
  • Parents do not want to work and demand to support them
    I come from a large family (7 children, parents and grandmother). To be honest, I’m ashamed to write here about my parents, because I love them. But, at the moment I need advice.Dad is 46 years old and mom is 42. When dad was working,mom was staying at home. When I was in 9th grade, my dad got sick ...
  • I don't like children, especially ill-mannered ones
    Many people will judge me, especially mothers. But I can't tolerate ill-mannered children.I don'tMarried , no children of her own, but has nieces. I can't say that I enjoy communicating with them. This annoys my parents, sister and herhusband . They are touched by all their pranks, but I am not. Thi...
  • Couldn't cope with raising my daughter
    I often read stories about troubled teenagers and always sympathized with the children. I believed that adults cannot convey information correctly, pay attention, they only brush it off and lecture.Now Imother of such a teenager. My daughter is 15 years old. Lazy, slob and rude. One word from me giv...
  • I'm guilty before my mother and my conscience torments me
    I'm 30 years old, Imarried and has two children. Everything is fine, but I had a fight with my own mother, and now my conscience is tormenting me.Mom doesn't really like minehusband , but I had to show her hypocrisy, becausemy husband and I helped her. I have 2 more sisters andbrother , it so happen...
  • I'm ashamed of my daughter
    Imother raising alone her only and beloveddaughter . The child is already 17 years old. There is a catastrophe in our family. Daughter in 10th grade. In January, I had a toothache and went to a paid clinic. There we were received by a girl dentist, but literally a week later she flew off on vacation...
  • I hate my mother and I have the right to do so
    I'm blindboyfriend since birth and I am now 25 years old. Before I tell you why I have badrelationship with my mother, I have to explain myself.Apart from vision problems, I have no other problems. Everything is fine with my head too, even the doctors confirmed this when I was given a visual disabil...
  • Psychological moments of childhood led me to such a sad result
    I'm terribly unsure of myself. I'm depressed, I'm overwhelmed by society, I'm lost. I'm childish, I'm naive and too romantic. Perhaps it all started in my childhood, in my first grade.I was an outcast and a black sheep. Not a day went by without me, a relatively weak girl, coming home with bruises o...
  • How to decide to divorce an aggressive husband?
    I already wrote mineconfession about aggressionhusband , I want to add one more thing. He had this behavior for a long time. But, unfortunately, I was as if I was blind.The first time he behaved aggressively was when we celebrated our first New Year . There were three of us - minesister , me and him...
  • Because of family problems I have no friends
    For several months now I have not communicated with my friend at all, although this decision was very difficult for me. She sometimes calls, invites me to her place or to meet somewhere else, but I don’t want to, I haven’t been comfortable being in her company lately. We constantly hang out in the s...
  • My mom's behavior is annoying
    My mother's intemperance irritates me. It's ingrained in our familyhabit of watching movies together on weekends. And every time it arisesquarrel between parents whenMom begins to comment on this or that scene. Her exclamations like “I don’t like him”, “doesn’t she see that he’s deceiving her” and s...
  • Not everything can be forgiven
    This happened when I was 11 years old, and my younger brother was 10. As a child, I did not understand and simply could not, due to my age, know some things. For me we had a happyfamily , everything is as it should be, loving dad,mother , grandparents. Both then and now I cannot understand why every...
  • Three weeks before the wedding, I realized that I didn’t want to get married.
    I am 25 years old, I dated a guy for 2 years. The relationship was strange: he was pleasant to me as a friend, helped me in many ways, and at one point admitted his sympathy. I understood that I couldn’t reciprocate, so I told him so. He got upset and said that there was no point in communicating at...
  • How to survive alone with a child in this country?
    I want to tell a story not my own, butFriends , maybe someone who has been in a similar situation knows a way out.Mymy friend is a single mother, it just so happened. Herher mother helped her a lot with the child. They lived in an apartment, they needed to get by somehow, and so the mother quit and ...
  • My parents don't understand that I'm already an adult
    I live with my parents, I’m a second-year university student, I’m 20 years old. I am dating a guy, he is six years older than me, but my parents are categorically against our relationship, because they think that I should finish my studies and only then go outget married , but living in a civil marr...
  • How to get your beloved man back?
    I am 30 years old, my husband is 28. We lived with our common-law husband for almost 4 years. The first two years were amazing. And I was easy-going, didn’t nag, didn’t control. Well, then, apparently, she began to pester him. He himself is also explosive in nature at times, don’t even ask a word ab...
  • After a conflict with my husband, I thought about divorce
    I want to tell you about my life story, which repeats itself extremely rarely - once a year or a year and a half, but it happens. My husband seems to behave normally when he drinks, but what I’ll describe now also happens.Today, for example, we haven’t seen him for 13 days. At first I was at sea wit...
  • Alien
    I'm 27 years old, I recently got outget married ,husband is a wonderful person. We live in different countries, but we recently got married. We have known each other for more than 5 years, became friends, and then started a family.Unfortunately, because of my studies, we cannot fully live together, ...
  • Love came unexpectedly
    I want to tell my sad life story. Maybe someone will understand me and help me with advice.I am 40 years old. I got married at 19 and livedMarried for 21 years, not very happily. You are the one to blame. The saying “If you endure it, you will fall in love” does not work. And that’s pretty much what...
  • Hatred for daughter-in-law
    After reading a story where an adultmy son doesn’t want to communicate with his mother, I’ll tell you about the relationships in our family. I'm the eldestmother's daughter . The family is large and their only, long-awaited and beloved son is mine.Brother . And when he got married, I watched until m...
  • Не могу забыть, как мама и сестра со мной поступили
    Я вышла замуж в 22 года, папа тогда уже болел. Сестре было 17 лет, жила она с родителями в двухкомнатной хрущевке. Я с мужем жила у его бабушки в кухне. Муж, бросив любимую работу, на которой не строили жильё, устроился на малооплачиваемую, но со служебным жильём. Нам дали комнату на подселение в че...