
  • Black and white
    I often read this forum, and I noticed that many stories are extremely categorical, but not everything in our life is divided into black and white, a person does not always have a choice according to the rule, this is good and this is bad.For example, my mother-in-law is very offended that we no lon...
  • I chose a relationship without love
    I am younggirl , beautiful, cheerful, with a good figure, very often they offer filming, etc. In relationships I am caring, affectionate, tender and devoted, I cook well and my home is always clean and tidy, but I can’t find a person with whom I will be happy. It seems like there are a lot of men ar...
  • I was disappointed in my university and in my future specialty
    I read here and here the confessions of girls that they did not want to study at a university and saw myself in these stories. Everything is very similar for me and I just don’t know what to do.I never liked forcing myself to do something that doesn't interest me. I finished eleven years of school w...
  • I can't forgive myself for my silence
    I was born into a good and friendly family. She is not big -mom , dad, little sister, aunt, and my cousinBrother . I will not mention grandparents, since this is not about them. Although I love them very much.Becausemy father is in the military, we had to travel around the country. But finally we re...
  • The first relationship began with betrayal
    I would like to share a story from my life. I can’t cope any other way, either mentally or physically.I'm 18 years old and just this year I got my firstrelationship with a young man, first kiss. We have been in a relationship for 6 months. During this period they broke up several times, and I was th...
  • My Friend's Strange Marriage
    My husband and I have a friend. At first he was my friend, and then I introduced him to my husband and they became best friends. We often help each other outlife has tested our integrity and I understand that I can trust this person.And so our friend got married. None of us or his relatives can unde...
  • How to save a relationship when love is gone?
    We've been dating for 2 years. She is 4 years older. I live with her. She always reproaches me for not working. And I understand that this is really true, but I immediately told her that I couldn’t give her anything yet.I quit my job at the beginning of the relationship and went to the village to do...
  • История про измену и ее забавные последствия
    Моя история очень длинная и, возможно, мало кто захочет её прочесть. Зато она откровенная и на 100% правдивая. Может быть, кому-то он даст пищу для размышления. Начнем-с.Ох и нравится мне самой себе трепать нервы… Все натыкаюсь на шипы и зачем-то ищу и изучаю свою вину в этих попаданиях. Но вот сейч...
  • Did I choose the right side in a conflict at work?
    At work, one employee began to resent the fact that we had baskets of cookies in our offices for snacking and for guests. He stated that when he ate those cookies, he allegedly felt sick. Started demanding that they buy something else, for example,fruits , although he had no authority to demand, he ...
  • Return to your ex-husband or go to jail?
    I want to tell you my life story and the situation in which I found myself. I just don’t know where to turn, who to ask for advice. I hope many have watched Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Station for Two.” So, the plot is very similar to minelife , only everything is much scarier and sadder.I got married at...
  • I love a guy and... a girl
    My name is Milana, I'm 21 years old. Just a year ago something happened to me that I thought could not happen. A year and a half ago I met a guy, he was 24 years old. We immediately liked each other and started datingrelationship . By the way, he's my firstguy in every sense.Within six months, conve...
  • My husband wants everything to be the same as before
    Came outI got married at the age of 20, so I ran away from my tyrant son-in-law, living with my sister, then from my father’s unbearable character, living with him. AboutI won’t tell you about the mother of a tyrant and despot, with whom I lived until I was 13, there is nothing good there.Then rejec...
  • I'm attractive but guys don't pay attention to me
    I'm 17 years old and I'm graduating from school this year. I live a wonderful life, I don’t need anything, however, with special zeal I create for myselfproblems itself. So my problems, it’s hard to even call them problems, against the backdrop of what’s happening in other people’s lives, I have sma...
  • I'm tired of this kind of relationship
    I am 30 years old, I live in Europe in a good country. This year I met a girl on Instagram, she lives in Kazakhstan. We talked, everything was fine with us, she often called me and I decided to take a ticket to meet her. I flew for a very long time with transfers through 4 countries.We met, everythi...
  • I saw my husband with his mistress
    My life story is very banal -treason husband .I am 44 years old. We lived with my husband for 23 years. I tried to be a good wife, likeMom taught me to always have delicious food in the house and to keep it clean and tidy. His things are neatly folded in his closet, and he wears a fresh shirt to wor...
  • Do I need such friends?
    My best one pisses me offgirlfriend . She and I have known each other for about 10 years. They could always trust each other with what they probably couldn’t even trust themselves. But lately I began to notice that I could not find a common language with her. She is constantly looking for some kind ...
  • Меня обижает, что лучшая подруга встречается с моим бывшим парнем
    Есть у меня лучшая подруга уже 6 лет, познакомились на учёбе, и быстро подружились. Делить нам было особо нечего, девочка ходила за мной хвостиком, разделяла почти все мои интересы, училась хорошо, как я и я даже за собой увела её в сферу, в которой работаю, научила всем основам. Да я её даже на каб...
  • I really regret my actions
    Read it hereconfession about a bad first date and I want to tell you that I did even worse than thatyoung woman . After breaking up with my boyfriend, I was alone for a long time, I had a complex about this, since for 26 years, many girlfriendsI’m married and already have children, but I couldn’t fi...
  • Unrequited love
    It's not reallyconfession , but rather my experiences. I got a job six months ago in a large company. It was hard at first, but then everything got better and I got used to it.We have a big onea team that has several departments. In the first month of work, I accidentally met a very handsome guy. He...
  • Parting with a loved one
    I dated my ex-boyfriend for a year and a half. At first, in our relationship, only he loved, and I only had sympathy for him. We started dating immediately after he came out of the army, at that time I was 16 years old. We dated for 10 months and only after that I began to feel something for him. An...