The world of my fantasies

The world of my fantasies
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since my school years, I have been inventing a reality where I have excellent grades and a sea of ​​friends. In real life, of course, everything was exactly the opposite. But worryProblems were helped by going into my inner world, where I successfully dealt with them. Of course, there was no practical help from this either. This continued both in college and when I went to work.

I come up with situations, people, talk to them, sometimes out loud if no one is around. I imagine the characters of my favorite books/movies in situations that are interesting to me - like in fan fiction, and I replay these scenes over and over again for days, weeks, months. Even after some time, I can drag my favorite fantasy out of my memory - and away I go... The same applies to fantasies about a “better” reality, where I am the main role.

Oddly enough, I still managed to acquire a certain number of real friends, but whenever I had a free minute, I snuck into my little world.

Oh yes. When I was at school, I hadhabit , performing various rituals. For example, after scratching my left hand, I scratched my right hand - for symmetry.

I really felt uncomfortable if I did something an odd number of times. Fortunately, I didn’t pay attention to it often. It also seemed to me that my thoughts were being broadcast on a huge screen, and everyone saw them and laughed. I understand that it sounds crazy, but other cockroaches are even worse. Tell me, is this a wild fantasy and there’s no need to worry, or is it better to go to the doctor?

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