
  • Nobody wants to talk to me
    I am from Moscow. I don't understand why people don't want to communicate with me. I study at an institution where all (okay, not all, but many) students have similar interests.No, I'm not being ignored. I communicate with some people who are happy to see me. But they don't consider me friends. They...
  • Fell in love with a guy who is 20 years younger than me
    I met him through a circle of mutual friends. I look young, sometimes younger men flirt with me, so I immediately tell them how old I am in conversation. For some it is sobering, for others not so much. But I dated a man 7 years younger than 4 years old, I had to leave him, because the age differenc...
  • She changed her attitude towards the guy, but did not stop loving him
    When I got a new job, I didn’t think something interesting could happen.acquaintance . In my team there were onlygirls . I sometimes felt like an ugly girl among them.A client came to us, working on the floor below (we worked in the business center). As soon as I saw him, my curiosity arose. I don't...
  • How I lost my friends
    I want to share a story about how I lost most of the friends I had to study side by side with for at least 3 and a half years.One day, a “friend” told me about what happened after I left the car. Me and this onea friend and another friend were thinking of skipping one lecture. It was never celebrate...
  • Why can't I love my own child?
    Since I gave birth, I have not been myself. No, I was quick-tempered and nervous about little things before, but not cruel, no. From the first month of my life, I combed the depths of the Internet in search of revelations from women who found themselves in a similar situation. I admit, my soul felt ...
  • I don't communicate with my mother-in-law
    I have already written a story here about my relationship with my mother-in-law, I want to write a continuation.I still talked to my mother-in-law and said that I didn’t consider living together in any way, literally at all, but she continued her weekly visits for 2-3 days. You can judge me, but I t...
  • Her alleged romance ended in nothing
    After readingconfession "Mythe novel ended in nothing,” she remembered and decided to write a story from six months ago.We are married to a spouse based on love, passion, interests, mutual understanding, principles and habits. There are two children whom he loves and raises and provides for. Ours ar...
  • With looks like this I have no future
    I am 19 years old. At the age of 15 I was very worried about my appearance. I'm not fat, I just don't have a figure and my facial features are kind of ugly. But I survived it all.No, I didn’t accept myself at all, as idealists usually advise, but I simply realized that to each his own. Apparently fa...
  • I want to succeed, but I'm not confident in myself
    Now I’ll just express my thoughts. I have a dream to become a world champion. It doesn’t matter what discipline, sport, etc., the essence of what is happening to me is important in this story.Why can't I continue training normally? You can find a million reasons, but the problem is different. I'm ju...
  • Do husbands have the right to do this?
    My friend and I have been friends for eight years. We met by chance near the entrance to a supermarket located not far from our house. Satisfied and happy, covered in shopping, I dropped my phone, and she picked it up. It turned out that she and I live in the same yard. I was very glad to meet you. ...
  • I created these problems for myself
    I found myself in a very difficult situation and accidentally stepped onpregnancy (already 11 weeks). The first pregnancy (my daughter is now 4 years old) was long-awaited; my husband and I waited for her for 5 years (we couldn’t get pregnant), but this one came very unexpectedly, since given my sta...
  • Because of family problems I have no friends
    For several months now I have not communicated with my friend at all, although this decision was very difficult for me. She sometimes calls, invites me to her place or to meet somewhere else, but I don’t want to, I haven’t been comfortable being in her company lately. We constantly hang out in the s...
  • Ex-wife forbids seeing children
    Five years ago I divorced my wife. We have two children together. We agreed on the amount of alimony. Everything suited her. I paid good alimony. Everything was fine until the moment she appearedgirl in my life. And exthe wife changed dramatically. Bans on communication, blocking on social networks....
  • How to get your beloved man back?
    I am 30 years old, my husband is 28. We lived with our common-law husband for almost 4 years. The first two years were amazing. And I was easy-going, didn’t nag, didn’t control. Well, then, apparently, she began to pester him. He himself is also explosive in nature at times, don’t even ask a word ab...
  • I lost a friend because of a girl
    I was and I think I still have a best friend, but he already has an exyoung woman . They broke up recently, on his initiative, he left her. A long time ago we all talked together, and we both had sympathy for her, and she had sympathy for us, each achieved it in different ways, but I quickly got tir...
  • It's Complicated
    I have a friend. We have been communicating for 4 years now. Already in the first year, he admitted his sympathy for me, but I could not reciprocate. The reason, I think, was not a lack of sympathy for the person, but fear. It wasfear of others, as well as of parents. They kept me strict in terms of...
  • Jealous girlfriend
    I hadfriend a month and a half ago. We are from the same city, we were friends for 6 years, but a year ago I left to live in another country with my family, my friend and I were always in touch,We called each other several times every day . I come home often, almost every 3 months, because I have wo...
  • Муж снова поднял на меня руку
    Женаты недавно, ждём ребёнка. Муж всегда пытается найти что-то в моем прошлом, а потом упрекать за него при удобном моменте. И это при всём том, что я досталась ему невинной и со своими убеждениями, что мужчина должен быть первым и единственным в жизни во всем. Но он так тщательно пытается что-то на...
  • My communication with a girl turned into a quarrel and misunderstanding
    Iguy , 20 years old. A year ago we met a girl in an online game. She had a boyfriend and they lived together. We communicated closely and considered each other best friends. We live a thousand kilometers from each other. Four months ago, her boyfriend left her. I sat with her in the voice program fo...