
  • Am I a servant or a good wife?
    My husband works, and after work he watches movies on the couch. She never cooks, doesn’t clear her plate after herself, you get up from the table like in a restaurant and onto the sofa. He takes off his clothes wherever he has to, leaves the bathroom dirty, the toilet too, I can’t force him to walk...
  • I found out that my husband has a second family and two children
    I am 37 years old, my husband is 40, my son is 10. I have 13 years in the tank. Eatapartment , country house, everyone has their own car, no financial problems. In 2021, due to Covid, I lost my child in the first trimester. For six months they said I need to take protection. For my husband and I, of...
  • After what I found out, I lost trust in my husband.
    I met a guy. Before him, I dated guys, I won’t say there were many of them, and there was nothing serious. And then I met him; he came only after the army. We started dating, and everything just started happening between us. As a result, we dated for 6 years.All sorts of things happened during this ...
  • I laid out some straw
    Genka and I studied in the same class. Were not friends, butthe relationship was not bad. He seemed to be a good guy , but he had one negative trait - greed. It was his greed that drove me away from him. I watched him as he bought something. He will think ten times whether he needs it, or whether he...
  • Can my husband be called a decent person?
    I already wrote here that I regret that I did not divorce my husband earlier and did not become happy. And soThe divorce took place, the property was divided. It would seem that they separated and everyone went their own way. This is exactly how I imagined the relationship would end. All scandals ar...
  • The father wants to give the apartment to his son from his first marriage
    I am 26 years old. I have been dating a young man for 2 years now, everything is heading towards the wedding, we are planning to have it in early September. In the meantime, we each live with our parents.My parents have been married for many, many years. But for both of them this is the secondmarria...
  • How to persuade your son to communicate with his father?
    Divorced from my ex-husband because of their son, whom he constantly offended. I was surprised, because for five years it was lovingfather . Then he began yelling at his son, throwing his uncleaned toys into the trash, and making him cry.Quarrels began between us too. When I told my mother everythin...
  • About fate and invitations to tea
    I'm 32 and I've been divorced for 4 months. I was married for 8 years. Seven of them were decided ondivorce _ At first I felt sorry for him that he would disappear and all that (ladies will understand). Then I felt sorry for myself. She’s not a beauty, she doesn’t have a great figure - who needs me,...
  • The husband's jealousy has crossed all boundaries
    I am 38 years old, married for 11 years. Husband is two years younger, yesdaughter . My husband is very jealous, I live according to a schedule, I can’t stay anywhere even for ten minutes, it’s immediately a scandal. It was hard at first, evenfiled for divorce , butThe husband vowed to improve. I di...
  • Marriage without love
    I am 27 years old, my husband is 36. We have been living together for 7 years, and we have known each other for 8. We have a son, 7 years old. The marriage is official.The fact is that my husband and I no longer have anything in common. We can be silent for days and not talk. And it's terribly borin...
  • Divorce in old age
    We got married after our third year of college. These 3 years met without a close relationship. 43 years lived in perfect harmony, raised two daughters, three grandchildren.And suddenly the husband seemed to have been replaced. They operated on the prostate. He didn't need me anymore. And he registe...
  • How then to believe in love?
    After my first marriage, my daughter and I went to live with my parents. Everything turned out to be trite: I was borndaughter and mythe husband , who already liked to drink, then completely went crazy from the responsibility that he had to earn money alone and decided not to deny himself anything. ...
  • I hate my wife and her child
    Хочу честно и откровенно рассказать, почему я ненавижу свою свою жену и ее ребенка.Я был женат шесть лет, отношения вроде были нормальными, хотели детей, пытались, старались, но никак не получалось. Пошли по врачам по обследованиям и итог — я бесплоден, практически стерилен.Отношения после всего нат...
  • Daughter says I'm nobody to her
    Dated an eighteen-year-old girl, she got pregnant, married, had a babydaughter . Afterdivorce . I did not pay child support out of principle. When my daughter was taken away from the kindergarten, she told the teachers that I was a stranger and did not want to go to me. She never called me dad, only...
  • Revenge of the cheated wife
    I have a friendfamily . Husband ,wife , son. Son'shealth problems . The husband is engaged in repair and construction. Our village is small, everyone knows each other.A woman moved to us from the city with her son, who is still in elementary school. The woman is about 47 years old. All intelligent o...
  • Why do I need such a family
    In our young family, at first the phrase “I will divorce you!” sounded like something terrible, like an extreme, like a threat. And later it became commonplace. Probably, many people remember the story about the boy and the wolves? The guy created a false alarm, and when the wolves really came, onno...
  • I have no idea about family
    Мне 34 года. Начну с того, что представлений о семье у меня никогда не было. Меня воспитывала одна мама и та время от времени уходила в загулы. Она меня любила, но какой-то материнской теплоты и заботы я не чувствовала. С отцом она развелась, когда я только родилась, и он уехал в Украину, где до сих...
  • After so many years of a failed marriage, I decided to start life from scratch.
    This year I will be retired. I'm scared. I never thought that I would come to this phase of my life in complete mental discord. Came out at 22marry an older guy than me. Without special emotions and love. It was believed that if you didn’t get married at the institute, then it would be worse and by ...