
  • Sorry for the happiness, mom!
    My name is Natalia, I am 36 years old and I decided to confess, pour out all thatthe pain and bitterness that have haunted me all these long and difficult 20 years. This is how long I have not communicated with my dearest person, my mom. On March 22, my mother will turn 60 years old, and not only wi...
  • I separated my husband from his mistress, but I can’t forgive him
    Myconfession is not original, thousands of women face betrayalhusband and somehow continue to live with it. But I’ll try to talk it out, maybe it will help dull mypain .Imarried for 25 years. We have an adultson , lives separately with his girlfriend, comes home 2 times a month.My husband and I live...
  • Confession of a mother with a child under three years old
    In the morning I get up with an alarm clock at 7:20 to wake me uphusband to work. I don’t wish him good morning, I don’t make tea or breakfast. I angrily lift him out of bed so that his own alarm clock, to which he has been sleeping well for many years, does not irritate me and wake up my son. My so...
  • There were no white stripes in my life
    I want to tell you a real, true story about my difficult life, because I can’t keep it to myself anymore, and I can’t tell my loved ones. The story will be long, excuse me, I will write about everything that torments me.I was born into a low-income family. Mythe father did not want to have children ...
  • I feel superfluous and lonely
    I'm 16 and finishing 10th grade. I have my group of girlfriends, there are four of us in total.A year ago everything was fine, we communicated well with each other. They are beautifulfriends who know how to support and listen. But among these three, I have (or had) the closest one. And we could be d...
  • I feel hurt and upset for my son
    It’s very hard for me right now, my heart is squeezing, there’s a lump in my throat. SecondMy child is very sick, he can only breathe on his own and that’s all. My son on September 1stThe Knowledge Day holiday will be 7 years old. I am very upset that he cannot walk, talk, run with his peers, he doe...
  • Jealous wife of her ex-husband
    My wife and I have been living together for a year now. She is Russian, I am Tatar. Just three months ago they officially registeredrelationship , we dated for a year before this. At that time, she had been married for seven years. Her daughter is 6 years old. But as soon as I met her, this fact did...
  • I was disappointed in love and in relationships, but fate brought me together with a girl again
    After the woman I loved left, I turned my attention to achieving my own goals, which were far from creating new relationships. I didn’t want to live in the usual way. The banal desire to leave and escape from painful memories overpowered the desire to find a new oneLove .For five years I lived accor...
  • I feel unhappy and empty
    My name is Maria. Age 27 years. Married. Eatdaughter , she is 7 years old. I spent my entire childhood in an orphanage, dreaming of a family, of my children. After graduating from school, I rushed to the city, entered a technical school and in my last year met a guy, he was 21, and I was 17 years ol...
  • Common problems brought us closer together and led to happiness
    This story began with great grief. I was married. Everything started well, changes began after I was bornson . The son was born sick, with cerebral palsy and Down syndrome, diseased kidneys and heart disease, in general, terriblepain , both for him and for us parents.I don't know why but probablymy ...
  • I started a new life, but the past won't let me go
    I am writing a continuation of my story so that no one repeats my mistakes. In May it will be a year since I ran away from myhusband of a tyrant. My grandmother was sick and bedridden for 8 months. On May 9, he did not allow me to stay with my grandmother for even 5 minutes, and on May 11, 2015, she...
  • I want to leave my disabled husband
    I read many stories about how people who became disabled after an accident recover and live happily with their spouses, and some even findlove already, for example, after an accident and injuries received in the service. I can only admire such news. Women play a special role in such stories, because...
  • Why is my husband not as successful as my friends' husbands?
    I am 29 years old, my husband is 38, I havechild (3 years old). We got married when I was 21, and before that we lived together for several years. In general, although we have very different temperaments (he is a homebody, I am drawn to adventure), we get along more or less well. He attracts me very...
  • I am a married virgin
    I'm 23 years old, II'm married and I'm a virgin. Yes, I'm afraid of sex and I can't lose my virginity.It all started when I was youngmy mother kept intimidating me with the fact thatsex is painful, dirty and bad for my teenage years. The first wedding night for a woman is hard labor, she said that I...
  • Сердцу не прикажешь: исповедь о моей любви
    18 лет – очень интересный возраст, влюбленность, «розовые очки» и все такое. Я только закончила школу, поступила на юр. факультет, вроде все как по плану, а тут раз – и задержка. Что это?Сказать, что мы с Олегом встречались… нет, мы виделись, когда ему этого хотелось и когда он действительно это мог...
  • I can't forget the pain my mother caused me
    I don't like mine very muchmother since childhood. Yes, she bought me a lot of things, and I had everything that a child needed. But at the same time, my mother beat and humiliated me many times. What did I get it for? Mostly for the tears. There was one more incident. When I was in second grade, it...
  • An unexpected war with neighbors in a cottage community
    When we moved to a new cottage community, everything started well and joyfully: construction, renovation, meeting new people, new prospects and advantages. We got the cats we dreamed of.But for some reason our neighbors didn’t like us. And our cats are even more so. This turned out to be an accident...
  • Unwanted pregnancy
    I am 30 years old. Diagnosed with infertility. To be honest, as a childfree person, I was happy and quietly lived a happy life.Here, like a bolt from the blue, there are 2 stripes. Some will call it a miracle, I will call it a terrible nightmare. For myself, I immediately decided that I would have a...
  • With my hasty marriage I put an end to my personal life
    It's been 7 years since I met my loved one, but we weren't destined to be together.When we met, we were 20 years old. Ivan invited me to meet, we were incredibly happy together. We were always interested in being together; we had many similar tastes, habits, and views onlife . He was not just a love...
  • Why did love leave so quickly?
    I have known him for a long time, about 15 years, we have never been connected by anything. I left at the right timegot married , gave birth to a son, he also got married 3 years ago, no children. I have been divorced for 7 years now. And then 3 months ago we met at a friends place, there was some k...