
A nurse is a professional who provides medical care to patients in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and other health care facilities. She helps doctors conduct examinations, prescribe treatment and monitor its effectiveness. A nurse also cares for the comfort and well-being of patients, providing them with the necessary conditions for recovery. She monitors patients' health indicators, performs procedures and injections, and ensures that hygiene and sterility rules are followed. Through their work, nurses help patients recover faster and return to their normal lives.

  • Парень не может поставить на место свою бывшую девушку
    Три года назад я познакомилась с парнем. Он стал ухаживать, через два месяца мы начали встречаться. Мы оба живем в другой стране.Через два месяца отношений он отправился на родину на две недели. Я его очень ждала, он приехал и все были прекрасно. Еще через два месяца (все даты называю приблизительно...
  • Even before I got married, I’m already afraid of divorce.
    It so happened that in our family you won’t surprise anyone with a divorce. My grandmother raised two daughters (my mother and aunt) alone, and after the divorce she never leftget married , although there was a possibility. Aunt, today,married for the third time, herdaughter single mother , raising ...
  • Night fishing
    I’ll say right away that I am an incorrigible materialist, but the story that happened to me still causes me confusion. It is connected with mysticism quite relatively, but it actually happened, nothing was made up.After seventh grade in 1980, mythe family decided to move from the Kirov region to th...
  • After my wife's betrayal and divorce, I lost the meaning of life
    My wife and I started to deterioraterelationships are out of the blue. She stays at home with the children, doesn't work, I haveproblems at work and this bad mood comes home with me, and if at home something is wrong, then I start up half-turning.We swore without hands, without swearing, we just say...
  • Подруга-ревнивица
    Когда я училась в институте, то подружилась с одной приятной девушкой. Назовем её Аня. Вместе проучились год и продолжили общение. Сложилась компания из Ани, меня, Аниной сестры и еще одной нашей общей подруги из института — Веры.Подруг у меня мало, я ими дорожу. Когда Аня познакомилась и начала вст...
  • My husband left me and my son for his mistress
    After reading many stories here about mistresses breaking up families, I decided to write my own.My husband and I were married for 9 years, gave birth to a wonderful son, and seemed to be happy. There were someproblems , quarrels, everything is like everyone else. We couldn’t conceive a child for a ...
  • I can’t bring myself to work in one place for a long time
    I don't know where to start. I am 25 years old, I live with my parents, I am a 5th year student. All mineThe problems started about a year ago. Worked inhoney _ the center was about 5 years old, then a new boss appeared, and with him came horror. There is no lunch, you stay late after work, I worked...
  • My mother-in-law asks for help, but I'm afraid to help her
    I have a wonderfulhusband . He's the only oneson of his single mother. She is also a good person. My husband and I have been in debt for several years. We pay on time. Everything is stable. But almost all the salary goes towards these loans. That’s why we work hard to get rid of them as quickly as p...
  • Confession of a happy woman
    It just so happens that we don’t like men, I know that many will object to me, but I’m saying real things. Well, which of us thinks about the fact thatdoes the husband feel and carry on his heart and soul?We all pretend to be strong women, we always havea man “owes”, but a woman does not owe anythin...
  • A dream that shook me to the core
    During my mother’s life, we were real friends. All my conscious childhoodMom always tried to give me as much of her free time as possible: she taught me to sew, knit, and cook simple dishes.As a teenager, I could seriously replace my mother at work when she needed to go somewhere or take care of the...
  • I'm ashamed of my sister
    My sister and I have always been very close. The age difference is only 2 years, I'm younger. We always went everywhere together, even had mutual friends. Alena has a very calm character, she always studied well and helped around the house, her parents had high hopes for her.And at the age of 20 she...
  • I tolerated my wife's betrayal for a long time
    I am 42 years old, Taurus according to my horoscope,Libra's wife , she is 31. She is charming and attractive to both women and men. Always the center of attention in any company, she knows how and loves to flirt in a group.This makes me crazy with jealousy. Over the 9 years of marriage, my wife phys...
  • I'm happy that I have such a husband
    Having been on this site for quite a long time, I have read a lot of life stories. And finally I decided to tell my story.Imarried _ I haveson Azamatik andmy husband Ruslan, whom I love madly, more than myself, more than my life. He is very dear to me. Ruslan and mineMom is the only people I can tru...
  • I didn’t love my ex-boyfriend, but I can’t forget
    These were my first seriousrelationship _ My friend introduced usgirlfriend (at his own request). I didn’t have love or sympathy for him at first sight.I was 17. He was 23, his name was Zhenya. For a year he courted and wooed. He was a kind of authority in our city. Many were afraid of him. He was p...
  • Mom doesn't understand that I'm still a child
    I am 15 years old. I have a younger onesister , and I constantly help with her. Now I have left to study in another city, every week I come home for the weekend, and most often I don’t want to do this, because I know that there will be scandals again.I don’t study in my native language, it’s hard fo...
  • After 17 years of marriage, I learned to rebuff my mother-in-law
    Having finances is good. Butmoney is different.I decided to write something that has been bothering me for some time. I would like to hear your opinion. I am ready for any criticism, I hope with your help or on my own, I will make the best decision, both for myself and for my family.Briefly about yo...
  • I just can't decide to divorce
    After five years of marriage, I realized that my husband and I were strangers. Communication is limited to a couple of insignificant phrases at breakfast and we both don’t understand why we are still together. Life has become boring and gray. I stay late at the office to earn more becauseMy husband ...
  • My family doesn't take me into account at all
    It seems that my family no longer needs me. They were always more interested in my sister’s life, they were more interested in her problems, they did not prohibit anything. They didn’t really listen to my opinion - I’m the youngest, which means I’m green and don’t understand life.About 10 years agot...
  • After a bad marriage I'm afraid of everything
    I'm 30, he's 47 years old. There is a beautifuldaughter , who is 3 years old. I was in a civil marriage: at first we lived together for six months and separated, and when the child was 2 years old, we decided to try to live for the sake of our daughter. The reason for my first departure was that he ...
  • I can't leave my husband in this state
    I’m 25, my husband is 30. For the first six months we couldn’t breathe without each other. Then I got pregnant and got married.We did everything together, while my condition allowed, he did not work (was engaged in business, went bankrupt). They lived at my expense. I'm going on maternity leave andm...