Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Отношения как в аду
    Пишу, как и многие авторы историй на вашем сайте, не о самой оптимистичной и светлой истории. Знал ли кто-то из вас, что значит быть с человеком как отбывать срок? Я имею в виду боль от неприятия каких-то черт этого человека. И в то же время парализующий страх расстаться с ним, этим человеком, так к...
  • Брошенная мамой
    Хочу рассказать отрезок времени из своей жизни и хочу узнать, одна ли я такая. Мы со старшей сестрой, с детства видели ругани и ссоры мамы с папой. Как папа душит маму, бьет. Целую ночь длиться концерт, а утром в 7:00 мы начинаем собираться в школу. И целый учебный день хочется спать, но ты даже не ...
  • Nothing makes me happy in this life
    I have completely lost strength from such a life, nothing pleases me, there is no strength to work. A year ago I leftmarried , everything is fine with my husband, we live in an apartment with his grandfather. The attitude towards us here at once was not the best, becausethe apartment by will belongs...
  • Lustful Saint
    I am 22 years old, I live with my mother and brother. A few days ago we had guests. An old friend of my uncle arrived with his wife and children, he is 43 years old, and she is 30, they have been married for more than 15 years. It seemed strange to me, because then she was only 15. They are Jehovah'...
  • Не могу пережить расставание
    Мне 24 года и совсем недавно у меня была жизнь, которая делала меня счастливой. С моим бывшим парнем мы жили два года, до этого были лучшими друзьями. Жили в его квартире, поэтому большую часть техники купила я. Мы всегда поддерживали друг друга и часто устраивали «дружеские вечера», где делали вид,...
  • Life without children
    I really want to tell you about my stupidly lived life. I am now 48 years old and I am trying to start living again. In a strange city and all alone. No, of course, there were pleasant moments in my life, but there were also many disappointments and unfulfilled dreams and desires. One of my biggest ...
  • Tired of loneliness, I want to get married
    For the past 2 months I have not seen the point in my life. Some apathy for everything. I can't get out of this state. Every day , you force yourself to smile, although there is emptiness in your soul. I live for one job. Everything is good at work, I can say that I love my job. But here's the perso...
  • Husband sold his wedding ring to hang out with friends
    I've been married for a year, we've known each other for two. Fell in love on the first date. My husband then worked as a truck driver, often went out, I was waiting. A couple of months after they met, they came together, he took on the cost of rented housing. Later he proposed. All by myself, I did...
  • Я между двух огней по своей вине
    Мне 21 год. Вчера у меня появился второй молодой человек. Чувствую себя ужасно. Омерзительно. Но ничего не могу с этим поделать. Я социально активный человек, обожаю находиться в центре внимания, чувствую себя в крупных компаниях, как рыба в воде. У меня хорошо подвешен язык, и почти с каждым челове...
  • Confessions of a Happy Man
    I write in order to speak out, to satisfy the impulse to tell someone my story, to tell it like this, anonymously to the same anonymous readers. For me that is the best option. I grew up in an ordinary family, with the usual normal moral standards and foundations, I was not a pervert and did not see...
  • Minor quarrels and misunderstandings in our family
    My husband and I have been married for 4 years now. He is very goodhusband and father, works hard, but does it for the family, everythingHe brings home every penny , always tries not to refuse us anything, treats us very well. But there is one problem that flows into hundreds of quarrels - he is ver...
  • Choosing a name for my daughter has become a real problem.
    In mid-November, my daughter was born. During pregnancy, not everything went smoothly, because they simply dreamed of a healthy daughter. I did not seriously think about the name until the moment of birth (althoughhusband hurried), thereby losing time to search for information, description, reflecti...
  • For my husband, the mother is more important
    How do you think,mother is more important than wife? Of course, his mother gave him life and education. I agree with this here. I have always believed that there should be equality, that everyone should be treated equally. The husband himself said before the wedding that priorities in life are chang...
  • How can I trust my boyfriend now?
    Mythe guy told my mom that I was sick like a woman (vaginal candidiasis). I didn’t tell him not to tell anyone, I thought it was so clear. She didn’t write to me, but she wrote to him, outraged, and told me to get checked for everything.infection , apparently, she thought that I had something, that ...
  • Why I don't trust women
    After graduation, I started my own business, first by myself, then I recruited a small team. The business is related to the IT industry, the clients are mainly abroad, so there is a lot of travel around the world. 17 years ago at a friend's birthday party, I met his cousin and drowned in her eyes. A...
  • I'm torn between kids and a new husband
    How to try on my children from an ex-marriage, a new husband and my mother? I divorced my first husband because of his attitude towards me, cheating and insults. She lived with him only for the sake of the children. Went to another. But in that family, the mood of the children went against my second...
  • My derealization
    My name is Vladislav. I am 16 years old. I would like to consult with you. About 3 months ago, I started derealization (everything seems unreal) - I can’t normally concentrate on something, the light has become somehow sharp or something (I feel uncomfortable when going out). I look out the window,....
  • Two identical scenarios of my love
    I am 20 years old. I have had two long term relationships. Some lasted 3 years, and the second - six months. The first relationship was quite difficult, because both I and the guy were the first. Therefore, they made many mistakes in behavior. They often quarreled, but somehow smoothed out the corne...
  • Can't make the right choice
    I have already posted mine here.confession , and the essence of the story was that being with a person for almost four years, the relationship did not lead to a successful outcome. The reason was that a person often ran back and forth (from me to his rented accommodation), not wanting to move in tog...
  • My husband's children from his first marriage and his ex-wife do not allow our family to live in peace
    My husband has two children from his first marriage: a son, 14 years old, and a daughter, 11 years old. And I have a 17-year-old daughter from my first marriage and a 15-year-old son, and the youngest is 14. In general, when we started living together, his exwife tripped us all the time. She forbade...