
A nurse is a professional who provides medical care to patients in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and other health care facilities. She helps doctors conduct examinations, prescribe treatment and monitor its effectiveness. A nurse also cares for the comfort and well-being of patients, providing them with the necessary conditions for recovery. She monitors patients' health indicators, performs procedures and injections, and ensures that hygiene and sterility rules are followed. Through their work, nurses help patients recover faster and return to their normal lives.

  • History of a Chronic Loser
    It all started from childhood. Born in the family of a school teacher and engineer, in the Soviet Union, in 1975, by the age of four, this boy (this is the earliest memory from childhood), whenmother gave birth to a sister, he began to take an active interest in politics - they lived in a mother-in-...
  • I hate my mother and her weak-willed behavior
    Ever since kindergarten, I remember how I wanted to be with my mother all the time and how I cried when the guard said that myMom won't come, and she was just late. Probably, this is how many children are frightened, but it is more terrible when the parents themselves prove it that they will not com...
  • Unfair treatment by my parents
    I am 13 years old. I have a youngersister , she is 7 years old. The unfair treatment of me began from the moment my sister was born. I really waited for my sister, at the age of 6 I loved children very much. I thought it would be cool if I had my own baby doll. But it turned out to be not so fabulou...
  • The husband loved his son so much, and after the divorce he stopped communicating with him
    Прочла здесь историю о том, что бывший муж не хочет общаться с детьми и решила рассказать свою. Мы с мужем прожили 9 лет вместе. Выплатили ипотеку, родили долгожданного сына. Муж его очень любил. А я мечтала ещё об одном ребёнке, хотела лапочку-дочку. Было столько планов, мечтаний, надежд. Мне казал...
  • None of the men really loved me
    We lived with a guy for three years together, I was then 19 years old. We met, studied together, and at graduation he took me from the knees of our classmate. They graduated, decided to live together, and it's easier to rent an apartment. Lived for six months. He plays on the computer, and I sit wit...
  • Jealous of my boyfriend for his sisters
    My story may seem silly, but for me this is a real problem that I myself can not cope with. We have been together with my boyfriend Misha for almost a year, I love him very much, he seems to like me too. He has a sister and a cousin (we are peers, we are all 15-16 years old). And that's the who....
  • How can you love a fat wife?
    The wife is terribly jealous. Sometimes her jealousy reaches the point of complete absurdity. Married for 8 years, have three children, and I can’t look at a woman of any age even in passing, I can’t like my employees, boss, and even the wives of our friends on social networks. Recently....
  • I can't go and leave my father alone
    My name is Lera, I'm 15 years old. Three and a half years ago, my parents divorced, I stayed to live with my father, and my youngestsister - with mother. Both of them are currently unmarried. I finished the tenth grade and am now moving on to the eleventh. It rises completely naturallyquestion about...
  • Mother-in-law wants us to support her
    I got married at 31, my husband is 32. Both are well-formed personalities. After the wedding (just after), the mother-in-law began to demand from usmoney for your maintenance. She is 65. In addition to my husband, she has three more adult children. But they are worse off in life: the eldest son drin...