
  • Fear of getting sick prevents me from living a full life
    I am 20 years old, in life I was a very cheerful person, I always laughed and was the life of the party, I always took everything as a joke. But in fact, I am very vulnerable and like to “twist” myself.Almost a year ago I met a girl. The relationship began quickly and immediately from bed, she lived...
  • Fate gave me a surprise
    I won't complain here. On the contrary, I’ll tell you what there arerelationship .I was dating a guy. I loved him, and I was 18 years old. And I was so confident in myself that I thought I would move mountains. And due to my ambitions, I fell in love with the first person I saw, who turned out to be...
  • I was never able to become a good mother for my little daughter.
    I'm not looking for excuses for myself. It’s just that all this has been accumulating in my soul for a very long time and I want to confess.I don't love my child the way I should. I know I'm badmother , a mother “should love her child more than herself and more than life,” but I can’t. It didn’t wor...
  • Damage to a deceased friend
    This story began with the fact that about two years ago, in the midst of winter, swarms of huge black flies began to suddenly and without reason appear in my house and just as unexpectedly disappear. Neither the construction nor the sanitary commissions could identify the reasons for such a “nice su...
  • I'm lonely and I can't figure myself out
    Меня зовут Д. и на сегодняшний момент мне 19 лет. Однако историю я начну за долго до этого дня. На тот момент мне 13 лет и я был ярым сторонником здорового образа жизни (на самом деле мне так только казалось). Истинная причина крылась в том, что мою маму искренне волновало, чтобы я не связался с пло...
  • I want to forget about what my beloved husband did, but I can’t
    I don’t know what to do anymore, and what to do? The desire is such that you want to hit the wall and lose your memory.I love very muchI have always loved my husband . We have a wonderfuldaughter , first grader. My husband really wanted a second child, I became pregnant with my son. And then he brok...
  • Fear and self-doubt prevent me from living
    This problem haunts me all the timelife . Almost from early childhood, I was faced with the fact that those around me did not understand me and did not accept me. And there was no particular opportunity to contact them, because I spent most of my time behind four walls reading books. And I had no de...
  • I'm stressing myself out over a guy
    I haveThe relationship has been going on for 6 months, although it’s difficult to call it a relationship. In the first month of our communication everything was fine (he left me forthe girl with whom he lived for a long time) he did not communicate with her, although she tried in every possible way ...
  • My hard and hopeless life with a child
    It all started with moving to another city. I lived with a man, and as expected by the law of meanness, an unplanned incident happened.pregnancy . I returned home to have an abortion, but remorse andThe fear that I would no longer be able to have children still took over the mountain. Besidesthe chi...
  • My sad experience of family life after betrayal
    It was not because of a good life that I was looking for answers to my questions about life after betrayal. I often came across people like me who were trying to save their family after betrayal and the return of a once loved one.I read a lot of stories, heard them from real people in real life, and...
  • I regret that I could not immediately defend myself
    Mymy mother was already a complete drug addict when she gave birth to me andfather too. They were not just drug addicts, but hucksters known throughout the area.Naturally, they didn’t care about me; my grandmother and aunt raised me. I absorbed heroin with my mother’s milk and at the age of 2 I went...
  • My lover finally decided to return me to my husband
    I want to confess, ease my soul and tell a difficult story from my own life. Maybe I was wrong and did the wrong thing. But sometimes our feelings are beyond the control of reason.This happened 4 years ago. I wasMarried . However, I am still married. I have two wonderful, dearly beloved children.I p...
  • My husband's attitude made me depressed
    I have been depressed for the last 2 years. I am 36 years old,married for 11 years, two children - 8 years and 4 years old. I haven’t worked for 8 years, I stay at home with the children.When the eldestI sent my daughter to kindergarten, she began to constantly get sick, after 7 months she was still...
  • My mother completely destroyed my sexuality
    I hate minemother . The story, as it turns out, is not so rare. My mother's upbringing completely destroyed my acceptance of intimate life.I am now just over 40 years old. I am raising my son alone. There were two marriages and both fell apart. The reason is me, my coldness. My mother raised me in a...
  • My son disappointed me in everything
    I don't know how to help my son. He studied at a university, was expelled for not passing a non-core subject (he simply didn’t go), they promised to help, but it didn’t work out, and he hung his paws and hoped that everything would work out (they really promised). When I realized that it wasn’t work...
  • Это должно было случиться
    Моя история может и банальна, но для меня очень драматична. Я в браке 14 лет. Есть двое детей. Уровень жизни средний.С мужем познакомилась в институтt. Начали встречаться, решили жениться. Была ли любовь? Мама говорила: «главное чтобы человек был хороший».Он и правда как человек очень хороший, добры...
  • Я очень счастлива, что стала мамой
    Я родилась в маленьком городе, в маленькой семье. Была единственным ребенком в семье и естественно вниманием и заботой папы и мамы была окружена в изобилии. Хотя всегда мечтала о братике или сестричке. Наверное, этот страх одиночества появился ещё с детства. Когда пошла в школу первое время было оче...
  • Moving to the capital changed my life for the worse
    I am 21 years old, I moved from a provincial city with my parents to study at the capital’s university. I chose the university myself,my family helped me in every possible way and is helping me, but now I want to change something: live separately, realizing my plans and not depend on my parents and ...
  • I can't cope with the heartache
    I want to talk about what has long accumulated in my soul and is breaking out. I don’t know if I still have a soul after everything I’ve been through; there’s probably something left, and among the emptiness there’s still a couple of embers of a once-living soul still smoldering.I already wrote my s...