
  • Women cheat from lack of attention
    I read a lot of different stories here. I measure some things against myself, but some things just irritate me. It's mostly whiny men that piss me off - that's for meMy wife cheated, she's so bad. Sorry,The question is this: “men, have you ever thought about why a woman went to the left, probably no...
  • Why can't you love someone else's husband?
    I took myhusband from the family and have never regretted it. This may sound too arrogant, but I am one of those people who believe that for their ownhappiness must be fought for. I have never understood those who live together because they have to or because everyone else does it. I am not everythi...
  • Friends want to quarrel between me and my husband
    I lived with a young man without marriage for five years, and six months ago, on his initiative, we got married. Everything is smooth in the relationship - we sometimes quarrel, but over trifles and quickly make up. Initially, it was agreed that neither I nor he would forgive the betrayal. Also I ha...
  • Why do my colleagues make fun of me?
    I don't know what to do. For some time I did not work at all, I took care of my hobbies and home, buthusband startedproblems and I found a job. Per month. It seemed to me that this was a very long time to search. They didn’t take a couple of very desirable places; I turned down a couple of places my...
  • My friend's husband is my lover
    I want to write my ownconfession about how I have been sleeping with my husband for six yearsgirlfriends _We met Karina 8 years ago. We were already married women, our sons were growing up. We met at work. When I arrived, the team consisted of only pensioners and Karina. We quickly became friends. I...
  • Can this be called innocent flirting?
    My husband and I have been together for 12 years, officially married for ten of them. About 5 years ago, whenThe Internet has become a part of ourlife , myMy husband has developed a strange “hobby”: he communicates with all sorts of girls not for meetings, but “just because.” Moreover, from time to ...
  • I have no other choice but to tolerate my husband's cheating
    Since 8th grade I have been dating a man who is 11 years older than me. Don’t think where my parents looked, they are very good, the best, but I only told them about him in the 10th grade.They were against it, but I didn’t listen, and they always asked to see him for at least half an hour. The paren...
  • I'm ashamed of my parents
    My name is Katya, I'm 26 years old, Imarried _ After the wedding, I became part of a new family and saw dramatic differences in the relationships between our families. For his parents, we are both children who need support. Despite the fact that we live in different cities, they always try to help u...
  • I ruined my own marriage
    I have a very difficult situation in my family. My husband wants a divorce and doesn’t see us together anymore. The reason for everything is my mistakes that I made in our relationship.I'm atmy husband's first in every sense. He loved me madly. He simply idolized and idealized. He's not my first. Be...
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • A child from his first marriage is the meaning of my husband’s life
    a story about a woman who doesn't want to raise a childhusband from his first marriage, I decided to write my own.My husband and I dated for a very long time (about 6-8 years) before entering intomarriage _ I love him and value him, but there is a problem - his exwife _ My man is a little over 40 an...
  • My mother-in-law wanted to harm me, but she harmed her son
    We have been married for 7 years. Two daughters, 5 and 3 years old. Love was enchanting. But from the first day his relatives disliked me, and I couldn’t understand why.At first they lived with his parents, then they bought their own house. The relatives calmed down a little, except for his mother. ...
  • I don’t want to limit myself only to family
    I am twenty three years old,married , child is three years old, goes to kindergarten. I can’t go back to my previous place of work, a person has already been hired there, I started looking for a new job, but I started getting sick oftenson _ Many friends said that it is better to stay at home with a...
  • My parents kicked me out of the house
    I am 36 years old. At 28 (2008) she gave birth to a child withouthusband , as they say for themselves. I always lived with my parents,the mother helped with the baby, although she first suggested an abortion. Ever since I found out that Ipregnant , didn’t have relationships with men until 2015. Didn...
  • Husband demands son
    I never thought that one day I would write my life story, butlife is unpredictable.My husband and I were introduced by mutual friends 6 years ago. He was already working, and I was still a student. I liked him at first sight, fell deeply in love and confessed to him. Anton agreed and we started dati...
  • How to decide to divorce your husband when you have two children?
    I met my husband at the age of 15; he was 21 at the time. We have been living in a civil marriage for 7 years, we have two daughters - 4 and 6 years old. For the first three years, everything seemed to be fine, maybe I just didn’t notice something or didn’t understand something, since I was very you...
  • My husband left me for his pregnant mistress
    My life story will be simple and as old as time.We met my husband at a corporate party, he is a manager, and I just recently came to work as a secretary to the head of a department. We very rarely crossed paths, but then it seemed to me that my eyes were opened, and I gave him a chance.He courted me...
  • My husband's double life
    We have been married for 19 years. Beautiful couple, honeydaughter _ I followed him around the garrisons with my baby, we built everything together: we took out a mortgage on an apartment, bought a car. I loved him to tears.We were never apart, weekends, vacations together. From the outside they tol...
  • My husband did not forgive me, but he returned for the sake of his son
    I have been married to my husband for 10 years, there isson (he is now 16). Strength testthe marriage did not work out, the difficulties were overcome, but they could not preserve their feelings, there were quarrels and scandals constantly.It so happened that I met someone else, fell in love, and le...
  • How to discourage your mother-in-law?
    I am almost 40 years old, and my husband is 43. We havedaughter 6 years old. We are normalfamily . I have a mother-in-law in another city, and we didn’t have any special problems with our relationship until I beggedhusband to buy a dacha in the city where she lives and, accordingly, he used to live....