
Love is what makes our life full and happy. It gives us warmth and comfort, makes us feel needed and important for someone. Love can be different - for family and friends, for friends, for your work or hobby. But the strongest and most irresistible love is the love between two people. It can turn our life upside down, make us feel easy and free, gives us strength and energy to overcome any difficulties. Love knows no boundaries and limitations, it can arise at the most unexpected moment and lead to incredible changes in our lives.

  • How to love your ex-husband?
    I am writing my story in order to getadvice and put your thoughts in order. I met my ex-husband when I was 14 years old. He is 9 years older. I never loved him, I still don’t understand why I was with him. Maybe he was flattered by the attention of an adult guy, his girlfriends were wildly jealous, ...
  • My parents' friend
    We met in the winter of 2013-2014, when I got a job with my mother at a factory. She is in the personnel department, and I am in the repair department, since I graduated from Polytechnic. Worked wellthe team is predominantly male - well, the education is specific. There are seven specialists in the ...
  • I was disappointed in love and in relationships, but fate brought me together with a girl again
    After the woman I loved left, I turned my attention to achieving my own goals, which were far from creating new relationships. I didn’t want to live in the usual way. The banal desire to leave and escape from painful memories overpowered the desire to find a new oneLove .For five years I lived accor...
  • How I lost my head from love
    I have been married for 18 years, we havedaughter (10 years old). Came outmarried not for love, but simply because of the betrayal of her boyfriend. He married someone else, and in revenge, I also took advantage of the opportunity.I met a man and got married. We have been living here for 18 years. A...
  • At the crossroads
    I began to notice thatAt first my husband refused to eat at home, then he began to disappear on weekends more and more often. Probably after 4 months the alarm sounded. I asked him what happened? The first thing he replied was that he didn’t see me as a woman anymore.I began to clarify whether it wa...
  • I didn't appreciate the happiness that fate gave me
    Sometimes it seems to you that everything has already been destroyed and there is nothing anymore, and at that moment you take another rash step - you step into the very heart of darkness. And falling into this black infinity, you suddenly look up and realize that the pastthe problems were just smal...
  • I'm not happy with my friendship with the person I love
    I am 19 years old. The fact is that for the past 5 years I have not been able to get rid of my feelings for the same person. This feeling is reallove , which we all read about in novels.I want to look at him, my heart skips a beat just from his glance, random touches make me shiver, and most importa...
  • I'm attractive but guys don't pay attention to me
    I'm 17 years old and I'm graduating from school this year. I live a wonderful life, I don’t need anything, however, with special zeal I create for myselfproblems itself. So my problems, it’s hard to even call them problems, against the backdrop of what’s happening in other people’s lives, I have sma...
  • How I fought for my love
    This story began more than 5 years ago, when I moved from my hometown and entereduniversity​ Literally at the very beginning of my first year, I fell in love with my physical education teacher, let's call him M. Every day I became more and more imbued with sympathy and irresistible interest for him....
  • I realized my mistake in time
    This story happened to me six months ago. At that time, I had been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half, he was wonderful, very good, cheerful, and generally smart.But you see, I often had doubts: do I love him?Is this love , but what if it’s not? There was no intimate connection; I was still y...
  • There is only emptiness and loneliness in my soul
    Tired of useless relationships. People the same age or younger are simply lazy at home. Married since 18. Now I'm 29 years old. At 28 I happened to say goodbye to my mother.At that time, we had been in a relationship for a year, during which time we began to break up for about three weeks, if there ...
  • I'm tired of this attitude towards me from my husband and son
    I'm 35 years old, II'm married , I havehusband and eight year oldson . My husband and I are 15 years apart in age. When my son was born, I left work, began to look after the house and take care of the child, then he went to school, began to help with his studies, he also plays music professionally, ...
  • Son kicks me out of the apartment
    I have a story, like the author, who kicked her son out of the house and doesn’t regret it at all.I'm almost 70 years old. Married to my husband for 50 years. Love . We got married in the USSR before the army, when I was 19 and my husband was 21. We served in the military together, and almost immedi...
  • My principles of communication
    I am 21 years old. I have parents, mybrother (this is almost my best friend), I love my family and work incredibly hard. Everything is based on the fact that my dad once told me that any problem can be solved if you are busy and work. It was thanks to his words that I quickly found a good position. ...
  • Habit of loneliness
    I am 21 years old, I have no experience of relationships with the opposite sex, and now the result of all this is not knowing what to do. How to understand yourself? Is it about me? Perhaps I know the reason why alone, but how to fix it? Is it fear ? Or am I that kind of person? The one who doesn't ...
  • I want to leave my disabled husband
    I read many stories about how people who became disabled after an accident recover and live happily with their spouses, and some even findlove already, for example, after an accident and injuries received in the service. I can only admire such news. Women play a special role in such stories, because...
  • How to forgive your daughter?
    My daughter is 10 years old. It seems that she should already understand what can be done and what cannot be done.Yesterday my mother-in-law called and said that she wanted to talk to us seriously. At first I didn’t understand what was the matter, becauseI have an excellent relationship with her. Sh...
  • I can't forgive my husband
    My story begins with the fact that I found the ideal. He was so handsome, the best. At the time of our meeting, I was 16 years old, and I sincerely believed inlove , and never faced betrayal. We started dating, I lost my head, I loved in a way that, it seems to me, people love only once in a lifetim...
  • Меня обижает, что лучшая подруга встречается с моим бывшим парнем
    Есть у меня лучшая подруга уже 6 лет, познакомились на учёбе, и быстро подружились. Делить нам было особо нечего, девочка ходила за мной хвостиком, разделяла почти все мои интересы, училась хорошо, как я и я даже за собой увела её в сферу, в которой работаю, научила всем основам. Да я её даже на каб...
  • I am a married virgin
    I'm 23 years old, II'm married and I'm a virgin. Yes, I'm afraid of sex and I can't lose my virginity.It all started when I was youngmy mother kept intimidating me with the fact thatsex is painful, dirty and bad for my teenage years. The first wedding night for a woman is hard labor, she said that I...