
  • Unsolvable conflict with mother
    I have a difficult situation. The fact is that I cannot find mutual understanding with my mother. I'm 33 years old, Imarried , has a 10 year old son anddaughter 2 years old.At the end of last year, we moved to my parents in another region to work and help them with the farm. My mother had been tryin...
  • How I lived with a pathological jealous person
    I am now 24 years old. It so happened that I can’t meet people my own age – I’m just bored with them. So I managed to choose a 36-year-old man and marry himmarried _ But his age was not the main problem.Before I met my husband, I had a series of unsuccessful relationships, and when I met him, passio...
  • How to overcome the fear of communicating with classmates?
    I never understood why I feel bad every time after communicating with new people and friends. Every time I think to myself that I am stupid, unbearable, irritable, but it turns out that this is all because of school bullying.This all lasted three and a half years. Imagine what it’s like for a child ...
  • The guy knows that I'm pregnant, but he's marrying someone else
    After my first confession about my stepfather, who destroyed everything, I am writing a sequel.And so I left school without even finishing 9th grade and went to work as a waiter. Time passed quickly, I turned 17 years old,The money I earned went to no one knows where. Let me tell you briefly about m...
  • My thoughts on having children
    Story oneMy grandmother raised four children alone:her husband , my grandfather, went to the Finnish War and did not return, he died. You know how many problems there were with children. I remember howMom told me that the nursing cow was kept in the canopy at night so that it wouldn’t be stolen, oth...
  • How I unexpectedly started driving a car
    Usually on a weekday myhusband , going to work, dropped off ourdaughter to kindergarten, and he dropped me off at my work. Although this was not entirely on his way, it was a small detour. But I didn’t crowd around public transport. There are no trolleybuses or metro in our area, and minibuses in th...
  • My parents' drinking led me to long-term depression
    I was born in a normal family, I was a modest and obedient child. When I started going to kindergarten, and then to first grade, there werecommunication problems . I was scared to start a conversation first, and generally interact with the guys, so I was always silent.In 4th grade I gotfriend , than...
  • I don't understand what's happening to me
    It started in the fall, after the summer holidays. Then I began to feel as if I was carrying a mountain on my shoulders. And all because of laziness.In general, before this I was a normal person, I went to the 6th grade (after the start of the war I studied remotely), was an excellent student, worke...
  • My love addiction
    This is my secondmarriage . She lived with her first husband for 10 years. He was very nice, respectful of me and all members of my family, but I did not like him. In recent years, when he touched me, I wanted to scream out of dislike. They lived together for their son. I successfully made a career,...
  • The only thing holding me back is the fear of losing my children.
    I've been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for a year now. I'm scared to even think what will happen if I break again. I am ashamed and sad about this. I have been married for a little over seven years. My husband and I met at work and almost immediately began to live together. We didn’t have a magn...
  • Я сделала правильный вывод
    Интересно, сколько людей на этой планете задавались одним вопросом: «Зачем я живу?». У меня много историй из жизни, есть печальные и радостные. Но первую историю я хочу рассказать о том, что не важно, что говорят или думают о тебе окружающие. Самого детства я была изгоем общества, объект для насмеше...
  • When will I meet a worthy man?
    All my life I have been constrained, notorious, withdrawn. I dress likeblue stocking . Eyes on the floor. And at the same time, my exes were still jealous of me, out of jealousy they left me. What is the first man, what is the firsthusband . I swear, I am always faithful, that in a relationship, tha...
  • Отношения как в аду
    Пишу, как и многие авторы историй на вашем сайте, не о самой оптимистичной и светлой истории. Знал ли кто-то из вас, что значит быть с человеком как отбывать срок? Я имею в виду боль от неприятия каких-то черт этого человека. И в то же время парализующий страх расстаться с ним, этим человеком, так к...
  • Tired of being ugly
    My story will not resemble most of the others, there will not be many facts and twists of fate in it, I'm just tired, I just want to throw off this burden from myself. I did not have a father, he left me and my brother when we were 2 and 3 years old (I am older), so it is not surprising that after s...
  • Why do I need such love?
    I was 19 years old, I went to Moscow to earn money. I stayed there for a few months and as soon as I turned 20 I met a guy 10 years older than me. We fell in love with each other, were happy. Then I went home to Armenia, and he stayed there for a few more months, then he also flew in. The guy spent ...
  • I am very afraid of getting old
    I am 26 years old. I'm married. My husband is 10 years older than me. We don’t have our own property, we earn a little, only enough for food and paying for a rented apartment. We dream about a mortgage (we save up for a down payment), about children, about the future. It doesn’t work out for me at a...
  • Cheated on her husband with a young student
    Мне 27 лет. Вместе с мужем уже 7 лет, у нас двое замечательных детей. Мой муж — «удобный муж». С работы домой, деньги в семью, не буянит. И все его устраивает: секс 1-2 раза в месяц, вечера дома с пивом у телевизора, дети сами копошатся. Раз в неделю — вылазки в гипермаркет и раз в месяц — на прогул...
  • Always choose not me
    I consider myself a romantic and amorous nature. From the age of 15 I have been looking for attention in the eyes of the opposite sex, I wanted care, relationships, to feel what it is like when you are loved. I want to tell you a little about my childhood. I lived with my mom and dad until the age o...