каждый день

.Chaque jour est une occasion unique de prendre un nouveau départ, de relever de nouveaux défis et d'atteindre nos objectifs. Ce rythme de vie quotidien nous apporte une expérience inestimable et des opportunités de grandir, de se développer et de s'améliorer. Chaque jour apporte de nouveaux défis, mais aussi de nouvelles occasions de s'améliorer. Il est important d'apprendre à apprécier chaque moment, chaque jour, afin de vivre une vie pleine et épanouissante. Par conséquent, ne manquez pas l'occasion de rendre chaque jour spécial, de viser de nouveaux sommets et de vous réjouir de chaque instant que vous vivez.

  • The second marriage was also unsuccessful
    Everything in my life has already boiled over and I have no one else to share it with. I wanted to ask for advice. I havechild from his first marriage. He is 12 years old.I divorced my first husband a long time ago. He doesn't communicate with the child at all. Came outmarried a second time. There a...
  • Fateful meeting
    That year I was off my feet, looking for a job. But sometimes the salary is small, sometimes it’s justdivorce formoney . Therefore, for more than six months I did odd jobs, looking for a more or less suitable place for myself. But it's all in vainI wandered around the Internet every day . During the...
  • My husband demands delicious food every day
    I'm sick ofthink about what to cook for breakfast, dinner and lunch every day . And my husband also needs to pack for work; he doesn’t want to eat sandwiches. For lunch he demands at least two dishes, and on the weekend he also demands “something tasty.” But I want to come home from work and just re...
  • I created these problems for myself
    I found myself in a very difficult situation and accidentally stepped onpregnancy (already 11 weeks). The first pregnancy (my daughter is now 4 years old) was long-awaited; my husband and I waited for her for 5 years (we couldn’t get pregnant), but this one came very unexpectedly, since given my sta...
  • The guy I love considers me just a friend
    Two months ago I entered college and there I met an amazing man, he is handsome, smart, interesting. At the beginning, when I saw him for the first time, I thought he was amazing and my heart sank and it seemed to me that I fell in love for a second, just like that at first sight. But I threw away t...
  • Help your neighbor
    I see that they often write stories here with a bad ending. People write that they regret what happened and ask others to learn from their mistakes. And I wanted to tell the story of my happiness.I never thought that you could be happy while having surgery. 10 years ago I was diagnosed with a tumor ...
  • The guy hits me and calls me names
    I'm dating a young man. It's already the third year. I feel bad, I don't know why. I don’t have anyone to whom I could talk and understand. Parents are not allowed under any circumstances, there are no friends. They were, but my boyfriend discouraged me from them.I don’t have the strength, and I don...
  • Love came unexpectedly
    I want to tell my sad life story. Maybe someone will understand me and help me with advice.I am 40 years old. I got married at 19 and livedMarried for 21 years, not very happily. You are the one to blame. The saying “If you endure it, you will fall in love” does not work. And that’s pretty much what...
  • Jealous girlfriend
    I hadfriend a month and a half ago. We are from the same city, we were friends for 6 years, but a year ago I left to live in another country with my family, my friend and I were always in touch,We called each other several times every day . I come home often, almost every 3 months, because I have wo...
  • The past doesn't let me live in peace
    In the past I led a wild lifestyle: clubs, bars,alcohol , men. By the age of 18, I had a not very good reputation, you understand. My family is decent, my parents don’t drink. My entire family fought with me, from my grandmothers to my cousin’s husband. It got to the point that I was locked at home:...
  • My husband promised to buy a car, but now he says I don’t need it
    Before marriage I had my own car. Not new, but in excellent condition. I've been asking for several years nowMy husband should buy me a car, but he says that one for the family is enough.Yes, we have a car, new, expensive, just borrowed from itThe loan was paid off, but mine drives ithusband . For s...
  • My husband is more interested in the garage than I am.
    They say about men who have gone through a midlife crisis: “gray hair in the head, a devil in the rib.” This is about those who, in the process of painful rethinking of their mortal existence, decided that seven troubles - one answer: it’s time to go to the women. There are many of these, but this i...
  • Stepfather ruined our whole life
    I want to emphasize that we live in Tajikistan andmy mom is Russianfather was Tajik. My father died when I was 4 years old, ourthe family consists of my brother’s mother and there is also an aunt, but she lives separately from us in another region. Mom suffered a lot and suffered throughout her enti...
  • My communication with a girl turned into a quarrel and misunderstanding
    Iguy , 20 years old. A year ago we met a girl in an online game. She had a boyfriend and they lived together. We communicated closely and considered each other best friends. We live a thousand kilometers from each other. Four months ago, her boyfriend left her. I sat with her in the voice program fo...
  • What will such family relationships lead to?
    I’m 22, he’s 28. Our relationship is a year and a half old, we’ve been living together for about 4 months.Over the past two months, some kind of hell has begun in our relationship. He had a good car, but he wanted another one and ended up losing the car too and was left with virtually no money. I su...
  • Friend didn't wish you happy birthday
    One of my friends did not congratulate me onHappy Birthday . It's upsetting to me. And I don’t know if I should congratulate him on his birthday now.It would seem that everything is simple. Well, the man forgot for some reason. In principle, this is a small thing. Canforgive , don’t hold a grudge fo...
  • My ruined life
    I hate minelife , your environment, your parents. Nobody has ever loved me, since I was born.I am 29 years old, I live in a small village (10 thousand inhabitants). Mother gave birth to me becausemy father wanted it, but since I didn’t see my mother’s love, I was closed and unsociable, my father was...
  • My emotional dependence on a married man
    My story is banal and as old as the world. I can tell my friends, but they have enough problems of their own. You just need to talk it out.I'm quite old now. There were also marriages, but they didn’t work out, there were no children. Three years ago, at an entertainment event, I met a man.At first ...
  • Echoes of the past
    8 years ago, when I was 14 years old, I fell in love with a girl, she was already 18. We have the same social circle, and that’s where I saw her for the first time. She was incredibly beautiful. When I wrote to her and she replied, I was very surprised and delighted.For two years we have been with h...
  • How to cope with two small children without the help of your husband
    Dima and I got married while we were still students, and was borndaughter . Both my parents and his parents helped us from the very beginning, we were lucky in this. My daughter was already two years old, I found a job, gradually everything began to improve, but then I found out that againpregnant a...