
  • Divorce became the only way to make my dream come true
    I have lived with my husband for over 35 years. We have three children - two daughters andson . I worked a lot during my life. I almost never had a vacation. I wanted my children to always have the best. I spent almost no money on myself. But I often admitted to myself that I really wanted it.Apart ...
  • My mother-in-law insulted me and I can't forgive her
    It also occurs to methe question of whether to make peace or not with the mother-in-law, as in the author's story about a quarrel and reconciliation with his daughter-in-law and son.My husband and I have been together for 19 years. We have two sons. At that time, we lived in a rented cozy house, whe...
  • I don't want my son to live with me, but I'm afraid to tell him about it
    I am a pensioner, I live in my own house. My son is 43 years old, divorced. He does not have his own place. A year and a half ago he asked me to stay with him for a month. I allowed him, but time goes by, and he still lives there. He does not work officially anywhere, he gets by with small odd jobs....
  • My parents' behavior during quarantine made my husband angry
    When my whole family found themselves in self-isolation, I was somewhat happy. There was never enough time to rest,communication with children. And household chores have piled up.Once the shock of fear of the coronavirus had worn off a bit, we enjoyed doing nothing. But the idyll didn't last long, a...
  • School Love Story
    There are many stories about lovers, betrayals and treachery on this site. I will tell you a real story about my good friends - Sveta and Igor.I met Igor at work. I have known Sveta for many years. Igor and Sveta are former classmates. Sveta studied at our village school from the first grade, Igor t...
  • How I rushed to become an adult
    It all started two years ago. I was seventeen then. I wanted to go for a walk,my mother was constantly annoying me with her lectures. In general, like all teenagers. And then a young man crossed my path. He was not like anyone I had ever met before. He was an adult, earned his own moneylife and spok...
  • My granddaughter's bad parents
    MyThe son and his wife lived for only two years. However, they managed to have a child, whom heThe wife took it for herself after the divorce. The granddaughter was only one year old at the time.The divorce was difficult, in court they voiced a banal reason - "their personalities did not get along"....
  • My creepy mother-in-law
    I can’t calm down, I wanted to keep everything to myself, but it’s not working, so I have to share my story.I met my boyfriend on the Internet and we lived in different cities. He is very good, kind, handsome, stable.man . We corresponded for a long time and he came to my parents. At that time I was...
  • Why do I have such children?
    I have four children (4 sons). At 21, I gave birth to a son, and he turned out to be deaf and dumb. For me, it was not just a blow. It was a shock, it was a catastrophe. I am 21 years old. I am an inferior woman who could notgive birth to a healthy child.I lived in such torment and suffering for man...
  • My husband's pride is destroying our well-established life
    Imarried for 7 years. We have a growingdaughter . She is 4 years old. We live normally. Sometimes it is even just great. But sometimes there are quarrels. Everything is like everyone else.MyMy husband had a high-paying job. Then he was laid off. He is worried. I support him as much as I can. And for...
  • My mother is a bad influence on my son.
    I have the same situation as the author of the story, wheremother interferesraising a grandson. My son is already 16 years old. We live together with my elderly mother. How she hates me! It's just something out of this world! Unfortunately, we can't live separately yet. M Since childhood, my mother ...
  • My ungrateful friend
    Ugirlfriends were bornson , a wonderful handsome boy. She invited another friend to be the godmother, but I was present at the christening.I came to visit my friend once when the child was already several months old, we developed mutual sympathy. I played with him with pleasure. Well, how I played, ...
  • I can't get along with my mother-in-law
    I know I'm not the only one who can't get along with her mother-in-law. But I hope they understand.It's been almost a year of our family life, but I can't find a common language with my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law is disabled, she had a stroke and hasn't recovered yet. Almost 10 years have passe...
  • I hate my eldest son
    I can't write beautiful life stories, but I'll try to describe my situation to hear your opinion. Maybe someone will give advice, maybe someone had a similar situation and solved it.So, I have two children,son anddaughter . The first son was long-awaited, as my husband and I had been treated for a y...
  • Son and daughter-in-law are thrown out into the street
    It so happened that we live in a three-room apartment as a large family –son with daughter-in-law, me anddaughter . My husband died a year ago. While he was alive, everything depended on him, now for my son and daughter-in-law I am not only not an authority, but even a burden.Although each of us has...
  • I appreciated my husband's love only in old age
    Mymom allShe lived her life with her father without ever loving him. She didn't even hide it.As a child, I did not understand why my mother treated my father, whom I loved very much, in this way. He tolerated herindifference and apathy, apparently he put up with them for the sake of me, his only and...
  • Everything and Nothing: Why I Cheated on My Husband
    I can't tell anyone about myself, my life in full, my feelings, that's why I want to tell my story here. Thank you in advance for reading. I am constantly under emotional stress, and I feel like I'm playing some kind of role.I am 39 years old, I have everything... or had, or thought I had. In appear...
  • How do I tell my son that I don't like his girlfriend?
    I had a strained relationship with my mother-in-lawrelationship . And when I had a babySon , I promised myself that in the future I would respect my son’s choice and never quarrel with my daughter-in-law.Now my son is 24 years old, there isgirl and I don't like her. She's 2 years older than him, fro...
  • To love a married man or to marry someone you don’t love?
    I'm having a hard time and I have no one to talk to. I have long-termrelationship with a married man. He has a smallson and he cannot leave the family because of his son.At a certain point he came into my life and stayed in it. There was a lot of things, a lot of trials, we tried to break up, it did...
  • I can't understand what my wife is trying to achieve.
    Ten years ago our joint work beganlife . My wife hada child from my first marriage, whom I tried to treat as my ownfather . Unfortunately, the child was greatly influenced byex's motherhusband , who was given the child, because she pretended to be a loving grandmother. But my wife and I tried to neu...