
  • Alien
    I'm 27 years old, I recently got outget married ,husband is a wonderful person. We live in different countries, but we recently got married. We have known each other for more than 5 years, became friends, and then started a family.Unfortunately, because of my studies, we cannot fully live together, ...
  • Love came unexpectedly
    I want to tell my sad life story. Maybe someone will understand me and help me with advice.I am 40 years old. I got married at 19 and livedMarried for 21 years, not very happily. You are the one to blame. The saying “If you endure it, you will fall in love” does not work. And that’s pretty much what...
  • Hatred for daughter-in-law
    After reading a story where an adultmy son doesn’t want to communicate with his mother, I’ll tell you about the relationships in our family. I'm the eldestmother's daughter . The family is large and their only, long-awaited and beloved son is mine.Brother . And when he got married, I watched until m...
  • Не могу забыть, как мама и сестра со мной поступили
    Я вышла замуж в 22 года, папа тогда уже болел. Сестре было 17 лет, жила она с родителями в двухкомнатной хрущевке. Я с мужем жила у его бабушки в кухне. Муж, бросив любимую работу, на которой не строили жильё, устроился на малооплачиваемую, но со служебным жильём. Нам дали комнату на подселение в че...
  • Life punished my grandmother
    MyMom met dad when she was walking in the park with her sister. He was 19, she was 23. He threw a snowball at her, and she was rude in response. He then followed her all the way, and when she approached the house, he offered to meet her.A little about dad. At that moment he was an airborne cadet. Or...
  • There's too much of our grandma
    My parents hardly cared about my sister and me; they were building a career. My grandmother lived with us, and we owe everything to her.And now I'm on my ownmother of a three-year-old son. My father and mother volunteered to help me with the child. We live together outside the city in a private hous...
  • Mom is driving me out of the house
    I'm 19 years old, I'm a student. MyMom , despite the fact that she is not so old yet, simply squeezes all the other residents out of the apartment with some of her old lady whims. The apartment is cluttered with huge house plants, we are all constantly fighting for space to move around the house.Mom...
  • My gift and calling
    I am 23 years old. I live happily, I have a house, I love my job, I travel. In general, everything is almost the same as everyone else. Since I was 12 years old, I noticed that little one-year-old children and preschool children are very drawn to me; it costs me nothing to quickly find a common lang...
  • Mom is against me getting married a second time
    I have long wanted to seek help from a specialist, because... I am a psychologist by profession, but I can’t help myself. I'll try to write briefly. I have been divorced for three years (I lived with my ex-husband for 9 years), I have a 6-year-old son. And for almost three years I have been dating a...
  • I couldn't cope with raising my daughter
    I always tried to be a good mother for my daughter, gave her freedom in everything and thought that this was how I taught her independence and the ability to be responsible for her actions. HerThe friends went to different classes after school, some to dance, some to study with an English teacher. I...
  • Stepfather ruined our whole life
    I want to emphasize that we live in Tajikistan andmy mom is Russianfather was Tajik. My father died when I was 4 years old, ourthe family consists of my brother’s mother and there is also an aunt, but she lives separately from us in another region. Mom suffered a lot and suffered throughout her enti...
  • The resentment towards the daughter has not gone away, but is only getting worse
    Mydaughter came outgot married , moved to Belarus . She and her husband lived in a one-room apartment with two children.The children grew up, it became crowded, and the daughter joined a cooperative to buy an apartment. After each meeting, my daughter gave a telegram about how much money needed to b...
  • Много ошибок из жизни, которые я поняла и получила опыт
    Я росла в неблагополучной семье. Нас в семье четверо, три брата старших и я самая младшая сестра. Старший брат умер в 2012 году от болезни, он сидел в тюрьме раза три за наркотики, средний брат сидел один раз за убийство (его подставили). Он уехал в другой город и живет со своей семьей. Третий брат ...
  • I'm stuck in a dead end and don't know how to get out of it
    My name is Zhenya, I am 18 years old, I live with my mother, I am finishing 12th grade, but this is all secondary, and this is the reason why I am writing here. I became interested in poker at the age of 13, I found it on social media. networks, and off we go. Then there were long breaks related to ...
  • I can't be silent anymore
    My husband and I have been together for 8 years, we get along very well, sometimes there are scandals, how could we live without them? Initially, we lived separately from our parents. When we decided to live together, our parents worked out and bought us a home. But when we started moving, it turned...
  • Echoes of the past
    8 years ago, when I was 14 years old, I fell in love with a girl, she was already 18. We have the same social circle, and that’s where I saw her for the first time. She was incredibly beautiful. When I wrote to her and she replied, I was very surprised and delighted.For two years we have been with h...
  • How to cope with two small children without the help of your husband
    Dima and I got married while we were still students, and was borndaughter . Both my parents and his parents helped us from the very beginning, we were lucky in this. My daughter was already two years old, I found a job, gradually everything began to improve, but then I found out that againpregnant a...
  • Второй брак еще хуже первого
    Моя жизнь — это комок из неправильных и скоропостижных решений, в результате которых я теряю себя и не понимаю, как жить дальше, и что делать.Мне 30 лет, живу в Москве, родом из другого города, четыре года уже живу в Москве, прижилась так сказать. Я в браке, это мой второй брак, в этом году в январе...
  • The husband helps only the parents, but hardly cares about the child
    My husband and I have been married for 2.5 years, and we have a smallchild , he is already 1.5 years old. My husband works and earns a decent salarymoney , I'm on maternity leave with a child. Due to my youth, it so happened that I took out loans, so there is very little money left from my salary. B...
  • Was this meeting a coincidence?
    I worked two years ago at a military institute. I met cadet Tolya there. For a whole month he went to the headquarters every other day to see me and spent a whole month trying to get my phone number. Before the New Year, I gave him my number.SMS, calls, meetings began. Tolya me likethe man attracted...