
A nurse is a professional who provides medical care to patients in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and other health care facilities. She helps doctors conduct examinations, prescribe treatment and monitor its effectiveness. A nurse also cares for the comfort and well-being of patients, providing them with the necessary conditions for recovery. She monitors patients' health indicators, performs procedures and injections, and ensures that hygiene and sterility rules are followed. Through their work, nurses help patients recover faster and return to their normal lives.

  • Why did my friend do this?
    An incident happened to me yesterday that radically changed myattitude towards a person.Eata friend at work and someone who tried to seem like her. He calls me in the evening and invites me to visit. At first I denied it, and then I decided to go. I come to visit, and she’s sitting there, her other ...
  • Mom never loved me, and now it's mutual
    There was an article about a difficult relationship with my mother. And some compassionate young lady commented that no, there are no such mothers and that’s all. I want to answer. There are. There are even cooler ones.For 10 of my conscious years (from 6 to 17, until I left home)every day mineMom t...
  • Jokes of fate
    A year and a half ago, I moved away from a previous difficult relationship. I was experiencing a breakup, both psychologically and physically. I gained 20 kg in a year due to hormonal imbalance. After collecting myself for several years, I went to a dating site.Returning to my old page, I plunged in...
  • My second mother
    My husband and I have been married for almost 10 years. Our mothers worked together in the same workshop. We were family friends and lived in the same area, a 10-minute walk from each other.I soon moved to another area to my grandmother’s house. It so happened that my future mother-in-law sold her a...
  • I realized that my mother doesn't love me
    When I was 4 years old, I remember howMom kissed and hugged me. When I was 8 years old in 2012, my mother became pregnant with my sister.I was so looking forward to it then! She said that I would give all my toys to her, and so I waited until she grew up so that I could carry her in my arms, braid h...
  • I'm lonely and this is my conscious choice
    I -a girl who doesn't have a loved one. And children. There is no cat either. And yes, I am strong and independent. Have you already imagined a stereotyped monster who is terribly unhappy and desperately envies you? In vain, because the lack of personal life does not prevent me from being happy. I r...
  • I don't know how to fill my loneliness
    I am 21 years old. I believe that I can be helped without a paid psychologist, that’s why I’m writing to the site.I’ll start with the fact that from the beginning of school I closed myself off and couldn’t contact new people, it’s difficult for me, I don’t understand what to talk about, it’s like my...
  • Deception and betrayal of mother and sister
    Я уехал за границу, а мои мать с сестрой остались дома. У меня также осталась машина. Через некоторое время сестра начала просить меня попользоваться, поездить на машине, так как я за границей, а машина все равно стоит. Я по наивности своей разрешил. Спустя год я понял, что за границей придется оста...
  • Can't forgive my father
    For the past 4 years, a strong resentment towards my dad has settled in my soul. Let's start with the fact that I loved him very much, always listened to him, completely trusted him and relied on him in everything. Since school, he kept telling me that I should study well and enter the university, h...
  • Too bad my son didn't listen to me.
    Before takingmarry a woman with someone else's child, you had to think a hundred times. So I told my son, but he has love! And now I - disentangle.The younger son married a woman with an illegitimate child. We do not help young people financially, let everyone earn their own money. My son and his fa...
  • My terrible wedding
    I always dreamed of a beautiful wedding and prepared for it very carefully for 8 months. Haute couture dress, best place for offsite check in, decor is fantastic. In general, they arranged a fairy tale, everything was calculated. But the day started withthe groom's mother came and tried to give me p...
  • My late repentance to my mother
    With the birth of my son, Ia single mother , had no means, and therefore, out of desperation, I came to my mother's house. My son has become my world and my universe. I was so worried about him that when he was born, I did not leave him for a minute.I thought something might happen to him. And when ...
  • Grandma never loved me
    I was like that, my grandmother loved only her brother. He candy, nuts, nothing to me. Brother boasted, but then shared. It never bothered me, either as a child or later.Grandma left her brother an apartment,gave moneyMy mother then compensated me for the difference. Then my brother and his wife lef...
  • That's what my pity led to
    I have one son. A few years ago he got married and tried to live separately. They rented an apartment with my wife, and my husband and I lived for ourselves. Young people didn't bother us much, sorelations developed very even nothing.But everything changed with the birth of twins from my son and his...
  • I lost my boyfriend's trust
    It's probably stupid for me to write this story now, but I want to share, and maybe someone will give me advice on how to proceed. I am 18 years old, probably now you will think what a stupid little girl, she has not lived anything at all and does not know life at all, but I want to assure you that ...
  • Unexpected feelings for a young girl
    I have a very strange situation. To begin with, I work for myself, I rent out premises and cars, I also started ICO three years ago. There were ups and downs, but now everything seems to be fine. I met my fiancee, let's call her Kira, at a printing house when I ordered an advertisement. I liked her ...
  • Как помочь сестре?
    Сестра стала типичной алкоголичкой. Родители в шоке, ведь они так гордились ею. Маша работала в компании, очень хорошо зарабатывала, построила дом, нам говорила, что теперь можно и замуж выходить. Но тут начались проблемы на работе, и она каждый вечер сидела с бокалом вина на кухне. Затем уже выпива...
  • Can you change your destiny?
    I must say right away that my story will be long, I just want to speak out. It's very hard for me now. When no one is around, I sit and quietly cry. I've been married for 2 years now. My husband and I met online. He seemed to be a simple, kind and cheerful person. We began to call each other, and af...
  • Mom herself is to blame for raising her daughter to be selfish
    After my parents divorced, we stayed in a one-room apartment. Mom worked and also worked part-time cleaning in the evenings, my sister and I were almost constantly left to our own devices. I was 12 at the time, and my sister was only six. Mom constantly asked me to look after her, said that she hope...
  • For the money set aside for our wedding, the guy decided to buy a car
    We have been living with a guy for three years, we are 26 years old. Many times they planned a wedding, evenWe were saving money , since Kirill's parents cannot help us, they are building a dacha. I have only onemom and babysister , whose mother pays for education, so we have no one to rely on. Last...