
  • Should I take revenge on my wife's lover?
    I will share my story and the question that gnaws at me.My wife and I have been together for 9 years, married for 6 years, and have two children - 2 and 5 years old. And then came the moment that I feared most in my life - she cheated on me. This was not a one-time lust, it was a deliberate decision...
  • История счастливой женщины
    Мы с мужем прожили в браке 5 лет. У нас подрастала любимая дочка (4 года). Все было хорошо. Тепло, уют, тихая семейная гавань. Просто идиллия.Но тут неожиданно в нашу жизнь ворвался мой бывший молодой человек, моя первая любовь. Причем он сам же меня бросил ради другой и был счастлив тогда, а теперь...
  • Softness or paranoia?
    My wife and I have been living together for more than 10 years, we have two children. This is the second one for both me and her.marriage .I recently learned that when mythe wife lived with her first husband, she hadlover , I even know him. When she divorced her first husband, her lover went to pris...
  • I'm completely alone and a stranger to everyone in this world
    MyI decided to write a confession not to cry or ask for help and ask what to do and how to live now. My story has long ended and everything is left behind.The only purpose for which I am writing here is to speak out. I survived everything and, having stepped over it, moved on, butThe pain never went...
  • I myself deprived my children of a future
    I made the worst mistake in my life and I can’t fix anything. I cheated on my husband and gave birth to a child from my lover, who left me as soon as he found out that Ipregnant​There were frequent quarrels with my husband, but basically we lived no worse than other couples we knew. Was bornchild , ...
  • Not all cheating should be condemned
    I am against cheating, I myself experienced this in my first marriage and for the same reason I divorced and lefthusband , butlife made me look at everything from a different perspective.I was the mistress of my current husband, I could say I stole him. Before throwing stones at me, just listen to m...
  • Ex-husband's revenge
    My ex introduced me to himclassmate . After some time, we started dating, and I moved to live with him.Everything was fine with us, but then, one “beautiful” day, I saw him on another. He was supposed to pick me up from work, but his phone was unreachable. As it turned out, he went for a ride with s...
  • Life after wife's betrayal
    Married for 11 years, butthe marriage ended with the wife’s betrayal of her boss and our divorce,the lover also lost his family. My wife and I divorced, but never separated; at first I wanted to and was looking for options. Didn't leave because of my daughter. This is where my other one beganlife .A...
  • Beloved and dear lover
    I don't love minehusband . It’s not even that I don’t like him – I don’t care about him. He and I have been married for 12 years. I got married at the age of 20, not for love, I loved someone completely different, and I still love him. Yaroslav (my beloved) and I dated from the age of 15, we loved e...
  • Jealousy of a married lover
    I'm 34 years old, unlucky behind memarriage , no children. I don’t want to get married , but I’m not interested either. I met a man, he is married, but it doesn’t bother me, it’s even better. I don’t lay claim to him, the time he spends with me, gifts and attention is enough for me. I feel good with...
  • Why should I worry about my lover's wife?
    I am 39 years old. I am beautiful, well-groomed, one might say a successful entrepreneur, I have several fitness clubs and a sports nutrition store. There is an adultson , studies abroad.Mymy husband , with whom we were together since school, creating a business from scratch, died 6 years ago. For t...
  • Love and betrayal
    It all started out banal. Treason . There is a story on this site about howlover decidedreturn the wife to her husband. Everything was the same with my wife and I. Its shorta romance that ended in nothing. And then the fight for the family is one-sided.In the end, I gave up; it’s impossible to fight...
  • Familiar symptoms
    We have been married for over 20 years. My wife and I are 8 years apart. I have always been 100% confident in my wife. He himself never cheated, unless he flirted verbally, but within the limits of decency.About a year ago, I began to notice changes in my wife’s behavior: she changed her hairstyle, ...
  • Lover's Revenge
    I'm happymarried , we have three beloved children and wonderfulrelationship , but we are not talking about our family, but about the former familyhusband .We met my husband by chance, and immediately all my friends who knew him, we worked in the same company in different branches, began to say that ...
  • I don't want to leave my daughter without a father
    I have known my wife for 6 years, 5 of which we have lived together. There were all sorts of things, both good and bad, in some ways I was wrong, and in others she was wrong.In the fifth year of marriageMy wife cheated on me at work. She sacrificed her family to become the mistress of a married man....
  • Forgave the betrayal, but I don’t have the same feelings for my wife
    I have been married to my wife for 10 years, my son is 8. For the first six years we lived simply in perfect harmony, for each other and for the child. Then the routine began, everyday life, reproaches from her that there was not enough money, that I could not find a normal job.When I changed my job...
  • For the sake of having a child, I cheated
    My husband and I had a similar situation as the author of this story. We were married for 5 years, but it was not possible to have a child. They took tests, everything was fine with me, but my husband was sentenced to infertility.No, he’s certainly a virtuoso in bed, but with conception it’s a compl...
  • Я в тупике и не вижу из него выхода
    Мне 33 года, жене 28, две дочки-близняшки с вьющимися белокурыми волосами, как у мамы. Позавчера им исполнилось по 8 лет. Мы их назвали Таня и Оля. Жену тоже зовут Оля. Ещё до позавчерашнего дня я считал, что у меня самая идеальная семья, дочери нас обожают, мы их тоже.Жену я всегда считал символом ...
  • My sad experience of family life after betrayal
    It was not because of a good life that I was looking for answers to my questions about life after betrayal. I often came across people like me who were trying to save their family after betrayal and the return of a once loved one.I read a lot of stories, heard them from real people in real life, and...
  • Осталась одна с тремя детьми
    Я в 18 лет вышла замуж, родились сын и дочь погодки. Муж был старше на 12 лет, прожили 5 лет и развелись. После этого 3 года были суды, он хотел отнять у меня детей, на тот момент я уже начала встречаться, как оказалось потом, с женатым мужчиной тоже старше меня на 12 лет. Все суды я выиграла, и быв...