
Love is what makes our life full and happy. It gives us warmth and comfort, makes us feel needed and important for someone. Love can be different - for family and friends, for friends, for your work or hobby. But the strongest and most irresistible love is the love between two people. It can turn our life upside down, make us feel easy and free, gives us strength and energy to overcome any difficulties. Love knows no boundaries and limitations, it can arise at the most unexpected moment and lead to incredible changes in our lives.

  • I can't forget him and I don't know how to get him back
    The beginning of our romance was stormy, and I do not even doubt that then he loved me very much. We lived together for more than a year, everything was great until he found out that I was pregnant. It was then that he began to tell me that he was not going to be with me all his life, that it was t....
  • У меня есть возможность отомстить жене и ее любовнику
    Еще когда был студентом, всегда пытался найти подработку, поскольку мои родители не имели денег. Хотелось независимости, помогать и быть полезным. Со своей будущей женой познакомился на 4 курсе академии. Она казалось мне недосягаемой. Я всегда украдкой и при любой возможности смотрел на нее. Но позн...
  • I became happy again
    My story aboutlove , which you can not forget, which hurt you, and then gave you happiness. His name is Ratmir, he is tall, athletic, brown-eyed, handsome, 20 years old. I am also tall, green-eyed brunette, my name is Khadija. I was 15 years old, I was still going to school, as one day, some car was...
  • Always choose not me
    I consider myself a romantic and amorous nature. From the age of 15 I have been looking for attention in the eyes of the opposite sex, I wanted care, relationships, to feel what it is like when you are loved. I want to tell you a little about my childhood. I lived with my mom and dad until the age o...
  • I still can’t calm down that my best friend took the guy away
    I am 28 years old. Here's my situation. About 12 years ago, when I was very young and blooming, I had a chance to meet a guy, not much older than me (a year), he showed interest in me, obvious, everyone saw it (company) I liked him too, we started dating. My feelings for him were childish, fledgling...
  • History of a Chronic Loser
    It all started from childhood. Born in the family of a school teacher and engineer, in the Soviet Union, in 1975, by the age of four, this boy (this is the earliest memory from childhood), whenmother gave birth to a sister, he began to take an active interest in politics - they lived in a mother-in-...
  • Husband is afraid of becoming henpecked
    We have been married for 4 years and have a son. My husband often leaves us, because he works on a rotational basis, he does not want to change to another, but I insist. At night, we are afraid to be alone with the baby. But he does not want to understand all this, he blames me for all the troubles....
  • Mother-in-law settled with us and does not want to move out
    Mother-in-law found a Turk, divorced. She sold the house, bought a business that brings nothing and cost a penny, and sold her half for the price of an apartment. We were not consulted. Her love is there. We said not to get into all this, not to listen. She said that we envy her happiness, etc. Then...
  • Never forgive betrayal
    Married for 17 years, and I think that this should be the end. I myself was stupid 10 years ago, I can’t forgive myself for this. But I will talk about this a little later, in chronological order. First wasthe love that is minemy husband almost begged me. I was an impregnable girlwas not going to ge...
  • I hope the children understand me
    When I met my future husband, I immediately thought - this is fate. We were so good together that when he proposed to me, I thought we would live happily ever after, until old age. But time passed, children grew up and householdproblems , disagreements, quarrels and accumulated grievances, misunders...
  • The main thing is to be loved, not to love
    «Главное, чтобы тебя любили, а все остальное — не важно», — говорила моя мамочка с тех пор, как посчитала, что я уже взрослая для таких разговоров. Я никогда не соглашалась с ней, ведь зачем тогда вообще мы живем? Ради любви! И только. Любовь во всем: в семье, в детках, в людях, природе и т.д. Так я...
  • Can't fully trust my husband
    I had the same situation as in the confession about my husband's flirting. Married for 15 years, always lived normally, trust,love , conversations on any issue, 2 children. Lately (long enough)my husband became very irritable, lashed out at me, in another quarrel he offered to get a divorce if we do...
  • All the non-drinking men are already taken
    I read a lot of confessions on this site and decided to publish my own. My name is Katya, I am 28 years old. Even from school, she was not offended by the attention of the guys. Firstthe guy was 8 years older than me and very well off. I knew him wellmy mother said that behind him I would be like be...
  • Why can't I forget this guy?
    I don't need male attention. There is a man who likes me for a long time and he is cute. But I don't like him, or rather, his behavior. Many men get acquainted with me, show signs of attention. And there is a man I love. We recently met. And I think it is beautiful, and not only me. And he is also i...
  • Why is it so scary to start a new relationship?
    I don't know why I'm writing here. Maybe get some advice or just talk. I am 26 years old. Eatdaughter from his first marriage. I live with my parents. During the time after the divorce, there were some relationships with men, but I understood that no one really really needed me. Waslove , passion, b...
  • My mother interferes in my personal relationships and turns her daughter against me.
    The story is not fictional, this, unfortunately, is now really happening in my life. I have, I havethe child from the first marriage is a girl of 7 years. I am dating a man with whom I hope to start a family. I have a teenage child - and he has a child who lives with him. Children get along well wit...
  • The story of one failed relationship
    It is hard to come to terms with the fact that for 26 years of my life I have been waiting for you. You, who in such a short period of time, brought me so much pain. I don’t know if we really agreed on this there, or if everything went according to a different scenario, because I didn’t cope with my...
  • In vain I returned the guy back
    Dated a guy for 2 years. There were different periods in the relationship. There were good moments, but there were also bad ones. The guy decided to leave due to the fact that he was tired of talking, looking for compromises, and the bad things were so stuck in his heart that there was no desire to....
  • Now I know what love is
    I was born the third child. Mymother gave birth to a girl in 1987, then she gave birth to a boy in 1990. I was born in 1994. Later, a boy was born in 2006. All children were from different men. The first girl was illegitimate. The second boy was born in marriage, but then the father of the child was...
  • I no longer wanted to endure the insults of my husband
    They will start with the fact that they have been together for 4 years with their husband, of which they met for 1.5 years. In the first year, everything was fine, but then, as she began to live with him, she began to understand that his relatives were dearer to him than everyone in the world. His o...