
A husband is not just a man with whom a woman creates a family. He is her support, friend, beloved and reliable partner for life. A man who takes care of his family, protects it and supports it in difficult moments. He is the head of the family, who makes important decisions and is responsible for the well-being of all his loved ones. However, a man must also respect and appreciate his wife, support her in her hobbies and interests, and be willing to compromise in the relationship. Husband is not just a word, but a role that must be fulfilled with love and responsibility.

  • The price of betrayal
    My sister's husband loved her. He loved her very much, and this was obvious to both close people and casual acquaintances. There could be no mistake here. And how she loved him! From school. Adultson , but they looked like newlyweds.They are always there, eye to eye, you can describe for a long time...
  • My husband didn't live up to my expectations
    Six years ago I met my future husband atfriends visiting. He was the best man I could ever wish for myself.After meeting, we started living together within 3 weeks. Everything was like in a fairy tale. My parents have a big house outside the city. He himself comes from another city and has already c...
  • I'm completely confused in my relationship
    I want to share my life story with you. II’ve been married for almost 8 years, I’m 27, my husband is 35. Yeschild . My husband is a family man and a good dad, but he stopped paying attention to me as a woman. When I was stillpregnant , he went to sleep in another room, he was afraid of accidentally ...
  • I don't like children
    I don’t like children, I haven’t since I was 22, right after I gave birth to my child. These terrible 9 months seem to have been the worst in my life.Then another hell began - the round-the-clock howling of a child. Life has changed, and it seems to me, not for the better: my personal time has disap...
  • Controversial issue
    I met a friend and told me thatthe marriage is bursting at the seams. And all because they don’t have children. Not reallythe husband loved children so much, it’s just that all their friends have two or even three children, but he has no heir. Parents on both sides also “pressure”.Details atI didn’t...
  • I don't want to talk to my dad's wife
    I'm 24, yeshusband , 1 year old child. My parents divorced when I was six years old. At the moment they each have their ownlife . Dad has a new onewife anddaughter 12 years old. Mom doesn'tMarried .But my parents communicate periodically, they have goodrelationships , sometimes I even notice flirtin...
  • My dearest and beloved grandmother
    My mother was five years old when she diedMother . She was taken to her grandmother, but a year later, when her grandfather married again, her mother was taken back to the family and soon they had another one.child , motherBrother . The grandmother did not want to give her back, she was afraid that ...
  • Well, where we do not
    My name is Elena, I am now 38 years old. I live in Germany permanently, and now I’m visiting my family. To be honest, I don’t know why I decided to write thisconfession ​I don't even know what I want to write. Probably just about myselflife .I left for Germany 10 years ago. I left our terrible life,...
  • How to explain to your daughter that her father does not want to communicate with her?
    When was she born?daughter , I was nineteen years old. My husband was nine years older, so it seemed to me that with such an older man I was not afraid of anything. Moreover, he, like me, was looking forward to the birth of the child.But when the joy after our arrival with our daughter from the mate...
  • Alien but beloved child
    I’ll tell you one real story from life, so to speak, from the other side of the barricades than the author of this confession. Perhaps the author, who hates his wife and her spoiled child, will rethinkhis wife’s action and will be able to understand her. Or maybe not. The story is true, it happened ...
  • I live the way my parents lived
    It is generally accepted that children inherit the fate of their parents; if the mother is unlucky in her personal life, thenthe daughter will live the same way. This happened to me too, but I think that this is not fate, but simply a person transfers everything from childhood to adulthoodlife and y...
  • My life after civil marriage
    I have already written my story about the fact that civilmy husband said that he doesn’t need me. Now I have a new onelife without him. What I feel? She probably was kind to him. She cared and worried. Only if a person is initially like this, nothing will change him. A person cannot be good if evil ...
  • История про измену и ее забавные последствия
    Моя история очень длинная и, возможно, мало кто захочет её прочесть. Зато она откровенная и на 100% правдивая. Может быть, кому-то он даст пищу для размышления. Начнем-с.Ох и нравится мне самой себе трепать нервы… Все натыкаюсь на шипы и зачем-то ищу и изучаю свою вину в этих попаданиях. Но вот сейч...
  • I can't please my husband no matter how hard I try.
    I am 34, my husband is 29 years old. We look the same, I'm small and fragile.I can't figure out the situation in our family. Married 6 years, yesdaughter 9 years old from her first relationship. My husband always supported me in everything, cared for me, helped me in all situations. He is quite a po...
  • Why do people like to live in debt?
    I have always been surprised by people who live beyond their means, and not because I come from a family with modest incomes. My sister and I always had everything we needed, our parents never borrowed money, they always counted on earning money themselves, and we were taught that way. I am not writ...
  • I feel hurt and upset for my son
    It’s very hard for me right now, my heart is squeezing, there’s a lump in my throat. SecondMy child is very sick, he can only breathe on his own and that’s all. My son on September 1stThe Knowledge Day holiday will be 7 years old. I am very upset that he cannot walk, talk, run with his peers, he doe...
  • Life's difficulties couldn't break me
    I have always been an optimist in life, and no matter what happened, I tried to look for the positive in any situation. I remember very well how one of the teachers at the university said about me, they say, the smile never leaves your face and everyone would have the same attitude as me. And, indee...
  • At the crossroads
    I began to notice thatAt first my husband refused to eat at home, then he began to disappear on weekends more and more often. Probably after 4 months the alarm sounded. I asked him what happened? The first thing he replied was that he didn’t see me as a woman anymore.I began to clarify whether it wa...
  • My son has taken out loans, and I have to repay them
    My son is 27 years old and has been living separately and far away for 10 years. It seems to work, doesn’t tell much, it’s registered with me and two years ago I started receiving letters about credit debts. He started talking about problems without really explaining anything, I found it difficult, ...
  • I feel unhappy and empty
    My name is Maria. Age 27 years. Married. Eatdaughter , she is 7 years old. I spent my entire childhood in an orphanage, dreaming of a family, of my children. After graduating from school, I rushed to the city, entered a technical school and in my last year met a guy, he was 21, and I was 17 years ol...