Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Women cheat from lack of attention
    I read a lot of different stories here. I measure some things against myself, but some things just irritate me. It's mostly whiny men that piss me off - that's for meMy wife cheated, she's so bad. Sorry,The question is this: “men, have you ever thought about why a woman went to the left, probably no...
  • Not life, just a nightmare
    Just recently I came across this wonderful site, and I had the opportunity to talk about my life, while remaining almost completely anonymous. It's just some kind of gift from above. Finally I have the opportunity to talk about everything that is happening in my life.I am 17 years old. I was born in...
  • Tired of sadness and loneliness
    Since childhood, I dreamed of a big family, so that I would have a family member besides my mother.brother orsister _ Dad died early, when I was 6 years old. I don't remember him at all.Four years latermom came outmarried _ How I wanted my mother to have a child. But my dream did not come true, and ...
  • Is there life after 50?
    I'm almost 50 years old. I don't feel this age on me. But the number itself is starting to depress me. There is a job that I used to love very much and simply lived by. But in recent years I have felt that I have “burned out”, I go to work “automatically” and soon I will probably not be able to stan...
  • Why can't you love someone else's husband?
    I took myhusband from the family and have never regretted it. This may sound too arrogant, but I am one of those people who believe that for their ownhappiness must be fought for. I have never understood those who live together because they have to or because everyone else does it. I am not everythi...
  • Friends want to quarrel between me and my husband
    I lived with a young man without marriage for five years, and six months ago, on his initiative, we got married. Everything is smooth in the relationship - we sometimes quarrel, but over trifles and quickly make up. Initially, it was agreed that neither I nor he would forgive the betrayal. Also I ha...
  • Access to boss's email
    A week ago, I accidentally found out the passwords to my boss’s corporate email. Having checked whether the password was suitable, I could not stop until I re-read all the mail there. Moreover, the mailbox is constantly updated with new important letters, from which you can learn a lot of interestin...
  • It's all my fault
    Kostya and I were friends from early childhood, we were neighbors, we went to the same school. We were often teased that we, like the bride and groom, were together everywhere. Our parents worked together, and I saw my friendevery day , we visited each other very often and spent all the holidays tog...
  • Mom got cats and ruined the apartment
    I found the site by accident and decided to share my sore point too. The point is that myMom brings cats into the house. As a result, our fully comfortable two-roomthe apartment has turned into a natural homeless shelter. Everything is torn, gnawed, and spoiled by animals.A couple of years ago, my h...
  • My daughter ignores me and hates me
    I am 59 years old, my daughter is 32. We lived in the Donbass, and when my daughter was 3 years old, I divorced my husband because he was an alcoholic. We lived on my meager salary and there was no help from her father since he did not work, there were large debts for the apartment, and when my daug...
  • I don’t know how to move on after the sudden death of a loved one
    We have been dating him since the spring of 2014. These were the most harmoniousrelationships in my life. I then believed in the theory of halves, although I always laughed at its naivety.In the spring of 2017, he proposed to me. They wanted to have a modest wedding for those closest to him, and the...
  • Why do my colleagues make fun of me?
    I don't know what to do. For some time I did not work at all, I took care of my hobbies and home, buthusband startedproblems and I found a job. Per month. It seemed to me that this was a very long time to search. They didn’t take a couple of very desirable places; I turned down a couple of places my...
  • My friend's husband is my lover
    I want to write my ownconfession about how I have been sleeping with my husband for six yearsgirlfriends _We met Karina 8 years ago. We were already married women, our sons were growing up. We met at work. When I arrived, the team consisted of only pensioners and Karina. We quickly became friends. I...
  • Can this be called innocent flirting?
    My husband and I have been together for 12 years, officially married for ten of them. About 5 years ago, whenThe Internet has become a part of ourlife , myMy husband has developed a strange “hobby”: he communicates with all sorts of girls not for meetings, but “just because.” Moreover, from time to ...
  • Mom controls my every move and gets offended for any reason.
    I live with a constant feeling of guilt before my mother, although I didn’t do anything wrong. Mom was already in her early thirties, and she married my dad just togive birth to a child and leave her parents, who constantly blamed her for not being able to arrange her personallife _ ButWithout love,...
  • My depression prevents me from enjoying life and work
    I have my own small creative business. I am recognized and respected in my creative field, as a teacher and performer. I do everything myself - answering calls and requests, sales, marketing, development, tasks and projects from idea to execution. I love all this and am happy that I made one for mys...
  • I have no other choice but to tolerate my husband's cheating
    Since 8th grade I have been dating a man who is 11 years older than me. Don’t think where my parents looked, they are very good, the best, but I only told them about him in the 10th grade.They were against it, but I didn’t listen, and they always asked to see him for at least half an hour. The paren...
  • I'm ashamed of my parents
    My name is Katya, I'm 26 years old, Imarried _ After the wedding, I became part of a new family and saw dramatic differences in the relationships between our families. For his parents, we are both children who need support. Despite the fact that we live in different cities, they always try to help u...
  • I'm ashamed in front of my classmates for choosing such a profession.
    It's been 10 years since we graduated from school, and it was decided to organize a reunion of classmates. We had never gotten together before, but this year our class teacher also had an anniversary, and we decided to combine these two events.It was exciting, after all, ten years have passed. I was...
  • The girl wants to get married, but I can't rush
    I’m 22 years old, the girl is 24. We’ve been dating for a little over two years. I consider our relationship to be good. We are each other's first (I used to go out with the girls, but there were only 2-3 of them, and then there was nothing more than a couple of walks or a trip to a cafe). And she o...