
  • Betrayed twice
    We dated Misha for about six months. I loved him very much, everything was wonderful. And when I said thatpregnant , Misha immediately changed: he began to demand that I have an abortion, but my parents did not allow it. They said that this is very dangerous; after the first abortion, a woman can be...
  • My thoughts on moving to a new place of residence
    I would like to tell you a little success story of mya friend who might help someone make a decision and change theirlife . At least, her example helped me decide to take responsibility for my life and stop looking for excuses and justifications for my laziness.Five years ago myfriend Lena met throu...
  • I could not forgive my husband for such an act
    I read itconfession about divorce in old age and sharing my own, similar story. I also considered my situation a betrayal.Having lived with my husband for more than 40 years, in a seemingly happy marriage, I also have not forgiven the betrayal. And it consisted in the fact that after the sale of an ...
  • Why doesn't anyone understand me?
    I have no education and it is difficult for me to find a normal, well-paid job. Sometimes I manage to get a job, but not for long, because I am forced to do everything, and not just what I was hired to do. I'm like an errand boy. When I quit again, my parents, to put it mildly, do not approve. They ...
  • I'm afraid that in the event of a divorce, my son will want to stay with his husband
    I realized a long time ago thatthe relationship with her husband had exhausted itself, but she did not divorce him only because she was afraid thatthe son will remain with his father. Artem is already 15 years old, he lovesmore husband than me and has always been daddy's son. And even more so, when ...
  • If I knew what awaited me ahead
    My story began more than 15 years ago. Everything was great. The son finished his studies at the university, met a girl, they were friends for about 5 years, and then decided to get married. I didn’t really like my son’s fiancee, although the girl is not bad, but I would like to be an equal to my so...
  • Friend and her common-law husband
    Mygirlfriend wasn't theremarried , but lived with her common-law husband. She was leavingevery day to work, and he stayed at home in a rented apartment. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. According to my mood.She provided for both of them herself. This young man was distinguished by his love ...
  • Сердцу не прикажешь: исповедь о моей любви
    18 лет – очень интересный возраст, влюбленность, «розовые очки» и все такое. Я только закончила школу, поступила на юр. факультет, вроде все как по плану, а тут раз – и задержка. Что это?Сказать, что мы с Олегом встречались… нет, мы виделись, когда ему этого хотелось и когда он действительно это мог...
  • I don't want to be a servant to my husband's daughter
    I have been living with my common-law husband for 8 years; he hasdaughter 13 years old. I met him when he no longer lived with his wife, and she found someone else, I didn’t break up the family. The daughter first lived with her mother, and when she gave birth to her second child, she gave the girl ...
  • I was never able to become a good mother for my little daughter.
    I'm not looking for excuses for myself. It’s just that all this has been accumulating in my soul for a very long time and I want to confess.I don't love my child the way I should. I know I'm badmother , a mother “should love her child more than herself and more than life,” but I can’t. It didn’t wor...
  • I don't feel rewarded in relationships
    I've been dating a girl for 3 years, I'm 23, she's 24. We have goodrelationships , we spend a lot of time together, we have common interests and hobbies, we have similar views onlife , we are each other’s first (in every sense). Both have no bad habits, we get along with our parents - she with mine,...
  • Mother in law is ruining our marriage
    Five years ago I leftmarry yourhusband for love, mutual and enormous. And for all 5 years I have had to fight with his mother, my mother-in-law. We live separately in my apartment; he does not have his own place. We both work, the salary is average for the region. During these 5 years, not even a we...
  • My family life was like a vicious circle
    It was difficult for me to understand those married couples who separated due to betrayal, some kind of grievances, and simply a basic misunderstanding of each other. We parted forever. “That means they didn’t love each other,” I thought. And with all my might, learning from other people’s mistakes,...
  • My husband's parents are turning him against me
    Second yearmarried with husbandThe relationship was good, he always helped me around the house and supported me in everything. but his parents (we lived together) were always unhappy with something. They reprimanded him that I was bad, I didn’t washrefrigerator , didn’t pour them tea, didn’t give th...
  • Unwanted pregnancy
    I am 30 years old. Diagnosed with infertility. To be honest, as a childfree person, I was happy and quietly lived a happy life.Here, like a bolt from the blue, there are 2 stripes. Some will call it a miracle, I will call it a terrible nightmare. For myself, I immediately decided that I would have a...
  • My mother-in-law did not calm down even after our divorce
    My husband and I were divorced by my mother-in-law. She didn't like me right away. She is tall and slender, and I am plump. This is exactly what has always haunted her. It got to the point that my mother-in-law told my husband in front of me that among all the girls he knew, he chose the ugliest one...
  • I am outraged by the behavior of my brother's fiancee
    I decided to write here because I’m worried about my brother, and to interfere in hisI can’t live . I’m 33, my brother is 30. He’s getting married soon, but my mother and I are not happy about it. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to living modestly, with only the essentials, without glamor...
  • The man I love arranged everything so that I would leave him myself
    I’ve been living in Asia for the last 4 years, I already have acquaintances, friends, I had a job, a car, a rented house. All this happened until I met my first one in my lifeLove . Yes, at 32 years old. No, I can’t say that before that I was lonely - there were men, I lived with some for a couple o...
  • My boyfriend doesn't appreciate me
    We met when we were 17 years old, in our first year. He noticed me immediately, fell in love, but I didn’t notice him. I can’t say that I was beautiful then - sort of like a neighboryoung woman . It’s strange that he noticed me, there were so many girls around. At that time I was just a child, compl...
  • Ex-wife abandons child
    At the age of 20, I dated a girl, she was 18, and after 2 months she told me thatpregnant _ They began to live together, got married, and was bornson . I worked at a factory, I got paid well, there was enough for my family. In the morning, the wife took her son to his grandmother, and she went for a...