каждый день

.Chaque jour est une occasion unique de prendre un nouveau départ, de relever de nouveaux défis et d'atteindre nos objectifs. Ce rythme de vie quotidien nous apporte une expérience inestimable et des opportunités de grandir, de se développer et de s'améliorer. Chaque jour apporte de nouveaux défis, mais aussi de nouvelles occasions de s'améliorer. Il est important d'apprendre à apprécier chaque moment, chaque jour, afin de vivre une vie pleine et épanouissante. Par conséquent, ne manquez pas l'occasion de rendre chaque jour spécial, de viser de nouveaux sommets et de vous réjouir de chaque instant que vous vivez.

  • What happens if you drink beer every day?
    Drinkbeer every day can have negative health consequences. Here are a few problems that a person may face if they drink beer on a daily basis: 1. Weight Gain: Beer contains a lot of calories, especially if consumed in large quantities. Regular consumption of beer can lead to excess weight and obesit...
  • I want to be needed, not lonely
    I am thirty years old, I have been living alone for almost four years. My husband and I separated almost peacefully, without big scenes, it’s just that all the years we lived with him - 8 years - constantly led to divorce. It's all because of his betrayal. I gradually stopped loving him and it was a...
  • If I knew what awaited me ahead
    My story began more than 15 years ago. Everything was great. The son finished his studies at the university, met a girl, they were friends for about 5 years, and then decided to get married. I didn’t really like my son’s fiancee, although the girl is not bad, but I would like to be an equal to my so...
  • Friend and her common-law husband
    Mygirlfriend wasn't theremarried , but lived with her common-law husband. She was leavingevery day to work, and he stayed at home in a rented apartment. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. According to my mood.She provided for both of them herself. This young man was distinguished by his love ...
  • I want to find my love, but girls don't pay attention to me
    I have been tormented by one problem for a very long time, the solution to which I would like to find here. This problem -loneliness , and more specifically, some kind of incomprehensible to me, my complete unpopularity with girls.I’m 23 years old, I’m finishing my master’s degree in IT, I have a no...
  • I can't forget the pain my mother caused me
    I don't like mine very muchmother since childhood. Yes, she bought me a lot of things, and I had everything that a child needed. But at the same time, my mother beat and humiliated me many times. What did I get it for? Mostly for the tears. There was one more incident. When I was in second grade, it...
  • Unwanted pregnancy
    I am 30 years old. Diagnosed with infertility. To be honest, as a childfree person, I was happy and quietly lived a happy life.Here, like a bolt from the blue, there are 2 stripes. Some will call it a miracle, I will call it a terrible nightmare. For myself, I immediately decided that I would have a...
  • Damage to a deceased friend
    This story began with the fact that about two years ago, in the midst of winter, swarms of huge black flies began to suddenly and without reason appear in my house and just as unexpectedly disappear. Neither the construction nor the sanitary commissions could identify the reasons for such a “nice su...
  • My daughter doesn’t want to work and is also rude to me
    My life didn't turn out the best. Three years after the wedding, she divorced her husband and raised her daughter alone. Masha is now 23 years old, and I am 47.Howevermy daughter doesn’t want to work or help me in any way. I’m not even talking about how much nerves and health I put into her. She has...
  • I don't want to leave my daughter without a father
    I have known my wife for 6 years, 5 of which we have lived together. There were all sorts of things, both good and bad, in some ways I was wrong, and in others she was wrong.In the fifth year of marriageMy wife cheated on me at work. She sacrificed her family to become the mistress of a married man....
  • Mother-in-law abandoned her grandson
    Married to my husband for 4 years, have a little oneson . We lived with his mother for a long time, but recently separated because it was already unbearable to live together. For 4 years of marriage, there were constant quarrels only because of his mother, since every month she was looking for a rea...
  • Relationship with a married man has reached a dead end
    I’m 24 years old, I recently divorced my husband, who didn’t appreciate me at all, but that’s not the problem. I started dating a man who I liked back when I wasMarried . We met through friends, he had a small request for me, and I agreed to fulfill it. We met only a couple of times then, and then q...
  • I don't know what to do with my youngest daughter
    In someone else's story, everything seems obvious what to do, but as far as oneself is concerned, there is complete inhibition. I don’t know what to do.Husband . The relationship is normal. House, full cup. Two adults and beloved daughters. Nowadays it is very popular to hate mothers, we are all ter...
  • Love or habit?
    I have been dating a guy for a year and 7 months. For the first six months or a year, everything was almost perfect: they loved deeply, they flew in the clouds, they couldn’t spend a minute without each other. Then everything started to deteriorate: he started hanging out, he didn’t cheat, of course...
  • I don't believe that I'm at the beginning of my life
    I feel old. It all started a long time ago, I always looked and felt older, until I was 19, I steadily added two or three years to myself, because I felt that way, with a slight advance. At the age of 19, I experienced psychological trauma associated with my parents (dealing with an alcoholic stepfa...
  • Thanks to my mother my childhood was happy
    This happened in my distant childhood, I was 5 years old then. I was sitting in my room on the bed and humming some children's song.And suddenly heavy, scary (as it seemed to me) steps were heard in the hallway. It was minefather , he came from somewhere completely drunk and, falling into my room, p...
  • Do I need this kind of friendship?
    Myhusband has an elderbrother Maxim. We communicate well with him. He can just take a break between lessons (heteacher ) come visit me for tea. We sit and just talk about this and that.But Maxim is married. He has 3 children at home. And himmy wife started looking at me suspiciously. This is unpleas...
  • My parents didn't love me, now I don't love my son
    I really want to understand why myson Sasha? Everything about him irritates me: the fact that he doesn’t know how to ride a bike, doesn’t know how to skate, the fact that he’s as skinny as a horse, the fact that he constantly repeats some thought of his, that heevery day he waits for hisbirthday , a...
  • My boyfriend's strange behavior on a date
    I am 19 years old. And I'm here to get advice and hear an outside opinion about my situation.A year ago I fell in love. At first glance and very strongly. To complete the story, I’ll clarify that I’ve known the guy since 2017, he noticed me, wrote on social networks, and we talked a little. There wa...
  • We love each other, but we can't be together
    I have been in a relationship with a man for nine months. We are the same age, we are 33 years old. I am Russian, he is Tatar. I will not describe the dating process and the first months of life together. Let me just say that we both fell head over heels in love. At least I do.I wanted not to tear m...