The daughter realized her mistake, but it was too late

The daughter realized her mistake, but it was too late
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I haveThe daughter was also problematic, like the author of the story, who cannot cope with raising her daughter. My daughter just didn’t gain weight, but rather lost weight. Which also really scared me. And the bans also had no effect on her. She lay down and looked at the wall and refused to eat. Those who have different children will never understand this. Under any pressure, she silently retreated into herself or out of the house. And I ran around looking for her and shaking. As she later said, she thought about suicide all the time and suffered from panic attacks.

After 9th grade I went to college, but on the second day I ran back to school. Everyone was unfamiliar, at least it was familiar at school. We saw a psychiatrist, to no avail. Some pills helped with depression. I finished 11th grade and went to bed at home. She refused to study further, although I was ready to pay and take her to another city, which is what she dreamed of. How can you kick her out at 18 years old if the child is not socialized? Although it also scared me. In the end, I found a remote job, working from at home. And yes, now she understands that she was wrong, but you can’t turn back time.

While she was lying down and not working, she cooked and cleaned the house. Now I have goals, I’m ready to work. Children outgrow if notargue with them and do not humiliate them. For a long time I could not accept this situation, and then I realized that I had no choice. Accepted. At least I’ve restored good contact with her, otherwise I’ll have to shout guard.

Children are different, I also went to forums, looked for help at school and from doctors. I couldn't find it anywhere. But I invested a lot. I took her to all the clubs, walked her, took her to the sea. And yet I faced such global problems.

Love and accept, this is a very long process. But when a child is accepted, he goes. I never found another way.

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