Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Mom interfered in choosing a name for my daughter
    I remember how, in the eighth month of pregnancy, I watched some kind of musical program on TV on TV. There was a musical program where they sang a song in the Uighur language called “Gyuzal”. And then my daughter, hearing this song, seemed to start dancing in my stomach, moreover, when the song end...
  • Early I rejoiced at my happiness
    We have been dating a guy for only six months, but I was very disappointed in him. We are peers and at the beginning of the relationship everything was fine with us: romance and walks, he was interested in my life, somehow tried to be closer. I, in turn, also felt very warm feelings. I did not fall....
  • Призрачное счастье в замужестве за иностранцем
    Я знаю, что мечта многих девочек из России — удачно выйти замуж. Желательно за богатого и еще лучше — за иностранца. Чтобы прямо сразу стать официальной гражданкой Европы и Америки, тем самым возвысившись над кусающими локти подружками. Я к этому не стремилась. Не представляла себе жизни с иностранц...
  • I'm tired of my husband's relatives
    I understand the author of the story, to which the matchmakers are packed to visit at sea. People believe that urban relatives exist in order to receive village relatives to stay with them for a week or two. And this could still be experienced, but sometimes neighbors of relatives, their colleagues,...
  • Mom does not force grandmother to be treated
    My grandmother is 94 years old. Unfortunately, she has dementia. The disease itself began to develop several years ago. There were voices in my head at night, calling for some action or prophesying about the future. There was a deterioration in hearing and perception of the content of someone else's...
  • 10 Ways to Avoid Cheating
    Cheating is one of the most painful and traumatic experiences that can happen in a relationship. But how to avoid betrayal? Below are 10 ways to help keep you connected and prevent cheating. 1. Be open to each other Openness and honesty are key elements of a healthy relationship. If you don't talk t...
  • What should I do if my husband's brother does not allow my family to live in peace?
    My husband's brother lives next door and works at the same job with my husband. They are both twenty-five years old, and I am twenty-two. We have been living together for almost two years, we have two small children. Daughter from first marriage, three years old. We live in a rented apartment for th...
  • Родители хотят неделю жить у меня дома после рождения внука
    Уже вторую ночь не могу уснуть. Мучают угрызения совести, что ли, не знаю. Я на 7 месяце беременности. Живу с мужем, отношения с родителями хорошие, но… Они живут в другом городе, около 6 часов езды на машине. Видимся раз в два месяца стабильно. В последний их приезд у меня с мамой зашел разговор о ...
  • Жена по расчёту
    Мне 37 лет и я верю в любовь. Всё в этой жизни ради этого светлого чувства. Я никогда не была замужем, и детей у меня нет. Не люблю это неромантичное слово, но я сожительствовала с мужчиной 9 долгих лет и наши пути разошлись. Сейчас у меня есть любимый мужчина, знакомы мы всего полтора года. И вот о...
  • Я сделала правильный вывод
    Интересно, сколько людей на этой планете задавались одним вопросом: «Зачем я живу?». У меня много историй из жизни, есть печальные и радостные. Но первую историю я хочу рассказать о том, что не важно, что говорят или думают о тебе окружающие. Самого детства я была изгоем общества, объект для насмеше...
  • I was worried about my boyfriend's attitude to his mother
    I'm catchygirl , and I have a lot of fans, but I just can’t create a normal relationship with any guy. Either I am harmful or picky, I find some flaws in everyone. I myself wonder why I am like this, really I won’t love anyone like that and I’ll be left alone. Mythe guy I'm dating now seems to like ...
  • First love lives quietly in my heart
    It all started 15 years ago. Then I was 14 years old, and for the first time in my life I fell in love! One of the May evenings, he invited me and my sister to visita guy who later became her sister's husband. We arrived at the appointed time. In addition to us, three more guys and two girls also ca...
  • I created these problems for myself.
    I am 26 years old, I studied well at school, I graduated from the university in Moscow. While still a student, she became pregnant and leftmarried . At 19 years old. The first years are good.my husband earned, provided for me. Then I got acquainted with a book about esoteric teachings and rushed. My...
  • Why did I stop enjoying life?
    I am 45 years old, divorced for a long time, there is an adultdaughter Ksyusha, she is 22, is dating a guy and is already planning a wedding. I said that they still do not know each other very well (they have known each other for only a few months) and are in a hurry with the wedding, but my daughte...
  • Жизнь моих родителей
    Я с мужем развелась после 4 лет брака. Мама упрекала меня, что я оставила дочь без отца, хотя прекрасно знала, что муж мне изменял, еще и выпить любил. Мои родители тоже прожили сложную жизнь. Оба из многодетных семей, у отца еще и родители были пьющие. Детство у него было тяжелое, может, поэтому и ...
  • The woman I love didn't want to marry me.
    I was 30 years old, she was almost 40. Behind her was alreadymarriage , I only had in the pastcivil marriage , which ended badly - the betrayal of a common-law wife. The situation is the same as described in the confession. I didn’t accept the engagement ring from my beloved man, because I don’t wan...
  • I can no longer forgive the third betrayal of my husband
    Probably all banal, but that doesn't make it any easier. How many marriages have been ruined by the cell phone and the internet? Unfortunately, there are no such statistics. We have been together for 10 years, married for 7, studied together, work in the same field. The first call about the traitor ...
  • The children were the first to know about the betrayal of his wife
    I have been married for 13 years, two children who are 15 and 17 years old. We went through a lot together, and here on you,treason . The wife went on a spree with the boss at a new job. The children were the first to find out about this, they tried to reason with her, but it didn’t happen, and out ...
  • My hopes for a happy family life did not come true
    Three days ago I turned 30 and I raised that I was all alone. The first bell of change came at the age of 20. I fell in love, but a week before the weddingthe guy went to the girl for 16 years, I practically died, it was unrealistically painful, for 4.5 years I existed, and did not live, waiting for...
  • When will I meet a worthy man?
    All my life I have been constrained, notorious, withdrawn. I dress likeblue stocking . Eyes on the floor. And at the same time, my exes were still jealous of me, out of jealousy they left me. What is the first man, what is the firsthusband . I swear, I am always faithful, that in a relationship, tha...