Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Although it’s late, I decided to get a higher education
    By the age of 25, all my peers had long since received higher education. At that time I was working as a waitress in a cafe in my small town in the Moscow region. My parents were retired and there was no one to help. I didn’t have any friends, I didn’t have a boyfriend, but I wanted to live normally...
  • How can I overcome my complexes?
    A problem has arisen in my life that I cannot solve without outside help. I am 18 years old, I have been dating a guy for two years, whom I love very much, we are going to get married in the summer. My feelings for him are undoubted and sincere, and I believe that we have this for real and for allli...
  • A sharp turn in my bland life
    I got married at 19, it was my firstman . Storm of emotions,Love . After some time, the first love passed, the veil fell. I began to understand thatMy husband is quite a heavy person, and there was no satisfaction in bed either. That was the first time I had a serious conversation with him, but ther...
  • Forever lost friend
    On that fateful day I was at school. It was already lunch, and I was very upset that mymy friend never came to school. We were told that we would have the Olympics, and I decided to call Anya (friend) and warn her about this. I call her at home, her grandmother answers the phone:“Hello,” I say. - He...
  • Is it really that difficult to deal with loans on your own?
    Came to meA friend is visiting the other day. We have known Sveta for more than 10 years - from the first year of university, which we successfully completed in due time. AboutI am writing this university to emphasize that she is not a stupid young lady, and she is clearly not a downtrodden pensione...
  • I don't like sex with my husband
    She didn't marry for love. Or rather, as it seemed to me, the futuremy husband loved me. He was attentive, caring and kind to me. I did everything I asked. Walked wherever I led. He seemed to be a serious and respectable person, he worked and was passionate about his work, he strived to create a fam...
  • Mother-in-law abandoned her grandson
    Married to my husband for 4 years, have a little oneson . We lived with his mother for a long time, but recently separated because it was already unbearable to live together. For 4 years of marriage, there were constant quarrels only because of his mother, since every month she was looking for a rea...
  • Relationship with a married man has reached a dead end
    I’m 24 years old, I recently divorced my husband, who didn’t appreciate me at all, but that’s not the problem. I started dating a man who I liked back when I wasMarried . We met through friends, he had a small request for me, and I agreed to fulfill it. We met only a couple of times then, and then q...
  • Married to spite the guy I loved
    I have notlife , but a complete pun.I lived with a man for about three years. At that moment everything was uncertain. I wantedmarried , but he didn’t marry. I wanted money, but there was none. There were only feelings, care and attention.I nagged him constantly. Everything was wrong. Didn't do much...
  • Brother didn't appreciate what his parents did for him
    Two years ago, my brother and I’s parents died. During his lifetime, they gave his brother everything they could - an apartment in the center, a car, got him a good job, and always loved him very much.After their deathmy wife realized that we couldn’t get anything more from our family and stopped pr...
  • Confused in a relationship with two men
    I'm like everyone elsegirls , working,my husband also works. We've been together for 2 years, a year of which we've been officially married. Before the wedding, I changed my job to one that was closer to my liking (related to cars), plus on my days off I do eyelash extensions.The decision to get mar...
  • I don't know what to do with my youngest daughter
    In someone else's story, everything seems obvious what to do, but as far as oneself is concerned, there is complete inhibition. I don’t know what to do.Husband . The relationship is normal. House, full cup. Two adults and beloved daughters. Nowadays it is very popular to hate mothers, we are all ter...
  • I can't forgive my husband's parents
    It's hard for me to live with my parentshusband . I had severe onesrelationship with my mother, when we lived together, she constantly commanded me and reproached me. She said that I wouldn’t succeed in anything in life. She always discussed me with strangers. But in public she always pretended that...
  • I have a happy family, but I love someone else
    I am 32 years old, my husband is 39 years old. I'll start my story from my youth.I was 14 years old, my beloved was 16 years old. We had a strongpure light love . We then made plans forfuture , but that didn't happen. Something that shouldn't have happened happened, he died, and all mylife has stopp...
  • My daughter hates and despises me
    It’s scary to write about hating your daughter, but that’s exactly how it is for me. The child was desired and was born in marriage. In two yearshusband left for his mistress because she was alreadypregnant _ He admitted that if not for this, he would not have left his family. What about our daughte...
  • Envious environment
    Alllife (and I’m 36 years old), people from my circle are trying to teach me about life - either they are trying to correct my actions or my appearance: it’s not nice with a beard, the shoes are bad, I bought an apartment in a bad house, a bad car,son (11 years old) goofy, newmy wife , in their opin...
  • The son listens to his daughter-in-law, but ignores my opinion
    I have the same story with my dacha, the children don’t want to go there. I'm not one of those mothers-in-law who gets intothe lives and families of their children. Yes, I am not very happy with my daughter-in-law, but in the 8 years that they have been living, I have never expressed my opinion to m...
  • I don't know how to live further
    Two years ago I met a man. He seemed to me an intelligent and deep person. And I also felt sorry for him. At that time, he had just gotten out of a very difficult situation. He once played hockey professionally, but an injury put an end to what might have been a brilliant career.Then he was engaged ...
  • Holiday romance as a curse
    I can’t help but share with you a story that happened to me in Feodosia. Last year I went on vacation with my mother. I must say that I am already quite an adult woman, but I took my mother with me for one simple reason -Mom can “cover for me.” In fact, everything is as follows.Several years ago, in...
  • I made the wrong decision and ended up without a job.
    Today is 2.5 months and I can’t get rid of the feeling of guilt that I made a mistake by doing this and not otherwise.For some time I was looking for a job, and now, after going through 4 stages of interviews, I got a job (albeit in the place of an employee who had gone on maternity leave) in a very...