
  • I can’t understand and forgive my mother-in-law
    I understand with my mind that my mother-in-law treats me normally, but I can’tforgive her words, her rudeness, her neglect.From time to time we quarrel. And at these moments my mother-in-law really offends me. Now it has accumulated so much that I can’t break myself inside. I communicate externally...
  • My husband lives with me only for his own comfort.
    I have been living with my husband for 4 years, I have 2 children from my first marriage,my husband desperately “led” me away from my firsthusband . I would never do this, but my ex no longer loved me, didn’t spend the night at home, and cheated on me. And after they left me a small inheritance, he ...
  • I'm worried about my son's future
    There's a young woman working with megirl who's coming out in a monthmarried _ We all already have families and adult children, maybe that’s why I was so struck by herattitude towards the future husband.We knew that she was dating a guy, she often told us where they went on vacation, what gifts she ...
  • I freed myself from my husband’s moral pressure and dream of a divorce
    UMy husband has a difficult character. Often creates a scandal. Makes a lot of comments. Trying to control minelife until bedtime. He gets offended too often when there is no reason to be offended. "We need to talk". And the moral crush begins.This happens when he is very tired, when he has troubles...
  • My early and unsuccessful marriage
    My name is Elena. I am 27 years old. Imarried _ I have two children. I am constantly in a state of tension. I can't just enjoy life.At school I was an excellent student, I sincerely believed in my successfuture _ After school I entereduniversity _ My studies were going well, but I was more intereste...
  • Ex-son-in-law abused child
    Whendaughter and son-in-law divorced, they could not agree on who would stay with themson _ My grandson was 5 years old at the time. After much debate, we came to an agreement thatthe child will live with his father, buthis mother will be able to see him every weekend and during the holidays. My dau...
  • What will my husband's envy lead to?
    My husband always earned more than me, and I considered it natural. But on the other hand, all everyday issues were entrusted to me. The husband did not participate in anything, did not help, but only demanded that everything be done on time. God forbid I didn’t have time to clean or cook! Then I li...
  • My husband's unfulfilled dreams
    After the first unsuccessful experience of family relationships, it took me a very long time to come to my senses, work, raisedaughter and spent all her free time with her family. And I never thought about linking my destiny with anyone.And so it happened, our relatives invited us to the wedding, it...
  • The ups and downs of my life
    I had a regular onefamily - me,mom and dad. We lived in a small town. My mother has a nativesister Olya. The age difference between them is several years and Aunt Olya hasdaughter Tanya. She is 2 years younger than me. When we were very young, we were often taken to a village near the city to see ou...
  • Husband's family
    We got married 2 years ago. My husband said that we would live with his family for some time, and I, naive, believed it, although myMom said that he would leave me there forever. And now it’s been three years since we’ve been living with his mother, father and his sisters.He saves mefather , he love...
  • My husband's daughter is not my family
    I leftmarried to a man with a 12 year old daughter. She lives with us.At first everything was fine, I tried to establish contact, but then I realized that I didn’t want everythinglife is trying to be a good aunt, I decided that it’s better to be indifferentattitude . But after a few months, I realiz...
  • I hate my mother-in-law and sister-in-law
    I am 27 years old,married and havedaughter _ Before I was pregnant, my sister and I were at oddshusband and her mother. From the very beginning, as soon asMy husband brought me to meet his parents, they didn’t love me, they put a spoke in my wheels. It came to fights with his sister, she was very je...
  • Karma
    MyMy husband left when I was 56 years old for a woman 20 years younger. Now I'm 62. It hurts and hurts. We've lived together for 30 years. We've been through a lot. I don’t feel guilty about his leaving.The first 4 years were very difficult. It’s easy to say from the outside, but in fact, deep down ...
  • My best friend has become more valuable than my husband
    I recently turned twenty. Last year I came outmarried _ I also have a good friend with whom we have known each other for five years.We communicate well, share all our secrets, help each other out when needed. We have similar opinions on the same things, we love the same movies, books and even food. ...
  • My husband's strange hobbies
    Married for a little over three years. A few months after the wedding I sawhusband photo of a young lady, brunette. She asked who she was. He replied that it was from a dating site, which he had already deleted. They just communicate. From simple communication, he learned her height, weight, where s...
  • What's my mistake?
    I have this situation: I need your advice. I never thought that I would write on websites and post my personal story, but I had to.My husband and I have been together for 2 years, while we live with my parents, we have a child,daughter , she is 2 years old. Ever since our wedding we have been arguin...
  • I'm afraid to trust my ex-husband again
    I am 30 years old, yeschild from first marriage, met secondhusband four years ago (he is now 35 years old). She fell in love and began to live together, everything was great in the relationship, in bed, and if they quarreled, it was only over trifles.When our marriage was a year old, one weekend I f...
  • Husband loves first wife
    I got married late, at 36 years old. Uthis is my husband's secondmarriage _ He first told me how bad his first one waswife , which flattered me very much. I tried my best to be better than her, butmy husband didn't appreciate it. She was a good and understanding wife, even when her husband stayed la...
  • Cheating mother-in-law
    The children grew up and could live here for themselves, but the mother-in-law fell ill, andthe husband said that he needed to take her to his place. I proved to my husband that with his mother moving, ourlife will change for the worse. But he insisted, saying that he was the only oneson can't leave...