
  • Why do relatives act like this?
    It is very painful when loved ones, such as brothers or sisters, betray you.We had a large family , I am the youngest. My mother died early, and we were left with my father, who drank a lot. My childhood was difficult, and I only had a school education. All the older ones grew up and moved away in d...
  • I am married but live without a husband.
    In my student years I met a guy, everything was fine, like everyone else. Our problems started when we started living together. He couldn't or didn't want to find a job. I worked alone. I was pretty fed up with it, and I almost decided to leave him for another, but something stopped me, and I stayed...
  • I don't want to celebrate New Year with my mother-in-law
    New Year is coming soon . Who are you celebrating it with? With your family or in a noisy company? Or maybe together? Or alone? Or what other options?It's simple for me. The last 5 years have been boring and monotonous. At home with my husband, mother-in-law and children. There are three of them - 1...
  • Online game relationship with a married woman
    I was in the situation described in the story I want you to be happy, but only in the place of a virtual man.I just came back from the army, cold, hungry and not knowing how to live my new life. I broke up with my girlfriend before the army, she fell in love with someone else, and the otherI didn't ...
  • My husband's pride is destroying our well-established life
    Imarried for 7 years. We have a growingdaughter . She is 4 years old. We live normally. Sometimes it is even just great. But sometimes there are quarrels. Everything is like everyone else.MyMy husband had a high-paying job. Then he was laid off. He is worried. I support him as much as I can. And for...
  • Greed ruined
    I'll tell you a true story from the life of my classmate. Stas stood out in the class... for his greed. He wanted everything. If someone had something new, he wanted the same, and even better. Only he had to have the best. I must say that he studied well, he got by cramming and perseverance. And in ...
  • My ungrateful friend
    Ugirlfriends were bornson , a wonderful handsome boy. She invited another friend to be the godmother, but I was present at the christening.I came to visit my friend once when the child was already several months old, we developed mutual sympathy. I played with him with pleasure. Well, how I played, ...
  • Mom's help is too intrusive
    I am 26 years old. Imarried . I am on maternity leave (my son is 2 years old). I do not feel like an adult, responsible for myself, my family, my child, because myMom is constantly present in this life and, as it seems to me, controls it.With momthe relationship was always friendly, close, trusting....
  • My relationship after divorce with my husband
    I want to talk to someone, but I can't tell my loved ones about it. I'm 30 years old, I wasmarried , two children, now divorced. AcquaintanceThe guy (seven years younger) started showing interest in me, so much attention that I had already forgotten how it happens. A month later they startedrelation...
  • I really regret that I didn’t listen to my mother at the time.
    It was 7 years ago. My mother raised me alone (my father died). I was 13 years old then. I was dating a 17-year-old guy, his name was Sasha. After I introduced him to my mother, she said: "Liza, he is not a match for you." I didn't hear her at all then, as they say, when a person is in love, his bra...
  • My husband spent all his free time with friends, and now it’s my turn
    I am 36 years old. Imarried for 10 years, have one in commonson , he is 8 years old. I met my husband 11 years ago, fell in love, began to live together, then he proposed to me and we got married, he really wanted a child, and a son was born.From the very beginning of the relationship, I began to no...
  • I supported my friend in her quarrel with her husband and found herself to blame
    I feel like a fool who supported, as I thought, my friend.We have been friends with her for more than 7 years. She met a man on a dating site while she was married. Then I waited for it to take shapedivorce from her husband, and after that a couple of months later she gets out againmarried to someon...
  • How to convince a girl to continue her pregnancy?
    My patient is notmarried , she is 25 years old. She suffers from a cosmetic defect on her face (operated cleft lip, extensive vitiligo), but, nevertheless, she is good,responsive young woman . Yesterday we found out about her pregnancy (16 weeks). All of herthe family is shocked, they offer to have ...
  • The woman I love refused to marry me
    I love one woman very much. Her name is Alina. We have known each other for a long time. Our older children went to kindergarten in the same group, then went to the same class.I was still married then, sheMarried . Often they took their sons together. We celebrated at the kindergarten graduation, th...
  • I don't want to live with my mother-in-law
    I have perfect parents, butmy husband said that we would live with his mother. Now I really regret that I agreed, because it’s sheer stress and a nightmare. A mother-in-law is a person who constantly contradicts herself. If I do something, she says: “lie down, rest, be on your feet all day.” As soon...
  • I'm afraid I'll never get married
    I'm 25 years old and I'm afraid I'll never be in a relationship. There was never a relationship, for various reasons. Sometimes I loved, but I didn’t, and vice versa. I’ll say right away that for me the expression “old maid” is not true.the girl who wasn'tnever married , and the one who doesn’t know...
  • My ex-husband's happiness haunts me
    I’m tired of injustice, I have no more strength, it’s insulting and painful to the point of tears.She was married for 8 years. Only after the wedding did I find out thatmy husband likes to drink. As soon as difficulties began, he spent all his time with friends. I kept pulling it on myself, forgivin...
  • The power of last love
    Imarried for almost 30 years. Came out at 18My husband is 10 years older than me. We're fine with him. The children are adults and live in another country. UMy husband and I have leadership positions in different organizations. The work is interesting, we live in abundance.A few years ago I almost g...
  • My forbidden love
    I'm a psychologist who fell in love with my client. Now the former. This cannot be done. Relations between us for the next 5 years are impossible. Ethics prohibits.But all this is unimportant compared to the fact that he is actually gay. And I am incredibly drawn to him. I think about himevery day ....
  • After marriage, I fell into moral and financial dependence
    I am 36 years old and have been for 11 yearsmarried to a man of a different nationality and religion. There is a teenage daughter from her first marriage. I live abroad with my family and work in a good job. It seems to me that I am a very open, kind and sincere person, but at the same time vulnerab...