
  • There is a lot of pain in my soul
    My husband and I have been together for 14 years. We got married while still in college, very young. We had nothing, rented a room, then worked. Our relatives could not help us and we started everything from scratch.The husband was very serious and purposeful, so his career took off sharply. I suppo...
  • Victim Syndrome
    I lived in such hell for almost three years as the author of a story about a jealous and cruel husband. I wanted to leave, but I realized that I was expecting a child. I wanted to have an abortion, he said that he would destroy me if I did. AllI spent my pregnancy in fear, pain and resentment. Jealo...
  • Cheated on her husband to take revenge
    Mymy husband was my first man with whom I fell madly in love. Even more, I lived only for him. I was a student, my parents gave me little money, but I managed to save it and buy him little surprises.He was not wealthy, did not have a well-paid job and a car. But I loved him to bits. I went crazy fro...
  • Cheating on your wife has no statute of limitations
    Married for 23 years, already have two grown sons. One is 18 and the other is 20 years old. Everything seems to be fine, and it seemsthe family is normal, andThe relationship with my wife is good, but nothing is normal. One thing gnaws at me and that’s it. And it seems like everything happened a lon...
  • I found out about my husband's cheating too late
    I read itconfession thatmy husband found out about his wife’s infidelity only after her death, and I have the same story. I also found out about the betrayal only after my husband’s death. I don’t know what’s scarier, to find out during life or after. Resentment,pain and agony. I’ve been living like...
  • I can’t forgive myself for not helping
    March 5, 2021 is one of the worst days in my life. Now I hate myself even more.On another weekday I went to the train to go to work. Friday. Early morning. Dark. The snow is falling. The eve of March 8th. Good mood. And then in the darkness I see that a dog in a collar is sitting on the tracks, and ...
  • My parents' drinking led me to long-term depression
    I was born in a normal family, I was a modest and obedient child. When I started going to kindergarten, and then to first grade, there werecommunication problems . I was scared to start a conversation first, and generally interact with the guys, so I was always silent.In 4th grade I gotfriend , than...
  • My wife’s unfaithful betrayal still haunts me to this day
    I want to tell you my life story.At that time, we had been dating my future wife for 2 weeks. I had to see herlove at first sight, and she went to the hotel with someone else. He says there was nothing between them. I believe her, but only because he didn’t want to - I later talked to him about this...
  • Man can make himself happy
    My name is Nikita, and exactly 10 years ago my beloved left megirl . She left me at a difficult time in my life when my parents left and I lost a well-paid job.Debts accumulated, I had to work on a shift for a relatively non-competitive rate, and the work, let's say, was far from prestigious. At nig...
  • How can I change and find myself
    I am twenty-five years old, I have a job, I exercise moderately. My problem is that I was raisedmother , and there was never a male example nearby. I can't stand being alone and I get depressed because of it and there's nothing I can do about it. According to the girls, I'm cute, but it turns out to...
  • I can't forget my father and deal with my problems
    When I was 8 years old, my parents divorced and they asked me who I would like to live with. I answered that with my mother, because otherwise she would have been offended, although she herself perfectly understood that I would be better off with my father. About six months later, my father died in ...
  • My terrible wedding
    I always dreamed of a beautiful wedding and prepared for it very carefully for 8 months. Haute couture dress, best place for offsite check in, decor is fantastic. In general, they arranged a fairy tale, everything was calculated. But the day started withthe groom's mother came and tried to give me p...
  • My late repentance to my mother
    With the birth of my son, Ia single mother , had no means, and therefore, out of desperation, I came to my mother's house. My son has become my world and my universe. I was so worried about him that when he was born, I did not leave him for a minute.I thought something might happen to him. And when ...
  • A strange employee is surviving me from the team
    Recently, our structural unit was merged with another. Basically, I know my new colleagues. Sometimes I run into them at work. People are like people. My attitude was neutral.But recently, one of the new colleagues has taken a dislike to me and is trying to turn all the new employees against me. Set...
  • 10 reasons not to drink beer tonight...
    Beer isfavorite drink of many people. It can be a great companion at a party or after a hard day's work. However, there are many reasons why you should give up beer tonight. In this article, we will look at 10 reasons not to drink.beer tonight. 1. Beer can cause depression While beer can help you re...
  • Вне отношений и притязаний
    Почему-то человек воспринимает добро как слабость, любовь – как звериный инстинкт, а отношения между любимыми стали бесценными как дуновение ветра. Каждый из нас в определённый период ищет того человека, с которым ему было бы легко и свободно, того человека, от которого всё тело содрогалось от желан...
  • Исповедь плохого мужа
    Изначально хотел написать комментарий, как ответ на другой комментарий в одной из свежих историй, о том, как начальник принуждал к сексу. Но подумав, решил написать исповедь о себе и о своей жизни. С моей бывшей женой я прожил в браке 19,5 лет. Представьте себе эти годы, это ведь целая жизнь. Я нико...
  • Tired of living without love
    Since 2014, changes began to occur in my life. I graduated from school, and upon graduation I had 2 dreams - happyfamily and a well-built career. On the one hand, I understood that it was impossible to achieve both, but I wanted to believe that I could do it. I went to Russia, entered theuniversity ...
  • Как избавиться от ненависти?
    Я всегда считал себя человеком уравновешенным, избегал конфликтов, старался не держать зла, не мстить, входить в положение людей и прощать их. Ведь зло и ненависть делают нас чёрствыми. Не мог так же понять некоторых людей, которые держали в себе долго боль, обиду, ненависть и этот весь негатив их и...