
Love is what makes our life full and happy. It gives us warmth and comfort, makes us feel needed and important for someone. Love can be different - for family and friends, for friends, for your work or hobby. But the strongest and most irresistible love is the love between two people. It can turn our life upside down, make us feel easy and free, gives us strength and energy to overcome any difficulties. Love knows no boundaries and limitations, it can arise at the most unexpected moment and lead to incredible changes in our lives.

  • Letter for a loved one
    “Vadimushka Ivanovich” is so sweet. Really, really? This is the only thing I could write to you. I can’t help but think about you, everything is so complicated. You are silent, as usual, lately. And I, well, I don’t know how to break the ice between us. How I miss you and how I wish you were differe...
  • Was this meeting a coincidence?
    I worked two years ago at a military institute. I met cadet Tolya there. For a whole month he went to the headquarters every other day to see me and spent a whole month trying to get my phone number. Before the New Year, I gave him my number.SMS, calls, meetings began. Tolya me likethe man attracted...
  • My husband calls and insults my parents
    Married for 5 years, this is the second year I’ve been listening tomy husband , how ignorant and how bad my parents are, I constantly quarrel with him about this, but it doesn’t dawn on him. If I protect my parents, thenThe quarrel flares up even more, but I can’t remain silent about this. Personall...
  • I can't choose where to go to study after school
    I am 16 years old, studying in the 10th grade and cannot choose a profession. By nature I am calm, somewhere between an introvert and an extrovert, phlegmatic-melancholic.Since childhood, I have been attracted to medicine, interested in the human body, its structure, diseases, and their causes. But ...
  • This is not how I imagined family life
    My story began 9 years ago. I was young and stupid. I dreamed of findinglove of my life. I met girls. Courted. But a little time passed and they left for others. I didn't understand the reason.I am good looking. Good-natured. Funny. After the fifth breakup, I became sad. But then luck turned around ...
  • Love for a friend's wife ended in complete failure for me
    Мне 25 лет. Я не имею своего жилья и по уши погряз в долгах и кредитах. Работаю на складе. Работу ненавижу. Малый доход это не то, о чем мечтал (впрочем, как у многих людей на этой планете).Каждый раз, когда просыпаюсь утром, с отвращением встречаю новый день. Как так получилось? Я за свои 25 лет мн...
  • After the birth of children, the wife stopped taking care of herself
    I have always believed that having children is a transition to a new level of relationship. It seemed to me that a baby born to two loving people makes their feelings stronger, allowing them to know a special absoluteLove .My wife and I have been trying to conceive for over a year and have tested po...
  • Having a baby ruined my life
    Mylife is ruined from beginning to end. But just a year ago everything seemed fine. And two years ago I could not even imagine that I would get to this point!I was a young beautiful girl, a good job, my own hobbies. I loved him very much for many years. They quarreled, made peace, finally found a co...
  • I found my happiness, but made two loved ones unhappy
    У меня есть дочь, которой уже 24 года. Это ребенок от прошлого брака. И вроде бы все хорошо, и не грешила и не предавала никого, а все равно виню себя и не могу успокоиться, что сломала жизнь дочке.С бывшим мужем у нас было двое детей, старшая дочь, о которой я уже говорила, и младшая (6 лет). Младш...
  • The ex-husband has never seen his daughter and does not strive to do so
    Came out at age 20married the guy I love, we dated for 2.5 years. We spent a year planning our wedding, renovating our apartment, and graduating from college.After the wedding, a couple of months later I became pregnant. There was terrible toxicosis and weakness. The husband disappeared on his busin...
  • Поздняя любовь сделала мою маму счастливой женщиной
    Мои родители очень разные люди. Я все детство не могла разобраться, кто из моих родителей больше виноват в их неудачном браке. Много раз слышала историю их встречи от мамы. Не понятно, что и как свело их в жизни. Его желание вырваться из деревни и переехать в город, ее уйти из отцовского дома, где б...
  • It's hard to be unloved
    We have been living with a man for about a year. With beloved man. We got a kitten, he loves him very much, which cannot be said for me.After work, I don’t really want to go home, because I feel empty and unloving on his part. He can yell at me over every little thing, hurt me to the point of tears,...
  • I can’t come to my senses after the betrayal of the man I love
    At the age of 24 I met myLove . He was married. I knew about this. He was my first and only man.Since I knew the whole truth about him, when I felt that he wanted to disappear from my life, I let him go, did not call him and did not show up at all, although I thought about himevery day . After 9 mon...
  • I don't understand girls at all and I don't believe in love
    I have this problem: I don’t want to have a girlfriend. For me, modern society is a rotten system in which nothing is sacred. Some humiliate others, others lie, others are hypocrites. I try to be honest with people and not respond to insults, so I don’t have many friends with whom I could communicat...
  • My unlucky first love
    It all started with meeting her best friend, three years before the incident. For a long time, he and I were colleagues of sorts. Over time, they even became friends. They discussed almost everything, loved to argue about politics and the situation in the country.But one day he decided to introduce ...
  • Despite the fact that I am pregnant, my beloved returned to his ex-wife
    I am 26 years old. I dated a young man for a year. We met, mutual sympathy,love , as I thought. At that time he had been divorced for about 6 months. Of course, not a long time, but still I thought something would work out.After a week of our acquaintance, he introduced me to his parents, brother an...
  • Love is just words
    My name is Diana, I'm 19 years old. AllI was an ideal life , an obedient daughter, a loving sister and a good student. She was always number one in everything. Relationships with young people were a hobby for me; I didn’t believe inlove , and the guys I dated didn't deserve it.I was born and lived i...
  • I change and I won’t change
    My name is Evgeniya, I am 29 years old. The story from my life that I want to tell, please don’t judge too much - it’s notconfession is, rather, a cry from the soul.I have always been successful with men, I started dating guys at the age of 14, but the firstI had a man when I was 16. He and I starte...
  • Not all cheating should be condemned
    I am against cheating, I myself experienced this in my first marriage and for the same reason I divorced and lefthusband , butlife made me look at everything from a different perspective.I was the mistress of my current husband, I could say I stole him. Before throwing stones at me, just listen to m...
  • An unusual love story with a very large age difference
    I'm 23 years old, my husband is 54 (yes, that's not a typo).We met at work, he was the head of the department where I was an intern. We had to communicate quite often about work outside the office, but always with colleagues, never alone. There were no hints, not even the slightest flirtation - afte...