
Love is what makes our life full and happy. It gives us warmth and comfort, makes us feel needed and important for someone. Love can be different - for family and friends, for friends, for your work or hobby. But the strongest and most irresistible love is the love between two people. It can turn our life upside down, make us feel easy and free, gives us strength and energy to overcome any difficulties. Love knows no boundaries and limitations, it can arise at the most unexpected moment and lead to incredible changes in our lives.

  • This is not how I imagined a happy family life.
    I reproach myself for putting dirty linen out of the hut, but I need advice or support. I have been married for 5 years and have known each other for 10 years. I was madly in love with my husband, one might say, idolized him. With him, I experienced twice a feeling of absolute happiness - when I wen...
  • Жена по расчёту
    Мне 37 лет и я верю в любовь. Всё в этой жизни ради этого светлого чувства. Я никогда не была замужем, и детей у меня нет. Не люблю это неромантичное слово, но я сожительствовала с мужчиной 9 долгих лет и наши пути разошлись. Сейчас у меня есть любимый мужчина, знакомы мы всего полтора года. И вот о...
  • First love lives quietly in my heart
    It all started 15 years ago. Then I was 14 years old, and for the first time in my life I fell in love! One of the May evenings, he invited me and my sister to visita guy who later became her sister's husband. We arrived at the appointed time. In addition to us, three more guys and two girls also ca...
  • I created these problems for myself.
    I am 26 years old, I studied well at school, I graduated from the university in Moscow. While still a student, she became pregnant and leftmarried . At 19 years old. The first years are good.my husband earned, provided for me. Then I got acquainted with a book about esoteric teachings and rushed. My...
  • The woman I love didn't want to marry me.
    I was 30 years old, she was almost 40. Behind her was alreadymarriage , I only had in the pastcivil marriage , which ended badly - the betrayal of a common-law wife. The situation is the same as described in the confession. I didn’t accept the engagement ring from my beloved man, because I don’t wan...
  • Брошенная мамой
    Хочу рассказать отрезок времени из своей жизни и хочу узнать, одна ли я такая. Мы со старшей сестрой, с детства видели ругани и ссоры мамы с папой. Как папа душит маму, бьет. Целую ночь длиться концерт, а утром в 7:00 мы начинаем собираться в школу. И целый учебный день хочется спать, но ты даже не ...
  • Husband sold his wedding ring to hang out with friends
    I've been married for a year, we've known each other for two. Fell in love on the first date. My husband then worked as a truck driver, often went out, I was waiting. A couple of months after they met, they came together, he took on the cost of rented housing. Later he proposed. All by myself, I did...
  • Confessions of a Happy Man
    I write in order to speak out, to satisfy the impulse to tell someone my story, to tell it like this, anonymously to the same anonymous readers. For me that is the best option. I grew up in an ordinary family, with the usual normal moral standards and foundations, I was not a pervert and did not see...
  • A woman's perspective on men's problems
    A friend of mine read a story on this site about a man’s view of women’sproblems and their solutions. I also read this story, and to put it mildly, I was perplexed by the text. I am forty-four years old and in my life there was already such a correct one,man _ I was able to last with him for two yea...
  • Is it possible to return the love of a husband?
    From the time of my youth, I knew that in the future I would have a strong friendlyfamily . I dreamed of a big beautiful house with our own yard, where we would spend time with the children. I imagined how I would take care of flowers, enjoy life surrounded by loved ones. In her first year at univer...
  • My boyfriend likes loose girls
    I have been talking with a guy for two months, we saw each other 5 times in total during this period. We are 24 years old. All meetings were held at his house watching movies, we eat, play consoles and communicate. I am very shy, I need support in communication so that the conversation is led by th....
  • My sister turned away from me in trouble, but when everything worked out, she began to communicate
    A couple of years ago I made a big mistake, I behaved meanly and ugly. There is no other way to describe it. Although my inner voice still says that this waslove and I was simply not allowed to be with that person. It was a very difficult time for me when, having chosen one person, I lost everyone. ...
  • I will name my son after the man I love
    I will touch on the topic of unrequited love. She has been worrying me a lot lately, and I would like to share my experience with you. unrequitedlove is a very heavy feeling that I would not wish anyone to feel on myself. This is a completely inexplicable feeling and it is beyond perception. The fir...
  • Why do women stop appreciating men?
    I got to the site thanks to a story in which the author writes that he does not believe in women. I am a calm normal person, outwardly not a cover model, of course, but cute. I work and earn well, I could support my family without any problems. But there is no faith in relationships and women. I loo...
  • Third pregnancy without husband
    I have two children from my first marriage, daughters 8 and 5 years old. She and her husband separated immediately after the birth of their second child. Did not work out. She met a man for three years, both did not plan a serious relationship, it so happened that she became pregnant from her lover,...
  • I regret that I didn’t leave my husband earlier, but paid his debts
    I was in the same situation as the author of this story. Came outmarried at 24husband is 8 years older (lived 3 years). Almost immediately these beganproblems , old ones surfaced and new debts appeared. He took on receipt, got into small loans at huge interest rates (the banks had not given him for ...
  • Confessions of a Happy Wife
    I don’t know if it’s appropriate to write this, because everyone writes about some difficulties, problems and troubles in their confessions. And I want to write about my happiness, about how I love my husband. I want the whole world to know about it. And so that those who doubt know that true Love s...
  • I'm afraid of losing my husband, whom I have been waiting for so long
    Once I fell in love very much with a young man (let's call him A.), it was in 2005, I was 15 years old, he was 16. He was wonderful, interesting, sociable, the soul of the company, but did not enjoy success with girls. I was pretty humble too. In general, I fell in love with him unrequitedly. Out of...
  • I acted recklessly, what should I do now?
    What if there has been a betrayal? How to understand iflove for these three years of marriage? We are 12 years apart! He was previously married. Our acquaintance was a month after his divorce, we lived for the first year, because it was necessary, it was so convenient for him! I thought so at the ti...
  • I don't believe in friendship and good relations
    The opinion that there is no friendship between a man and a woman does not always correspond to the truth, but I had just the opposite. I had a friend since my school years, we lived not far from each other, studied in the same class, in the morning he came for me and we went to school together, al....