
A husband is not just a man with whom a woman creates a family. He is her support, friend, beloved and reliable partner for life. A man who takes care of his family, protects it and supports it in difficult moments. He is the head of the family, who makes important decisions and is responsible for the well-being of all his loved ones. However, a man must also respect and appreciate his wife, support her in her hobbies and interests, and be willing to compromise in the relationship. Husband is not just a word, but a role that must be fulfilled with love and responsibility.

  • Help from a former classmate
    Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. I dated my boyfriend for three years, but recently he said that he met another girl and we should break up. I was very hurt and upset, and then I was laid off at work. And I started to feel terribledepression . At twenty-six years old, I believed thatlife d...
  • Why don't women appreciate what they have?
    Lived with my wife for 21 years. There is an adultson , studies at university. All the difficulties are behind us, having survived together, you can breathe a sigh of relief and live for yourself. But something happened that I never expected. Cheated on mewife _She did not hide the fact that she fel...
  • This is how my husband and my mother made me
    I want to share my life story with everyone who has experienced something similar to what happened to me five years ago. After that incident, I became different, completely different.My husband was 40 years old at the time, and I was 30. When I got together with him, he had two children left in his ...
  • My dream husband
    I dated a young man for several months in a row, but he still didn’t want to confess his love to me. I thought that I would not rush things and was not worried about this. Then we started living together, but I didn’t see or hear words of love or marriage proposals from him.When he invited me to a c...
  • My husband insists that I quit my job and take care of his mother
    I lived with my husband for 3 years and it’s good that we don’t have children with him, otherwise it would be really difficult now. This is the secondmarriage for both me and him, we are the same age - we are 44 years old.At first I liked that he treated his mother with respect. It seemed to me that...
  • My husband doesn't spend any time with his family
    I don't know what to do in this situation. My husband doesn't spend any time with his family at all. Let's start with the fact that I leftI got married quite early, at 19, and he was my first man. Before the wedding, he behaved wonderfully and was just an angel in the flesh. Then we really wanted a ...
  • A friend stole my daughter's name
    I havea friend who I consider a sister. Or rather, that's what I thought before. She is alone in the family, I also have no brothers and sisters. That's why we became such friends.They shared everything and supported each other. She knew I didn't like my name. I was named after my grandmother - Any....
  • I want to, but I can’t trust my husband
    I have been living in South Korea for many years. Three years ago I met a man (local South Korean) and after six months of dating we got married and recently became parents.At first, of course, there were disagreements, as the difference in upbringing, mentality and language affected. Over time, eve...
  • I regret that I gave my husband another chance
    I don’t know if there is a chance for my ex-alcoholic husband (I really hope it’s an ex) to start living together again. Now he doesn’t drink, we live in an apartment that was left over from my mother. I am working. My husband does not work, although he has a higher education.I tell him: “let’s star...
  • I became uncomfortable with the attention of men
    I am 35 years old and I feel disgusted when strangers approach me on the street or in a cafe for the purpose of meeting me. I havehusband , children and at these moments I feel a feeling of great discomfort. When I was young, I perceived this as something normal, but now it’s completely different. B...
  • My beloved little brother
    Even though mybrother Anton is thirteen years younger than me, he and I have always been friends, especially since I always helped my mother babysit him when he was little. I went for a walk with a friend and always took him, she loved him too, and he got so used to it that when I met a guy, he bega...
  • How to cope with a divorce?
    I understand everything, I’ve read a bunch of articles, but now I need advice from real people. Here's my story.Got married at 21husband is the same age. Of course, it was early, but I loved him so much, and it seemed to me that he also loved me. At this point, we have lived together for 21 years, b...
  • Tired of debts and loans
    Maybe my story is banal, this can happen to anyone. My husband and I have been married for 7 years and haveson 6 years old. I won’t describe why (it will take a lot of time), but it turned out that I gained credits. They choke me so much that my soul is heavy.Every day they call from banks, I can’t ...
  • Unbearable father-in-law
    Imarried 8 years, yesson ,pregnant with her second child. From the very beginning I noticed various oddities of my father-in-law. He loves to drink and doesn’t watch his language at all, insults his mother-in-law, loves to do it in front of everyone, and she lets him get away with everything. But it...
  • How can you demand money from your own daughter?
    I found myself in an unpleasant situation, but this is the solution to all problems, as it turned out.I filed for bankruptcy, always paid my loans regularly for 10 years, but at a certain pointhusband lost his job. The loans were only for apartments and renovations, everything for the house, no vaca...
  • Having learned my decision, the groom stopped talking to me
    I'm 23 years old, yesterday I found out thatpregnant (this is my thirdI already had two pregnancies and abortions). The groom wants a child, we have been together for 6 years. I have my ownapartment , the groom has a more or less normal income, but he likes to drink. I do not know what to do? I don’...
  • The guy refuses to help me
    I live with a guy. We rent an apartment in half. We both work.I recently got sick and need expensivetreatment . I can’t handle this financially alone. I turned to him for help, so that he would give me money, since I don’t have enough. Although I always put it offI have money and my personal savings...
  • Husband can't provide for his family
    In my opinion, I have a global problem: I am 25 years old, I have two sons (3 years and 1 year 3 months) andhusband (not legal, not married). The fact is that I feel constantly depressed, I don’t want anything, I almost always feel bad, I’m angry and irritated almost all the time. I can’t feel any e...
  • Practical household appliances or romantic bouquets?
    I read Marina's story about howher husband bought her a fur coat as a gift, which she did not need - and she saw herself directly in this confession. My husband also likes to give unnecessary, but beautiful and romantic gifts.While we were dating, I was simply happy with his tenderness and romance. ...
  • Our daughter's pregnancy
    I separated from my husband and stayed with my daughter. I can’t say anything bad about my husband: he helps us, he loves usdaughter . We separated becausemy husband always insisted that I leave my job, but I didn’t want to sit at home, because... I really love my job. I work as a translator and oft...