
A nurse is a professional who provides medical care to patients in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and other health care facilities. She helps doctors conduct examinations, prescribe treatment and monitor its effectiveness. A nurse also cares for the comfort and well-being of patients, providing them with the necessary conditions for recovery. She monitors patients' health indicators, performs procedures and injections, and ensures that hygiene and sterility rules are followed. Through their work, nurses help patients recover faster and return to their normal lives.

  • Instead of the expected help from parents, I received only problems and complaints
    I envy my sister, who lives a thousand kilometers from her parents. I’m not only in the same city, but also on the same street. When my husband and I bought an apartment, I myself insisted that it be close to my father and mother, who would always help and sit with the grandchildren. But how wrong I...
  • We love each other, but we can't be together
    I have been in a relationship with a man for nine months. We are the same age, we are 33 years old. I am Russian, he is Tatar. I will not describe the dating process and the first months of life together. Let me just say that we both fell head over heels in love. At least I do.I wanted not to tear m...
  • How to teach your mother-in-law a lesson?
    I want to tell my story, or rathermy mother-in-law's attitude .My husband and I have been married for 10 years and have three sons. When we first started living with our husband, we lived with his parents (3 years). At first everything was fine, my mother-in-law and father-in-law were good, until I ...
  • I was deceived and betrayed by my dearest people
    I found myself in a terrible impasse. You can't describe it in a few words. I was born and raised in a small provincial town. My grandmother was in charge of my upbringing and development, and she replaced me andmother and father.There is a mother, but she had her ownfamily , I only came to visit he...
  • I am very angry with my parents
    I have a similar situation as in this story. Since childhood, I grew up in a complete family in a provincial village, where I had no peers with whom I could communicate, except perhaps at school in a neighboring village.MyFather is essentially a good person, but when he drank, he went on binges for ...
  • I am very saddened by my son's loneliness
    I worry about my son all the time; he has been very uncommunicative since early childhood. This was especially evident at school, where he had no friends at all, and his classmates often teased and offended him. I talked to the teachers several times, but what could they do. When he was beaten after...
  • Native strangers
    My eldest hates mesister . She is several years older than me, we grew up separately, she was given to her grandparents, and I was given to my mother and father. As a child, I remember how my dad constantly scolded her and was strict with her, but he loved me. As a child, I was a daddy's girl. But w...
  • Ненавижу себя за такой выбор
    После скоропостижной смерти мужа мы остались с сыном одни. Хорошая квартира в престижном районе города, отличная работа, замечательный коллектив, руководящая должность, хорошая зарплата. Жили тихо и спокойно. Я с головой была погружена в работу, она занимала практически все мое время, о личной жизни...
  • Mother-in-law's hatred led to divorce
    My first mother-in-law placed chicken feathers under my doormat. She did it to my death. She hated me because shemy son married me without her consent.Mymy husband studied to become a military man in my city, where we met. He has an older onesister , who moved to Moscow and works there as a waitress...
  • Parents love older sister more
    My sister and I have a big age difference. I hardly know her; we have never communicated closely. She moved out when I was still 6 years old. I started living with my boyfriend in my grandmother’s apartment, and after my grandmother’s deathMom signed the apartment over to her.Although we made attemp...
  • The price of betrayal
    We're talking about my little sister. We are already well over 30 years old. Each has its ownfamily , husbands, children. We communicate periodically. We try not to interfere in each other’s lives, but sometimes certain events about my sister’s life reach me. Fromcolleagues at work found out almost ...
  • My friend was like a sister to me
    My friend Marina and I have been friends since kindergarten. When we went to school, our parents asked that we not be separated and that we could study in the same class. We even sat at the same desk.Everyone in the class admired our friendship. My parents are used to Marina and I studying homework ...
  • My husband's parents don't like our daughter
    I don’t know how to get along with my mother-in-law, her mother and father-in-law? We live with my husband and now with our little daughter (she’s 1.9) at his house, more precisely, with his parents and his grandmother.We have been together for 12 years, of which we have been living together for 7, ...
  • I regret that I left my family because of a passing hobby
    I saw howmy sister reads this site, became interested and also decided to write her ownconfession _ There is no one to tell about the stone lying on the soul, but you need to talk it out.After divorcing my wife, I still felt guilty before her and my son for a long time. After all, it was I who left ...
  • How can I open my sister's eyes?
    Six years ago mymy sister gave birth to a daughter, and when she was 7 months old, my sister, leaving us the child, went to work. Thatthe man from whom she haschild , abandoned her and did not participate in raising her niece in any way. My parents were with the girl and raised her. My sister sentmo...
  • My aunt
    Oncemy mother took me to my grandmother and aunt, and my cousin was also theresister andbrother (brother is 1 year old, sister is 5 years old). I was 9 years old at that time.We went for a walk, my aunt walked with a stroller, and we walked with our grandmother and sister. Aunt was walking to the si...
  • How to survive your parents' divorce
    I want to talk about my problem, speak out and listen to your opinion. My parents are going to get divorced. In general, the situation in the family has been terrible for as long as I can remember. But for the last six months it has become completely impossible to live here (I even had to send my yo...
  • Virtual dating and real marriage
    I'm the one who met my future husband on a dating site, went outgot married , gave birthdaughter and divorced 11 years later.Selfonline dating was great, andcorrespondence is the only good thing I remember now. We communicated on the Internet, texting every minute, for days on end. The communication...
  • Who are these people?
    Today, for the first time since March 15, I was able to talk to my mother. She and her husband, my father, live in Ukraine in the Kherson region. For the first time, because since March 15 there was no connection, and since May 10 the occupiers turned off the Ukrainian servers and brought in their o...
  • Why did my sisters do this to me?
    There were five sisters in our family. After the death of our older sister, they persuade me to come to Russia from a neighboring country to live in the apartment of the deceased, since I was left alone in a foreign land and had just buriedhusband . This was also the will of the deceased, but she di...