каждый день

.Chaque jour est une occasion unique de prendre un nouveau départ, de relever de nouveaux défis et d'atteindre nos objectifs. Ce rythme de vie quotidien nous apporte une expérience inestimable et des opportunités de grandir, de se développer et de s'améliorer. Chaque jour apporte de nouveaux défis, mais aussi de nouvelles occasions de s'améliorer. Il est important d'apprendre à apprécier chaque moment, chaque jour, afin de vivre une vie pleine et épanouissante. Par conséquent, ne manquez pas l'occasion de rendre chaque jour spécial, de viser de nouveaux sommets et de vous réjouir de chaque instant que vous vivez.

  • The husband helps only the parents, but hardly cares about the child
    My husband and I have been married for 2.5 years, and we have a smallchild , he is already 1.5 years old. My husband works and earns a decent salarymoney , I'm on maternity leave with a child. Due to my youth, it so happened that I took out loans, so there is very little money left from my salary. B...
  • My sad relationship with Dima
    My name is Alexandra, I'm 17 years old. I will try to briefly tell a story from my life.This Dima and I studied together from the first grade, and from the 5th grade we became best friends. Then he confessed his love to me, but it was childishly stupid - at such and such an age. But he almost came t...
  • I don't want to talk to this friend anymore
    For quite some time now I have lost the desire to communicate with my friend. I realized that she and I are completely different people and there are no common themes. I have no desire to tell her anything, and I am not interested in her affairs.My friend and I studied in the same class. In seventh ...
  • Confession of a sweets seller
    For 3 years now I have been working as a sweets seller in a stall on a busy street in Moscow. At first, the work seemed interesting to me, not hard and interesting. But gradually the crowds of clients, each with their own cockroaches in their heads, began to irritate me. Yes, there are good people, ...
  • This is not how I imagined family life
    My story began 9 years ago. I was young and stupid. I dreamed of findinglove of my life. I met girls. Courted. But a little time passed and they left for others. I didn't understand the reason.I am good looking. Good-natured. Funny. After the fifth breakup, I became sad. But then luck turned around ...
  • Love for a friend's wife ended in complete failure for me
    Мне 25 лет. Я не имею своего жилья и по уши погряз в долгах и кредитах. Работаю на складе. Работу ненавижу. Малый доход это не то, о чем мечтал (впрочем, как у многих людей на этой планете).Каждый раз, когда просыпаюсь утром, с отвращением встречаю новый день. Как так получилось? Я за свои 25 лет мн...
  • Why are people so cruel to each other?
    Ithe guy is open, a little extraordinary, I behave like a fool, because that’s how I am, I can’t be serious.But then I went to college and I pretend to be serious, becauseThe team is serious. That is, they don’t watch anime and consider anime fans to be frivolous, plus my behavior, especially during...
  • The ex-wife haunts neither her husband nor me
    exmy wifemy husband gives us no peace. She is a little over 30 years oldno longer invited to get married with children, so she calls my husbandevery day . He considers me guilty, is jealous, wants to break up our family, constantly repeating how the children miss their father. They even call me back...
  • Having a baby ruined my life
    Mylife is ruined from beginning to end. But just a year ago everything seemed fine. And two years ago I could not even imagine that I would get to this point!I was a young beautiful girl, a good job, my own hobbies. I loved him very much for many years. They quarreled, made peace, finally found a co...
  • Why did my husband's relative behave so strangely?
    I can't understand why my relativeMy husband behaved so strangely towards me.My husband invited his older brother to be our daughter’s godfather. My brother lives in my husband’s native village, very far from us. We live in my city. For christeningmy brother came with his wife and daughter, we accom...
  • My girlfriend loves both of us
    I am 18 years old, last year I entered theUniversity , moved into a dormitory. I met my neighbors and found myself among thema guy I'm interested in spending time with, we quickly became friends. This guy met a girl, she studies at the same university as me, but she is not local, from central Russia...
  • I left my job and now my conscience is bothering me
    I am a chemist by profession, I was looking for a job for a whole year, but I couldn’t find one in my city, so I went to another country and got a job as a teacher at a boarding school. At first everything was fine, but then the teacher told me that my student broke the TV, although when I left work...
  • My boyfriend's strange behavior
    3 years ago I moved to Germany, after some time I met a guy (German). At that time, I was 19 years old, and he was 21. A month after we met, we started dating, everything was wonderful, he soon confessed his love for me and introduced me to my mother and her family (his parents are divorced, his fat...
  • I can’t come to my senses after the betrayal of the man I love
    At the age of 24 I met myLove . He was married. I knew about this. He was my first and only man.Since I knew the whole truth about him, when I felt that he wanted to disappear from my life, I let him go, did not call him and did not show up at all, although I thought about himevery day . After 9 mon...
  • I again believed in my husband’s next repentance
    In 2016 I became pregnant. Everything initially did not go very well, gestosis, arterial hypertension. Hospitals and handfuls of pills. My husband also went to great lengths. Every day I walked with friends. He was absolutely not interested in how I was, how the baby was. Explaining everything by sa...
  • I love and hate my husband
    It’s hard on my soul because I don’t want to be with my husband and I want it at the same time. We've been married for 6 years, he doesn't go out, doesn't drink, works, he's goodfather and bestson . Onlyhe's a terrible husband . It all started with my mother-in-law saying that he was paying too much...
  • I'm tired of my mother's pessimism
    I'm tired of my mother, or rather her endless pessimism and whining. Initially we had very goodrelationship , but the older I got, the more difficult it was for us to communicate. Now I just try not to talk too much, just to the point.Unfortunately, it turned out that myMy husband has been missing f...
  • Despite the fact that I am pregnant, my beloved returned to his ex-wife
    I am 26 years old. I dated a young man for a year. We met, mutual sympathy,love , as I thought. At that time he had been divorced for about 6 months. Of course, not a long time, but still I thought something would work out.After a week of our acquaintance, he introduced me to his parents, brother an...
  • Неудачи в бизнесе вызывают у меня депрессию
    Пишу, потому что морально очень тяжело. У меня запутанная ситуация. Начну по порядку, издалека.Два года назад муж зарегистрировал ИП. Друг с работы предложил ему начать свое дело – онлайн магазин. С товаром его родная тетка поможет, компания, где она работает – наш поставщик.Опыта продаж ни у кого и...
  • My husband's brother insulted me and didn't even apologize
    This story happened to me 6 months ago. I was 7 months pregnant. One day I got off work early and saw my brother’s car in the centerhusband . We live on neighboring streets, and I knew that he was going home. I called him, but he didn't answer.I quickly had to run to the store to buy files. I went i...