Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • We were brought together by the betrayal of our spouses
    Family after betrayal. Want to know how it is? I will tell.I won’t tell you the whole backstory, there’s no point in it, and everything is clear, 16 years together, two children, everything was fine, and then it happenedwife's betrayal .I am 37 years old. As I said, I am married and have two childre...
  • How to reconcile your husband with his parents?
    Two years ago I leftmarried _ Before that, we lived together for two years. To my parentsI didn’t like my husband from the very beginning, although he works, earns well (above average, several times more than me), helps me around the house, doesn’t drink, and has never been known to cheat. Relations...
  • I can't help my bad temper
    Initially, I hated my weight, but over time, everything began to get worse and worse. I began to hate my appearance, and then my whole self. And all this was still normal, until the moment I began to hate my character.I used to think that everything was fine with my character, even much better than ...
  • Leave or fight for the relationship?
    I never thought that I would ever ask myself thisquestion , because everything was fine. I'm crazy about him, and he's crazy about me. But something turned upside down in an instant, for no apparent reason.We've been together for almost five years. I am a third year student, he graduateduniversity a...
  • My daughter doesn't love me
    Perhaps my problem is trivial. Or it happens completely the other way around, in any case, I’ve read stories where the situation is completely opposite to mine.The thing is that my eight year oldmy daughter doesn't love me. And I can't understand why. I didn’t pay much attention to it before, but I ...
  • Children are not always a joy
    Read it hereconfession of a happy mother, and I want to say thathappiness lasts while children are small. Maybe not everyone has themproblems in relationships with adult children, but I’m sure many do. But I want to tell you about myself and my twin daughters – Olya and Natasha, who turned 22 this y...
  • How I got to boarding school
    I live in Belarus and the main difference between the Belarusian school education system and the Russian one is a 10-point rather than a 5-point rating scale. There are other differences, such as those related to final exams. I won’t lie that I was allegedly taken away from my parents for some small...
  • My love and illusion
    I write my thoughts on paper often because someone said it helps. I wrote when I felt despair andpain . It was not a sudden surge of inspiration or a craving for art. I just thought it would help.Sometimes I try to understand whether there was something other than illusion and manipulation. What did...
  • Do I need such relatives?
    Happened the other dayquarrel with one relative. Personally, I would have cut it long agocommunication to a minimum, but myMom stubbornly clung to her, because “there are no more relatives,” “it’s so bad,” “what if we needhelp , and besides her, there will be no one to help.”About 20 years ago, when...
  • I fall in love with older men
    I don't understand what's happening to me. I began to notice that I often fell in love, not only with peers, but also with older men. But I don’t understand if this is really love.In general, I liked the boy at school for a long time, but somehow closer to the end of school the sympathy passed, and ...
  • I'm happy that I have such a husband
    Having been on this site for quite a long time, I have read a lot of life stories. And finally I decided to tell my story.Imarried _ I haveson Azamatik andmy husband Ruslan, whom I love madly, more than myself, more than my life. He is very dear to me. Ruslan and mineMom is the only people I can tru...
  • My girlfriend's cheating story
    The story is quite long. But I want to tell you everything in order, so that it is clear.I met my girlfriend for the first time about 6 years ago. I was 18, she was 21. Yes, then I fell in love, but rather, like an inexperienced ardent young man. We dated for several months, slept together (she’s my...
  • My husband made me unhappy
    My husband and I have been together for 9 years. Married for 7 years, daughter is almost 5 years old. My husband and I have a crisis; we cannot find mutual understanding.Our crisis coincided with his own crisis for 30 years. It seems to him that he has achieved little, although he earns very well an...
  • When everything secret sooner or later becomes clear
    The story is not mine, but that of my very good friend, but told with his permission.Once upon a time there wasfamily , been together for 15 years, two children, two wonderful girls - 17 and 7 years old, both beauties and smart people to look for. My friend works in a large government. corporation, ...
  • I regret that I left my wife for my mistress
    My first wife and I met at the institute. Gone are the days of being a student, renting an apartment and eating more than a pound of salt together.After graduating from university, we got married and tried to get on our feet. It was a very difficult time, I worked a lot and saved for my own business...
  • I didn’t love my ex-boyfriend, but I can’t forget
    These were my first seriousrelationship _ My friend introduced usgirlfriend (at his own request). I didn’t have love or sympathy for him at first sight.I was 17. He was 23, his name was Zhenya. For a year he courted and wooed. He was a kind of authority in our city. Many were afraid of him. He was p...
  • What should I do with such love?
    I don't tell anyone anything. My parents understand why, but I don’t have any friends as such, and probably never will. The fact is that 3 years ago I fell in love with a guy. At first I thought it was all for fun, I was kidding, then I realized that I liked it. And in the winter of 2012, somehow in...
  • Why are Ukrainians and Russians no longer on the same path?
    Until recently, the position was very popular among Ukrainians: “we are against Putin, but we have nothing against ordinary Russians.” The same idea can be seen in recent stories published here, incl. in the comments of Ukrainians. Like, it’s all he – the GDP – who is muddying the waters, trying wit...
  • How I became the fourth wife of the man I love
    It all started so beautifully. We met him through mutual friends. Vlad, adultman , he’s 39 years old, I’m 22, I painfully broke up with my boyfriend a month before we met. And he is married for the second time,my wife cheated and left. Two children remained with him - 4 and 6 years old. Boy and girl...
  • I still couldn't wait for the words of love
    Surely my story is not much different from the stories of many, even millions of girls. The situation is quite common and banal. In short, I'm younggirl , beautiful, interesting, cheerful, smart, very creative and pathologically unlucky in love. Having read beautiful books about love as a child, I f...