my studies. I promised myself to achieve a certain resu...
  • Why are people so cruel to each other?
    Ithe guy is open, a little extraordinary, I behave like a fool, because that’s how I am, I can’t be serious.But then I went to college and I pretend to be serious, becauseThe team is serious. That is, they don’t watch anime and consider anime fans to be frivolous, plus my behavior, especially during...
  • I am ashamed of my attitude towards my loved one
    I am bad. And no matter how hard I try to be good, I’m not doing well. I don’t intentionally do anything bad to anyone, it’s not in my rules to take revenge on anyone, but if I have the opportunity to do something bad, I will do it and will never regret it.But not at this time. I met a guy two years...
  • My girlfriend loves both of us
    I am 18 years old, last year I entered theUniversity , moved into a dormitory. I met my neighbors and found myself among thema guy I'm interested in spending time with, we quickly became friends. This guy met a girl, she studies at the same university as me, but she is not local, from central Russia...
  • The guy reproaches me for not dressing feminine enough
    We are both 26 years old. We've been seeing each other not too long ago. But here's minethe guy began to reproach me that he would like to see a girl next to him, and not a tomboyish teenager in a leather jacket. I come from that layer who listens to our good rock, goes to concerts in memory of Gors...
  • My boyfriend's strange behavior
    3 years ago I moved to Germany, after some time I met a guy (German). At that time, I was 19 years old, and he was 21. A month after we met, we started dating, everything was wonderful, he soon confessed his love for me and introduced me to my mother and her family (his parents are divorced, his fat...
  • I found my happiness, but made two loved ones unhappy
    У меня есть дочь, которой уже 24 года. Это ребенок от прошлого брака. И вроде бы все хорошо, и не грешила и не предавала никого, а все равно виню себя и не могу успокоиться, что сломала жизнь дочке.С бывшим мужем у нас было двое детей, старшая дочь, о которой я уже говорила, и младшая (6 лет). Младш...
  • My boyfriend and his strange friend
    We've been dating a guy for over four years. I have my own personal home. I got it from my great-grandfather. My boyfriend didn't have his own place. And he had a dream for a long time to save up for his own apartment.As soon as we met, he immediately told us about himself that he had such a dream. ...
  • The guy left me with the child
    I'm lonely at twentymother and single woman. When I found out thatpregnant mythe guy said they were mineProblems . Only my mother supported me, although I know how hard and ashamed it was for her.Our town is small and almost everyone knows each other. My ex-boyfriend also lives here, but when he was...
  • The guy wanted to leave me, but his friend convinced him
    I've been dating a guy for over a year now. I love him madly. Mostly everything is always in order with us, but sometimes it happens that he cools off towards me for a few days. This happened twice.I know for sure that he loved me before, but now I doubt his feelings. I don't know if he still loves ...
  • Filmed her boyfriend cheating
    My name is Lera, I'm 28 years old. Recently a very unpleasant story happened to me, because of which I lost trust in men for a long time.My boyfriend's name was Artem. We were together for almost 5 years, and all this time we lived in my apartment, which I inherited. I worked part-time here and ther...
  • How I revealed my girlfriend's secrets
    I am twenty two years old. My exThe girl is a couple of years older than me. We dated for a year and a half. We lived together almost throughout this period. There was an idyll between us in every sense of the word.But at some point ourThe relationship was rocky, we decided to separate for a month. ...
  • On the second date, the guy invited me to his home
    The problem is in my relationship with my boyfriend, although we just started talking. We met on a hike. At the first meeting, we somehow didn’t communicate much, but after the second trip we became disconnected, he took my number and called. But when we talked on the phone, he was always kind of st...
  • Ex-husband's revenge
    My ex introduced me to himclassmate . After some time, we started dating, and I moved to live with him.Everything was fine with us, but then, one “beautiful” day, I saw him on another. He was supposed to pick me up from work, but his phone was unreachable. As it turned out, he went for a ride with s...
  • Real love
    Meet the real onelove so muchlife , each of us wants. But, unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. It seems to me that teenage love is the purest. At this age you think it will be forever. But a person grows up, he changes and his views on people and life in general change. So it was with me.I acco...
  • I was greatly offended by the false accusations against me
    A young man invited me to move in with him. He lives with his mother. I asked him whatMom thinks about it, he said that Mom respects his choice.I refused to move because I doubted that his mother would be okay with it. But they began to spend five days a week together - time after work and weekends....
  • The guy disappointed me in everything
    I dated a guy for three years. He was always attentive and helpful, gave gifts and called every hour. He always supported me in everything.I was happy and decided that I was lucky to meet my soul mate. But everything changed after we started living together. Kostya decided that he did everything so ...
  • The guy couldn't
    I have a very intimate problem, I don’t even know if I did the right thing, and that’s why I’m a little tormented by this.I wasmarried for several years. My husband and I divorced because of different views onlife . The man was a family man, but in the end he completely went into his career (he foun...
  • Between 1st and 2nd
    I'm 20 years old, I've been talking to a guy for a year now. He is very loyal, good, devoted, there are almost no such guys left in the world. Before him I had my firstguy , I talked for 2 years, he cheated on me often, he made me laugh a lot, he was rude and bad. After the first one I couldn’t come...
  • I had to learn how to edit my wedding photos myself.
    Anyone who has ever taken part in organizing a wedding knows that the process, although pleasant, is troublesome. And if the organization, as it was for me, is carried out by only three people (my fiance at that time, hissister Olya and I), it is not difficult to miss some important points. Fortunat...