
  • Personal life on social networks
    It's not so muchConfession , how much please help with advice. I am 23 years old, I love my girlfriend, we have been dating for 8 months. But we have one problem: I really don’t like her increased activity on social networks. The point is not that it takes a lot of time, which could be spent more us...
  • I didn't break down and started my life from scratch
    The story I want to tell is minepain and joy, my tears and my sadness, in general, mylife .It all started quite prosaically, my dad left my mom when I was 13 years old, besides me she also had my 3-year-oldbrother Sashka. Before the divorce, my mom and dad argued a lot, and in order to escape from t...
  • Practical household appliances or romantic bouquets?
    I read Marina's story about howher husband bought her a fur coat as a gift, which she did not need - and she saw herself directly in this confession. My husband also likes to give unnecessary, but beautiful and romantic gifts.While we were dating, I was simply happy with his tenderness and romance. ...
  • How can I break up with a guy without offending him?
    I never thought that I would have to set myself such a task - to break up with a guy. To be honest,I'm a pretty girl , but very insecure. When all my friends already had boyfriends, I felt somehow lonely and terribly inferior, because at that time I didn’t have a boyfriend yet.Now I understand that ...
  • I can't live with my husband's parents
    I'm only 18 years old. A year ago I moved toguy because of family problems. We then lived with my parents in a rented apartment, and we did not have money for rent. My parents had to go to another city to work part-time, and I went to my boyfriend.Kazakhs have such a tradition, ifWhen a girl crosses...
  • I suspect that my husband is having an affair with my friend
    The situation is very difficult. She believed her husband or thought that he would not go anywhere, or rather even the second option. She began to suspect that he was corresponding with his daughter’s coach, she was wildly jealous, she pestered him with her suspicions without evidence, she could not...
  • Why do people ignore me?
    С детства я была интровертом. У меня была пара подружек, и мне этого хватало с головой. А свое свободное время я проводила в компании игрушек или книг.В школе меня не любили. Я была серой мышкой, которую порой не стеснялись колотить. В университете же меня просто игнорировали. Я долгое время пыталас...
  • The guy doesn't offer a serious relationship
    I want to understand my feelings for a man and understand what feelings he experiences. Now we rarely communicate, and only as acquaintances. There is one peculiarity of a man - he does not know how to communicate with women, so the beginning of our communication was on my initiative. How it happene...
  • I don't know what to do with this relationship
    My girlfriend and I are 22 years old, we are students and live in the same dormitory. We met a year ago and started dating. At first there were quarrels and misunderstanding of each other, it even came to parting, but still it didn’t come to that, and then everything got used to it and became good.N...
  • I was left alone with the child, but I don’t regret anything
    In January 2015 I met HIM. I was almost 17 at the time. I had been out of a relationship for a year, so it was easy for him to pick me up. Ourrelations developed rapidly. After 2 days we already started dating, and after another 4 I spent the night with him for the first time. Then we slept with him...
  • The person closest to me
    My goal was originallyfamily . Which one, I didn’t really understandI’m a plain girl , I didn’t enjoy success with guys, so at the age of 18, the first person who paid attention to me became my husband. I gave birth to himdaughter . For 2.5 years of marriage with this man, I had no joy, his frequent...
  • First love was unsuccessful
    It all started with friendship, we were good friends and went to the same school, played volleyball together. At that moment, I treated him as a friend, and he simply had sympathy for me.At that time he hadgirl , they dated for a long time, but as a friend he told me that it was morehabit no longer ...
  • The girl says she loves her, but doesn't want to date her
    It all started 9 months ago. We met her on the Internet, talked a little, then she disappeared for 2 weeks, later she wrote to me again, and that’s how it all started.Initially, I didn't intend to build anything serious. For me it was more temporaryrelationships , for her too. But after a while I re...
  • How I lost myself
    My story is banal, there are many similar stories here, but I wanted to share mine.Now I’m 30 years old, 2 children, I have my own home, a job, I look great, my figure is almost perfect, I have true friends,friends , but there is one BUT: I spent 5 years of my life onrelationships that broke me, tur...
  • I can't handle my jealousy over my boyfriend's past.
    My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 months. He is 4 years older than me (I am 18 years old). This is the first for merelationships , but I'm not the firstthe girl in his life. And it didn’t bother me at all until one fine evening.We were lying in an embrace, watching a movie and he called me...
  • I'm afraid to be a single mother
    My familylife is currently collapsing like a house of cards. I have known my husband since school, started dating two years ago, and had a beautiful wedding last summer. Everything started out great, we couldn’t live without each other until we started living together. I couldn't put up with his con...
  • My friend's love story
    I have a childhood friend. While he and I were single, we saw a lot of things, but one day he “put on rose-colored glasses” when he met a girl named Yulia. For some reason I didn't like her right away. At first I couldn’t even understand why - she seemed kind, sociable...They met beautifully, always...
  • People like this annoy me
    I was at the beauty salon today. While the master was doing my manicure, I came for a haircuta girl of about thirty. I have never met such talkative people. In those twenty minutes that she had her hair cut, we learned everything about her life. Even the smallest details.She started from the very be...
  • Daughter-in-law does not allow my son to communicate with me
    I never had an official marriage, but I gave birth to a son, what is called “in sin”, I decided thatI will lay down my life for the sake of the child. I thought and was the best mother in the world.We lived with the same man, it was probably just so convenient for him, because since my youth I had m...
  • My husband and I’s life has lost its bright colors
    My husband and I have been together for 7.5 years, of which 2.5 years have been married.The relationship started back in school. In my youth I had all sorts of things: passionate relationships, quarrels, screaming, hysterics, fights, scandals, wildsex , flowers, gifts. Then all this began to fade aw...