Antibiotics in milk after boiling: truth or myth?

Antibiotics in milk after boiling: truth or myth?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Milk is one of the most useful and nutritious foods that is recommended to be consumed every day. However, recently there was information that milk may contain antibiotics that can harm human health. But how true is this?
Can antibiotics really pass into milk? The answer is yes. Some farmers use antibiotics to treat animals for various diseases. However, legislation strictly controls the use of antibiotics in animal production and sets limits on the amount of antibiotic residues in dairy products.
Are there ways to avoid taking antibiotics with milk? Yes, I have. When milk is boiled, most bacteria and microbes die, including antibiotic residues. However, one should not forget that antibiotics can accumulate in the adipose tissue of animals and milk with a high fat content may contain more antibiotic residues.
What can be done to avoid taking antibiotics with milk? First, you should buy dairy products only from trusted manufacturers. Secondly, it is worth giving preference to milk with a low fat content. Thirdly, when drinking milk, you should monitor your health and consult a doctor if you have any problems.
Thus, antibiotics in milk are not a myth, but not a cause for panic either. By following certain recommendations, you can avoid drinking milk with antibiotic residues and enjoy its beneficial properties.

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