Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • The daughter-in-law is unhappy that we came to see the newborn grandson
    A month ago, our grandson was born. We were very happy and immediately after the return of the daughter-in-law from the hospital, we went to visit her and the child.But we were not happy. The daughter-in-law did not even hide her irritation. Although we brought gifts,money . She was especially unhap...
  • I lost my boyfriend's trust
    It's probably stupid for me to write this story now, but I want to share, and maybe someone will give me advice on how to proceed. I am 18 years old, probably now you will think what a stupid little girl, she has not lived anything at all and does not know life at all, but I want to assure you that ...
  • Why do parents act like this?
    I am 15 years old. The family is complete, butthere are still problems . From the age of 12, my mother communicates with me as with a girlfriend on topics that are quite difficult for me, as her daughter. For example, shouldn't she divorce my father because he doesn't love my brother? To be honest, ...
  • Вне отношений и притязаний
    Почему-то человек воспринимает добро как слабость, любовь – как звериный инстинкт, а отношения между любимыми стали бесценными как дуновение ветра. Каждый из нас в определённый период ищет того человека, с которым ему было бы легко и свободно, того человека, от которого всё тело содрогалось от желан...
  • I can't take my ex-boyfriend's threats anymore
    I'm completely confused and don't know what to do next, that's why I'm here. Igirl and I am 26 years old. I live in a small town where everyone knows each other (this is an important clarification in the future). Four years ago, I met a guy on the Internet, as a result, we started dating. Soon he wa...
  • Как избавиться от своей замкнутости и боязни общения?
    С самого раннего детства я замкнутая, люблю одиночество. Мама говорит, что я могла часами сидеть с куклами, никому не доставляя особых хлопот. Тогда родителей это радовало, не нужно было меня развлекать, сейчас же это стало каким-то проклятием. В школе со мной никто не хотел дружить, ровесникам со м...
  • Исповедь плохого мужа
    Изначально хотел написать комментарий, как ответ на другой комментарий в одной из свежих историй, о том, как начальник принуждал к сексу. Но подумав, решил написать исповедь о себе и о своей жизни. С моей бывшей женой я прожил в браке 19,5 лет. Представьте себе эти годы, это ведь целая жизнь. Я нико...
  • I'm tired that the man I love after a quarrel doesn't talk to me for weeks
    My common-law husband and I have been living together for 1.5 years. We met almost 2 years ago. Relations developed very rapidly -love , passion and I offered to move him to live with me. At first he stayed overnight, but very soon he moved with his things, as he lived in a rented apartment (heapart...
  • I am ashamed and unpleasant that the boss behaves like this
    I had a good job, friendlyteam but low pay. And soa friend lured me to her company, promising that there would be three times more money here. I agreed, who wouldn't? I got used to the new team for a long time, everything was different here, communication between employees was not welcomed by the au...
  • Confessions of a complex girl
    I am 23 years old. I have a completely normal weight: 55 kg for a height of 175. It seems pretty, but I don’t like a lot about myself. I have some kind of incomprehensible addiction to food and I can not control myself. At first, I really want to eat something (and in abnormally large quantities), a...
  • Unexpected feelings for a young girl
    I have a very strange situation. To begin with, I work for myself, I rent out premises and cars, I also started ICO three years ago. There were ups and downs, but now everything seems to be fine. I met my fiancee, let's call her Kira, at a printing house when I ordered an advertisement. I liked her ...
  • Tired of living without love
    Since 2014, changes began to occur in my life. I graduated from school, and upon graduation I had 2 dreams - happyfamily and a well-built career. On the one hand, I understood that it was impossible to achieve both, but I wanted to believe that I could do it. I went to Russia, entered theuniversity ...
  • Confessions of a good stepmother
    My husband and I have been married for 7 years. We met after his divorce from his first wife. All these years, I've been trying to get along with his incoming daughter from his first marriage. She was 4 years old when we met her. The child is difficult, and this is not my "prejudiced" opinion. The g...
  • Как развестись при наличии долгов?
    Наверное, у каждого в жизни был такой момент, когда любимый человек переставал таковым быть. Вроде всех хорошо и он не делает ничего плохого, но чувства к нему уже не те. Подобное произошло и с нами. Отличие только в том, что это у нас обоюдно. Мы разлюбили друг друга и совсем не понимаем, как дальш...
  • Why do I need such a family
    In our young family, at first the phrase “I will divorce you!” sounded like something terrible, like an extreme, like a threat. And later it became commonplace. Probably, many people remember the story about the boy and the wolves? The guy created a false alarm, and when the wolves really came, onno...
  • Mother in law ignores me
    My mother-in-law is strange to say the least. Before, everything was just fine. We called upEvery day , we talked for an hour or more. She often called me herself. I calmly came to visit her, if anything, I consulted. She always tried to reconcile us with her husband. And then she broke off the chai...
  • Как быть с мужчиной, который не умеет тратить деньги?
    Познакомилась с мужчиной, нам обоим за 30. Он мне во многом понравился, делает сюрпризы, дарит подарки, не жадный. Но, как оказалось, у этого есть и другая сторона. Он хорошо зарабатывает, не ленивый вовсе, делает тяжелую работу. Но при этом не умеет или не хочет планировать финансы. В итоге у него ...
  • Как избавиться от ненависти?
    Я всегда считал себя человеком уравновешенным, избегал конфликтов, старался не держать зла, не мстить, входить в положение людей и прощать их. Ведь зло и ненависть делают нас чёрствыми. Не мог так же понять некоторых людей, которые держали в себе долго боль, обиду, ненависть и этот весь негатив их и...
  • My husband does not even hide that he is cheating on me
    My name is Sasha, I am 28 years old. We have been married for 6 years and we have three wonderful children. With my husband, everything started to spin somehow quickly, after a couple of months after we met, we got married, a year later the first child was born, then the second and third. To be hone...