
  • How to teach your mother-in-law a lesson?
    I want to tell my story, or rathermy mother-in-law's attitude .My husband and I have been married for 10 years and have three sons. When we first started living with our husband, we lived with his parents (3 years). At first everything was fine, my mother-in-law and father-in-law were good, until I ...
  • My life is falling apart before my eyes
    My name is Konstantin, I am 20 years old. I grew up in a very ordinary family, I had everything the same as my friends. My parents surrounded me with care, but they also did not forget to punish me for my deeds. I studied well at school, I had no problems with grades, I was not an excellent student,...
  • A boring life with an unloved husband
    I read a story about an unloved onehusband . I’m probably as ungrateful as the author of that confession. And wandering in the dark.Of course, now they will say that it is her own fault. I don't argue thatthere is my fault , but what can I do with the stamps forever hammered in by my parents, a stra...
  • Why do parents allow themselves to beat their children?
    I just turned 13 years old. Today, as usual, I was getting ready for school. As always, morning panic: “Get out of the bath, I need to brush my teeth” or “Clean up after yourself!”First, I quarreled with my mother. She took the computer and said that she was giving me 15 minutes to clean up after my...
  • I don't want to be a mother at 17
    I often watched a program on TV at my grandmother’s about girls who are pregnant at 16 and thought: “What fools! How can you ruin your life like that?” And now I myself find myself in this situation.The period is short and you can still have an abortion, but I’m not sure. But even if you leave it, w...
  • Unbearable father-in-law
    Imarried 8 years, yesson ,pregnant with her second child. From the very beginning I noticed various oddities of my father-in-law. He loves to drink and doesn’t watch his language at all, insults his mother-in-law, loves to do it in front of everyone, and she lets him get away with everything. But it...
  • I hate my father and hope I never see him again
    I am now 26 years old, I have not worked for 6 months.I was born in a remote village as the third child in my family, and then we moved to the city. My parents had no money at all, they left my older sister and brother with my grandmother, and I lived with them in the city and we rented someone’s ba...
  • I constantly compare my husband to my father
    One of these days it will be three years since myfather . Every time I think about him, something in the solar plexus tightens and tears roll down.Essentially, I lost touch with the most important man in my life. I will never meet such an ideal person. This also hurts. It hurts that mymy husband is ...
  • I am very angry with my parents
    I have a similar situation as in this story. Since childhood, I grew up in a complete family in a provincial village, where I had no peers with whom I could communicate, except perhaps at school in a neighboring village.MyFather is essentially a good person, but when he drank, he went on binges for ...
  • Native strangers
    My eldest hates mesister . She is several years older than me, we grew up separately, she was given to her grandparents, and I was given to my mother and father. As a child, I remember how my dad constantly scolded her and was strict with her, but he loved me. As a child, I was a daddy's girl. But w...
  • Жизнь без любви
    Мне 38 лет. Я живу в Азербайджане. Пишу впервые здесь и вообще в пространстве интернета, поскольку больше некому сказать о том, что наболело и что до сих пор не отпускает меня.Я поздний и единственный ребенок в семье. Возможно, из-за возраста и статуса родителей, росла очень серьезным, рассудительны...
  • Husband can't provide for his family
    In my opinion, I have a global problem: I am 25 years old, I have two sons (3 years and 1 year 3 months) andhusband (not legal, not married). The fact is that I feel constantly depressed, I don’t want anything, I almost always feel bad, I’m angry and irritated almost all the time. I can’t feel any e...
  • We were able to save our family
    UMy husband had a similar situation as in this story. We lived with his tyrant father for six months. He raised his hand to me only once - when I tried to take away my husband’s documents from him, which he did not give to him.My husband has a psychiatry group that was made for him by himfather to m...
  • The daughter I lost
    Since childhood, my parents and theirlove for alllife , and based on the example of their relationship, I also wanted to build my family, so that with one for life, I never strived to have many girls. In my first year at the institute, I met Marina, a modest girl from a small village. It was with he...
  • How to improve your relationship with your daughter?
    Surely many have found themselves in difficult family situations and somehow dealt with them. Tell me if you can. I am 39 years old and work as a nurse. 20 yearsMarried . I have a daughter, Margarita, 16 years old. At one time, I probably did something very stupid when I dropped out of medical schoo...
  • My parents ruined not only my childhood, but my whole life.
    Mymother alllife took offense at my grandmother because she lived with her stepfather. According to her, her stepfather treated her badly when she was little, called her names and even tried to hit her. He was a front-line soldier.At the age of 16, her mother left home and began renting a room and g...
  • I don't want a husband like my father
    In my family it so happened that the main breadwinnermother . She cared more about material stability, was more concerned about my sister and I’s financial well-being, and did a lot for us in this regard, even going so far as to buy each of us an apartment. And by nature she is more lively, active, ...
  • I don’t know how the man I love will react to the fact that I’m pregnant from someone else.
    A confusing situation has occurred in my life. Less than a year had passed since I broke up with a man whom I loved madly, just as he loved me. The reason for the separation was hisfamily that stood against me.I was very hurt. At first I thought that I would be alone, that I would not be able to lov...
  • My hard and hopeless life with a child
    It all started with moving to another city. I lived with a man, and as expected by the law of meanness, an unplanned incident happened.pregnancy . I returned home to have an abortion, but remorse andThe fear that I would no longer be able to have children still took over the mountain. Besidesthe chi...
  • I'm tired of solving my husband's parents' problems
    I began to experience feelings of hatred towards my parentshusband . The situation is as follows:As it turned out, my husband’s father had been ill for several years and had a kidney stone. He had known about this for several years, but did nothing, and even when the condition worsened, it did not b...