I'm not sure about the guy's feelings, but I'm getting ready for the wedding

I'm not sure about the guy's feelings, but I'm getting ready for the wedding
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was in a hurry in terms of relationships. She brought the guy into the house. I'm so tired of everything. We started living together, I work, he is on sick leave. I come home from work, clean, and cook before work. I do everything for him, although this has never happened before. So everything started to really irritate me. He proposed, he wanted to leave me for another city when things weren’t going well, in his opinion, in the relationship. It bothered me a little, to be honest.

Why should I run after someone? For the sake of the stamp in the passport, for the sake of status? I’m so mentally exhausted that I want to just leave on my own. I am not burdened with serious obligations, I have no children. I live in my apartment with a man whom I used to treat well. I am also such a person by nature, very generous. I give expensive gifts, and I like it. We're getting married soon. I don’t know how or what will happen. With the help of my dad, I had to speed up the marriage process. He took a direct part in this. And to myThe guy , in my opinion, is not at all interested in what and how test-antibiotic.com we will have, he does not even take any part in the preparation for this event. This hurts me so much that I don’t really know. I really want to run away from everyone at breakneck speed. It turns out that he doesn’t really need me.

I stopped feeling any sense of importance in our relationship on his part. And I already want a family or something, to go on maternity leave and raise and babysit a child. Spend my time on my child, and not run after someone to be with me. The worst thing is that I’m afraid that this relationship will soon come to an end. Yes, and I became mostly indifferent to everything that was happening.

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