каждый день

.Chaque jour est une occasion unique de prendre un nouveau départ, de relever de nouveaux défis et d'atteindre nos objectifs. Ce rythme de vie quotidien nous apporte une expérience inestimable et des opportunités de grandir, de se développer et de s'améliorer. Chaque jour apporte de nouveaux défis, mais aussi de nouvelles occasions de s'améliorer. Il est important d'apprendre à apprécier chaque moment, chaque jour, afin de vivre une vie pleine et épanouissante. Par conséquent, ne manquez pas l'occasion de rendre chaque jour spécial, de viser de nouveaux sommets et de vous réjouir de chaque instant que vous vivez.

  • I'm stressing myself out over a guy
    I haveThe relationship has been going on for 6 months, although it’s difficult to call it a relationship. In the first month of our communication everything was fine (he left me forthe girl with whom he lived for a long time) he did not communicate with her, although she tried in every possible way ...
  • Help me make peace with my grandmother
    I am 19 years old. My name is Dima, I live with my grandmother. It so happened that after the death of his fathermom came out againmarried _ I have nothing against it, I communicate with her, and with Uncle Vova, and with brother Vitalik, and I have been living with my grandmother for several years....
  • Even after cheating and divorce, my husband does not want to leave me alone
    We lived with my husband for 21 years. We have two sons, 23 and 17 years old. In 2010 mymy husband , who was already ex-husband, decided to build a house. I did not want. I very much doubted that I would be able to cope with the construction, and my job was not stable.And oursthe relationship was no...
  • I want him to understand and come back
    My name is Maria, I'm 27 and I'm very unlucky in love. A little less than a month ago I broke up with a guy I had known for several years. Before that, I also dated another seemingly good guy, but he turned out to be frivolous and boring. I threw him out of my life without an ounce of regret.A coupl...
  • Why do parents allow themselves to beat their children?
    I just turned 13 years old. Today, as usual, I was getting ready for school. As always, morning panic: “Get out of the bath, I need to brush my teeth” or “Clean up after yourself!”First, I quarreled with my mother. She took the computer and said that she was giving me 15 minutes to clean up after my...
  • Mom thinks only about herself
    Mom always dreamed of living at sea, and I, in principle, agreed with her, especially when my father passed away. I saw that she was sad, melancholy, and everything reminded her of him, but I thought that together we would find some way out of the situation. For example, let’s save some money and bu...
  • I married without love and now I repent
    When I saw her for the first time in my life, I immediately thought it was definitely not mine, since I didn’t like her. Then we communicated as friends for a long time. She's already had sexI have no experience .It so happened that she herself suggested having sex. I lost my virginity with her. The...
  • Tired of debts and loans
    Maybe my story is banal, this can happen to anyone. My husband and I have been married for 7 years and haveson 6 years old. I won’t describe why (it will take a lot of time), but it turned out that I gained credits. They choke me so much that my soul is heavy.Every day they call from banks, I can’t ...
  • Don't listen to talk about the happiness of motherhood
    I am 23 years old. I was not happy when I found out I was pregnant. And I have mineMy husband also had mixed feelings about the unexpected news, because this was not part of our plans. But then I was happy.When I was 7-8 weeks pregnant, I had an accident. I was admitted to the hospital for conservat...
  • I missed the moment when my son came under someone else's influence
    All this is actually very strange and to some extent terrible, everything that is happening now to my 10-year-old son.He always grew up as a cheerful and obedient boy, he studies generally well, although he is lazy at times, he is finishing 4th grade this year, in general, everything went well with ...
  • I hate my father and hope I never see him again
    I am now 26 years old, I have not worked for 6 months.I was born in a remote village as the third child in my family, and then we moved to the city. My parents had no money at all, they left my older sister and brother with my grandmother, and I lived with them in the city and we rented someone’s ba...
  • Запретная любовь с цыганом
    27 числа у меня случилась беда, за решеткой оказался мой любимый человек.Все началось в 2015 году. На работе мне в след кричал молодой человек, с целью познакомится, лица я не увидела, но видела, что сидели два парня, а я вся такая гордая прошла мимо. Дальше он по всему автосалону (это место, где я ...
  • I didn't break down and started my life from scratch
    The story I want to tell is minepain and joy, my tears and my sadness, in general, mylife .It all started quite prosaically, my dad left my mom when I was 13 years old, besides me she also had my 3-year-oldbrother Sashka. Before the divorce, my mom and dad argued a lot, and in order to escape from t...
  • Жизнь без любви
    Мне 38 лет. Я живу в Азербайджане. Пишу впервые здесь и вообще в пространстве интернета, поскольку больше некому сказать о том, что наболело и что до сих пор не отпускает меня.Я поздний и единственный ребенок в семье. Возможно, из-за возраста и статуса родителей, росла очень серьезным, рассудительны...
  • The child is destroying our family
    I am 30 years old, my wife is 29. Before our child was born, we had a biglove for 5 whole years!The pregnancy was planned (how I regret it!). When he was bornbaby and it started. Screams, whims, we don’t sleep at night, nerves, my mother-in-law intervenes, starts helping, living with us. I am workin...
  • Our daughter's pregnancy
    I separated from my husband and stayed with my daughter. I can’t say anything bad about my husband: he helps us, he loves usdaughter . We separated becausemy husband always insisted that I leave my job, but I didn’t want to sit at home, because... I really love my job. I work as a translator and oft...
  • Parents love older sister more
    My sister and I have a big age difference. I hardly know her; we have never communicated closely. She moved out when I was still 6 years old. I started living with my boyfriend in my grandmother’s apartment, and after my grandmother’s deathMom signed the apartment over to her.Although we made attemp...
  • What to do if the mother-in-law interferes in raising children?
    I don’t know what to do, my mother-in-law is very meddlingraising children (2 and 3 years old). We live together, there is no opportunity to live separately, salaries are small, plus my mother-in-law periodically helps financially. But given all this, she doesn’t understand that we are parents and s...
  • I can't live with my husband's parents
    I'm only 18 years old. A year ago I moved toguy because of family problems. We then lived with my parents in a rented apartment, and we did not have money for rent. My parents had to go to another city to work part-time, and I went to my boyfriend.Kazakhs have such a tradition, ifWhen a girl crosses...
  • The daughter I lost
    Since childhood, my parents and theirlove for alllife , and based on the example of their relationship, I also wanted to build my family, so that with one for life, I never strived to have many girls. In my first year at the institute, I met Marina, a modest girl from a small village. It was with he...