How to overcome your loneliness?

How to overcome your loneliness?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I never had a real girlfriend, and I never suffered from it. At school, I just talked to everyone, but since I am a reserved person by nature, no one wanted to try to be friends with me. At the institute I met a girl, lived in the same room in a hostel, became friends. I imagined friendship a little differently than she did, so I never considered her a real friend, but I didn’t tell her about it. She could tell her classmates about what we talked about in secret, and after that I stopped trusting her, and after graduation, I completely stopped all communication with her. My attempt to find a girlfriend failed.

Getting a job was a big problem for me, because I can't get used to the new team. Everyone communicates with each other, go out for a smoke break (I don't smoke), but I'm always alone. At first they wanted to get to know me better, but then they left me alone, and some even stopped noticing. I understand that I myself is to blame for this, but I can’t help myself, I feel comfortable only when I am left alone.

Now I have lost all desire to communicate with people without much need. I live separately from my parents, I rarely visit them, I prefer to spend weekends at home alone with a book or watching movies. This is how my life goes. I am afraid that over time I will not be able to communicate with people at all, even with work colleagues. At first I thought that I could get tired of my loneliness, but it turned out that, on the contrary, I was getting used to it more and more. How to get out of this state, because I am only 27 years old, I have no family, and it is unlikely to be. Maybe I should read books on psychology?


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