Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I'm tired of my ill-mannered children
    The story of hating my own son gave me the idea to share mine. My twins are already sick of me, I also had a caesarean section and it was very difficult for me to get them. I seem to love them, but they are always breaking everything, smashing everything, touching things that are not supposed to, sp...
  • My brother is loved more than me
    They almost always say that children are loved equally, or younger ones are loved more, right? But my situation is completely opposite.I'm 13 years old, my brother is 20. He recently moved to Spain and myBecause of this, my mother completely forgot about me. She doesn’t say a word about me, nor abou...
  • I want to get married!
    I was daddy's favorite daughter, maybe because the only and long-awaitedchild . Dad called me princess, and I wanted to finda husband to be as handsome and reliable as dad. But it didn't work out.I have never been deprived of male attention. Beautiful appearance, higher education, successful career....
  • I don't need a relationship without mutual trust
    I am 48 years old. Two years ago I met a man on social networks. At the first meeting, he said that his cat was seriously ill, and it was clear that he was really very worried about this. I was very touched by this. She volunteered to help him and recommended a good veterinarian, but the animal coul...
  • Tired of waiting for a proposal from a guy
    I'm 21, he's 26. We've been dating for 3.5 years now, and I can't wait for him to propose. We have already talked about this topic. He answered me: “We are already good together, why do we need this stamp in the passport? We have the bestrelationship - they wanted it, they separated without any divo...
  • My selfish mother in law
    I don’t know how to stop hating my mother-in-law. We live together and will never be separated from her, becauseThe husband believes that separating means leaving her. From the hopelessness of the situation, I am ready to howl like a wolf at the moon. I feel like she doesn’t really like me either, b...
  • I can’t forgive the guy’s betrayal, despite his sincere repentance
    I am 21 years old. I have been dating a guy for 3 years (will be in a couple of months). Our relationship is far from ideal - he betrayed me a year ago by sleeping with an old friend of his. Before that, he corresponded with her for 5 months, she eventually left him. I found their correspondence alm...
  • I can't leave my husband in this state
    I’m 25, my husband is 30. For the first six months we couldn’t breathe without each other. Then I got pregnant and got married.We did everything together, while my condition allowed, he did not work (was engaged in business, went bankrupt). They lived at my expense. I'm going on maternity leave andm...
  • I help children, and matchmakers come to me to relax for free
    Everyone calls me greedy, even my family. None of them understand what it means to make moneymoney in season. I really want to find support from those who know how penny goes from penny to penny, know the value of money and can understand me. After all, everything is not as simple as it seems at fir...
  • I trust all my secrets and desires to my diary.
    I am 19 years old. I have a problem - I think too much and stress myself out. I never had any experience communicating with girls, well, I talked to some at training or at school, but beyond that there was nothing.I was not popular at school, I was an outcast and an object of ridicule, I was always ...
  • My father kicked my husband out of his house
    Came outmarried for great mutual love. We have two children, 9 and 7 years old. At first we rented a house, then we moved in with my father. In another part of the house, but on the same plot, my two brothers live. One is divorced, the other is dating a girl. We moved in with our father for a while ...
  • After her betrayal, my wife gave me complete freedom of action
    I have shared my story on this site before. The wife cheated for 3 years, and when she got caught, she lay at her feet, asking for forgiveness.At this point, 8 months have passed. She works hard to support our family and does not devote a single minute to her personal life. I was given freedom of ac...
  • I'm afraid of my old age
    I'm afraid of my old age. I am 49 years old,I have never been married .I come from a small town, there was no work, so I decided to try my luck in the capital. I found a job and rented a house. After the death of her parents, she sold their one-room apartment, planning to take out a mortgage in the ...
  • How to protect the family from mother-in-law interference?
    All my consciouslife I was, am, and will be a sensible advisor, support and vest for my loved ones. By listening to difficult situations, I can often make the right decision and give a worthwhile hint to the person. But as they say, “a shoemaker without boots.” At the moment, life has prepared a tra...
  • I hate my mother and her lover
    My father, whom I respected, loved and love very much, recently died in an accident. He was both my mom and my dad. I cried for a long time and could not come to my senses. After this terrible loss, I wanted to get closer to my mother, with whom I had never said “hello” or “bye” before.Then after a ...
  • How can I grow up and become like everyone else?
    I’m already 17 years old, but it feels like I stopped developing for about 13 years. The problem is that I’m childish to the point of gnashing my teeth. AllThe girls of my age who surround me diligently take care of their appearance, are organized, neat and have rather aristocratic manners in their ...
  • Why do I need all this?
    My name is Roman , I'm 15 years old. AllIn my life I led a healthy lifestyle, had no bad habits, never did anything bad to people, was always a kind person, but never happy.I have a lot of diseases, of almost all organs, that are not asymptomatic and this interferes with my life too much, because......
  • My mom is a tyrant
    I am 30 years old. All my childhood she beat memom . She always humiliated me in front of people, stuck her nose in minelife forced me to study for someone I didn’t want to be. She never believed in my strength, humiliated and humiliates me at every opportunity. Because of this, my personal life did...
  • Goodbye
    You looked at me with regret and said that it was better to leave, that you didn’t deserve me, that I deserved better. I wanted to scream why you decide what I need in this life, but I remained silent. Now you're gone and the house is completely empty and I don't know what to do. I hug the robe that...
  • My story
    I read the story “My Daughter Ignores and Hates Me” and wanted to write my own, because my dad has always been a sore subject for me, even if I’m turning 30 soon.I don’t know if they were looking for me or if it just happened that way, but I was born into another family. After the people were born, ...