
  • Why do men only like skinny girls?
    I am 29 years old, Imother of two children (6 and 4 years old). I am married, my husband and I have always had complete mutual understanding and excellent relations, but lately I have noticed that he is embarrassed by me. The thing is, I'm fat. I gained weight after the second birth, and I can’t ret...
  • My husband did not forgive me for this behavior
    I left at 20married to the head of the company where I worked, who was much older than me. Say now that because of the money - no. It was my first man in my life. I loved him very much. He was interesting, handsome, successful, and young girls always paid attention to him. He was very courteous and ...
  • With the move to work in another city, my husband did not support me
    I was offered a job in another city, and I had to persuade my husband to temporarily move. He agreed, as I expected, not immediately. I had to promise that it was only for a while, I even found a job for him there. But I did not take into account that a change of scenery and place of residence would...
  • I do not want the child from my first marriage to be present in our lives
    I have the same life situation as in the confession of hatred for the husband's child from his first marriage. I live with the young man almost 2 years. He has a daughter from his first marriage. He says that he got married because the girl was already pregnant, divorced a year later. And this mista...
  • Why did I choose a career over a family?
    С мужем расстались из-за моих частых поездок, связанных с работой. Он постоянно упрекал меня, что я редко бываю дома, и мало уделяю ему внимания, к тому же он хотел ребенка, но я из-за работы все время откладывала и даже не хотела обсуждать этот вопрос. Мне надоели его постоянные придирки и у меня с...