
Love is what makes our life full and happy. It gives us warmth and comfort, makes us feel needed and important for someone. Love can be different - for family and friends, for friends, for your work or hobby. But the strongest and most irresistible love is the love between two people. It can turn our life upside down, make us feel easy and free, gives us strength and energy to overcome any difficulties. Love knows no boundaries and limitations, it can arise at the most unexpected moment and lead to incredible changes in our lives.

  • I live with an unloved husband
    It's one o'clock in the morningmy husband is not at home. We had a fight. My head is in turmoil. I want to get a divorce. For a long time. With every quarrel, and they have become frequent, I see only this way out. I understand that people don't change. You can't trust anyone, not even the father of...
  • I don't blame my father, but I'm very sorry for my mother
    I accidentally found out that my father has a woman on his side. Now I'm afraid that he will find out about this andmother .I have been living separately from my parents for a couple of years now. I inherited from my grandmother a small apartment in the city center. One day, while walking home from ...
  • I missed the love of my life
    When I was 16 years old, I fell in love. Irrevocably. Head over heels. Almost at first sight. But, alas, completely unrequited.We studied at the same school, but in different classes. Ignoring the rule that girls don’t write to boys first, I wrote to him. And more than once. I tried to start a conve...
  • My romance ended in nothing
    Imarried _ Family like everyone else, everything is there:daughter , prosperity, peace, tranquility, stability, reliability, a man’s shoulder - and much more you can write about. Everything that every woman dreams of. But a person has this quality: if he has everything, then he wants even more. It’s...
  • Friendship turned into love and suddenly ended
    My story began with a strong friendship. Dima (my friend) and I were friends for quite a long time and gradually over time we became closer and closer to each other. ANDfriendship reached the stage of relationship.Everything was progressing as expected, but six months later we broke up. It's been 3 ...
  • I still couldn't understand the man I loved
    It all started about five years ago. I met a guy who at that time had already lived in Moscow for a long time. He came to our province, 750 km away, to visit his aunt. This is where he met me.On the first night, sitting on a bench with him (luckily it was summer), I patiently listened to his recent ...
  • Не везет и все тут...
    Я с детства верила, что у меня все будет, как в кино. Но детские мечты не стали реальностью. В школе я была замкнутой и не особо общительной. По клубам я никогда не любила ходить. Мне больше нравилось домашнее времяпрепровождение, поэтому и была напряженность общения с чужими людьми.В 14 лет у меня ...
  • I'm afraid that if I leave my husband, he won't accept me back.
    I have a difficult situation in a relationship, I need to make a decision, but I am constantly mentally tossed from side to side out of fear that the decision will be wrong and I will regret it.II’ve been married for 7 years, I’m 29. Yesson 6 years old. The child is hyperactive from birth with an im...
  • Returns of prodigal love
    My name is Tatyana, I’m 32 years old, I want to tell you a story from my life, I still shudder when I remember it.The story began in a banal way: I, a young 19-year-old girl, fell in love with a handsome, athletic guy named Roman . He was 10 years older than me, but for me at that time it did not ma...
  • You shouldn't remain friends with those who betrayed you.
    I have already written my tragicomic love story here. A little time passed and everything fell into place.From a certain moment, the young man began to behave distantly, refused meetings under all sorts of pretexts, but for some unknown reason, not only that he did not want to break up, he simply st...
  • I became a housekeeper for my family
    I want to share my own life story. Ourthe family is happy and prosperous for others and friends. There is prosperity in the house, the children study well (the eldest son is already in his first year at a prestigious university),daughter is a schoolgirl.After the birth of my second child, I never we...
  • I regret that after meeting my first love, I divorced my husband
    Mylife has lost all the colors of life. Let me start by saying that for the last 6 years I have loved a man with whomrelationships developed only in bed.We met in 2011 at work. Then he was 27 years old, I was 21. The feelings were mutual from the first day. He found out my number from someone and wr...
  • Eight years of wasted time
    Everyone has their own view of the situation in history, where a woman committed adultery for the sake of having a child. Anyone can say, scream and beat themselves in the chest that this is not the right thing to do. But let this pass through yourself and yourcan you live ? Who is insured against t...
  • I don't believe in my husband's repentance
    I met my husband 7 years ago and almost immediately began to live together. Everything was just perfect, at that moment it seemed that we really had mutualthe love that many people dream of.Slowly they began to arrange their life, make plans forfuture _ After 2 years he proposed to me, naturally I a...
  • What is the meaning of our life?
    Seemingly eternalquestion , but let's speculate to find the truth or at least the beginning of a thread to this.For example, a person is born to the one who gave birth to him, then he also gives birth to the one who gives birth again, and so on until the apocalypse. And so as not to be bored, like b...
  • It's good that I stopped in time
    I, too, could have been one of these strange women, but I stopped in time.When I was 22 years old, I fell in love with a man who was then 46. Almost the same age as my dad. The parents were horrified. Mom behaved even more or less with restraint, dad was so worried that at night he was delirious in ...
  • The girl was offended that I didn’t give her flowers for Valentine’s Day
    Tomorrow is Valentine's Day (February 14), and I'm in a fight with my girlfriend, and just about this.Two years ago we met on this day in a cafe, and three months later we were already living together. Now I have added a dating day to Valentine’s Day. To tell the truth, I don’t think that gifts shou...
  • It wasn't just cheating
    Mymy wife cheated on me on the eve of our wedding, just a day before it, by sleeping with her ex-boyfriend. It was like a lightning strike that destroyed all my dreams of a happy and strong family.I knew about her past relationships, she did not hide the fact that there were many guys before me, but...
  • How can I get my child's love back?
    I am 28 years old. Three years ago I decided to divorce my husband. I was the initiator of the divorce. I’m tired of our constant scandals, nagging, and demands. And I also met another person in my life whom I thought I loved. The subsequent story was like many others. He was married, I thought he w...
  • I don’t want to give birth to a child and have him live in this unstable world.
    Several years ago I separated from my husband, we had no children,the marriage was very unsuccessful,love left after 2 years of marriage. Then for several years we only tolerated each other because of the common housing.I really wanted children in marriage, but after an examination the doctors diagn...