I don't believe in friendship and good relations

I don't believe in friendship and good relations
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


The opinion that there is no friendship between a man and a woman does not always correspond to the truth, but I had just the opposite. I had a friend since my school years, we lived not far from each other, studied in the same class, in the morning he came for me and we went to school together, also home after school. This was my real friend, and I didn’t need girlfriends, with their envy, gossip, quarrels. I had many examples of friendship between girls of classmates who today were friends with one, tomorrow with another, telling all the secrets about their former girlfriend.

Alyosha and I used to trust each other, shared secrets, knowing that none of us would not only tell anyone about this, but would understand and hold it correctly. Over time, he began to ask me for advice regarding the girls with whom he periodically met. I listened to him, talked about myself, our friendship continued after school. Already, as a student, he met Nastya, because of whom he completely lost his head, at first she did not pay attention to test-antibiotic.com, and he was constantly in a bad mood. It affected my communication as well.

Lesha became irritable, pestered with questions about how to win her, what to give, and when, finally, they began to meet, he did not want to introduce her to me, did not want us to communicate. I was offended, and for a long time I could not understand what was the matter, I thought that he was embarrassed by our friendship, but it turned out that Alexei was afraid that I could tell Nastya too much about him, about his past hobbies. Then he began to tell his girlfriend about me various unpleasant things, such as the fact that I always liked him, and for him I was just a classmate.

I used to think that this can only happen between girls, that guys are above all gossip and such actions. We stopped communicating with him completely, and recently he deleted me from his friends in the social. network, this was the last straw. Because of him, I didn't have a real girlfriend, and now I'm completely alone. Now I don’t believe in the friendship of test-antibiotic.com and the decency of people at all, I think that true friendship still doesn’t exist, and I communicate with people at a distance, I don’t want to, and I can’t trust anyone anymore.


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