
  • I feel inadequate
    My husband and I love each other very much, we have been together for many years. From the very beginning we dreamed of children, but postponed them. There were many reasons, from loans to mortgages and even moral unpreparedness to become parents. Mostly it concerned me. UMy husband already had a ch...
  • I wasted my money and years on the man I loved.
    I am 45 years old and again another unsuccessfulrelationship . The man I accepted with loans, two marriages and 4 children behind him, after turning on the heating in his house under construction, said that I was the worst thing that had happened in his life and that he did not love me.He lived with...
  • For the sake of the children I overcame my pride
    When I divorced my husband, the children were still small. At first, he did not pay any attention to them at all, he lived only for his own pleasure. By the way, that's why we got divorced. I didn’t want to tolerate his constant absence from home, his lack of attention to me and the children.At firs...
  • To meet her grandchildren, the daughter-in-law put forward new conditions
    Mymy daughter-in-law is terribly afraid of getting coronavirus and since last year she has turned her house into an impregnable fortress. By and large, I don’t want to meet her again, but I really miss my grandchildren. We didn’t see each other very often before, but at least I could take the childr...
  • Is construction a woman's job?
    I work at a construction site (I don’t lay bricks, of course, but I had to learn the terminology and the peculiarities of communicating with foremen). I’ve been reading test-antibiotic.com for a long time and I want to tell you about a painful issue. Let myConfession seems like a minor problem, but ...
  • By law or by conscience?
    I want advice, not even like that, I’m standing at the crossroads “according to the law” and “according to my conscience.” The decision has not been made yet, I will make it myself, but I would like to listen to people who are not interested.I should probably start with the fact that I am a kept wom...
  • How to accustom your husband to household responsibilities?
    The morning, as always, passed in a hurry, I prepared breakfast for everyone, and drank it myself on the go.coffee and to work. During my lunch break, I had a quick bite to eat in order to have time to run to the shopping center to buy a gift for my friend, who is visiting tomorrow.birthday , and we...
  • Our son is not needed by any of the grandmothers
    When I became pregnant, there was a conversation with my mother about where to register the child. She then told me that when the baby is born, we register it with my husband. Because it seems like from time immemorial, a woman goes to a man’s house and gives birth to children there, and not vice ve...
  • How I met my mother-in-law
    I was married for only three years, but that was enough for me to become disappointed in people. After the wedding, my husband and I lived with his parents. From the very beginning, my mother-in-law was constantly dissatisfied with everything. No matter what I did, everything was wrong. When I compl...
  • My children copy my mistakes in life
    I leftmarried a very good man, but it was notLove . I just escaped from a hard life. An atheist myself, I am now more of an agnostic and I can say from my own experience that there is some kind of force that can influence our affairs and point out our mistakes. This can be clearly seen in the famili...
  • I am very guilty towards my son
    There are probably thousands of such stories. I already wrote here a year ago. At that time I was on the verge of an abortion.I'm 28 years old, firstpregnancy from an unloved person and plus (so it seemed to me at that time) dislike for children. Of course, I was going to have an abortion. But God s...
  • Stepfather left mom homeless
    My mother is retired and has been with her husband for over 30 years. He is not our familyfather ,his mother came to live with him with her small children. My brother and I have already grown up and have our own families. We spent our entire childhood with our stepfather and considered him our fathe...
  • All that's left is to live
    It sometimes happens that you seem to live in a whirlwind rhythm and suddenly some kind of melancholy comes upon you, so heavy, dreary, you begin to look back at the past. Like today, for example.This happened 9 years ago. I was a schoolgirl then, an 11th grader, and he was a grade lower. What was i...
  • I'm faced with a choice
    I love children and thought that I would have three or four of my own. But the reality is that my husband and I have oneWe cannot financially afford a son and a second one. We barely have enough money to support ourselves, and a small child needs a lot of things, and I will have to be at home on mat...
  • I'm afraid to leave my child without a father
    I lived with my husband for 2 years, we have a baby, he is one year old. Things didn't work out for us right after I got pregnant. At first it seemed like it was good, but then quarrels began, and I told him that he should live his own life, and I would never even remind him about the baby, but he s...
  • I'm afraid of getting old like my mom
    After reading the story thatmy son wants to remember his father healthy, I decided to confess too. I also have a difficult situation, and I understand the author of the story.When my dad died, I had to take my mom with me. It was the right decision then. Or it just seemed that way.Mom had a one-room...
  • I'm ashamed that I didn't appreciate my parents
    I always wanted to be like all my acquaintances and friends, so that I also had fashionable clothes and shoes. I took it from my dad firstI bought money for pants, then I bought it for sneakers, I bought everything, everything is fine, I’m happy, and then a couple of days later I see that his sneake...
  • What should I do if my husband raises his hand against me?
    My husband and I have been together for three years, and we’ve been living together for almost two and a half. While we were dating, he treated me normally, but as soon as we started living together, he began to raise his hand against me, even when I was pregnant.I have two children,daughter from hi...
  • Noisy musical talent next door
    My name is Konstantin, I am 37 years old. I live alone in a small apartment left from my parents in a panel house with good audibility. I have good onesrelations with all neighbors. At least, they were good until recently, when a young talent appeared in the neighbor’s apartment, passionately intere...
  • Why couldn't I find a common language with the children?
    My eldest son is 42 years old, he was also raised by his stepfather. I have almost the same situation as in the confession thatmy son doesn't want to communicate. But I don't blame my son. It's all her own fault. When I was little, I probably didn’t love you enough, didn’t caress you enough! And whe...